If Blizz doesn't acknowledge aim issues... peace out

unfortunately nothing changed for me. hanzo is still unplayable, i cant hit ANYTHING. my aim is still all over the place. my mouse is dragging, i fell exactly as before the patch. idk man, i really dont.

I donā€™t think there was any change to aiming. They jumped the gun, the dev post says theyā€™re looking at issuesā€¦ Not that they found a issue and fixed it.

so far testing this more Iā€™ve found it really noticeable on tracking with symmetraā€™s m1, but havenā€™t noticed it all with aiming with her m2. But its really obvious with zenyattaā€™s and pharahā€™s m1 as well. So strange! Otherwise Iā€™m not particularly noticing it, but I dont play many more heroes.

scratch that Iā€™m feeling it a lot on syms m2 in the last game I played

The input in this game is just insanely broken. Iā€™ve never experienced anything like it and Iā€™ve been playing PC shooters since the '90s. I swear that sensitivity secretly changes with every match. Could frametime be a contributor?


Yeah it is a bit odd; I seem to like a sens one night, then the next night it seems like I donā€™t like that sens any longer and itā€™s moving differently. Again Iā€™ve played OW1 for 5+ years, so itā€™s not like Iā€™m just making this up for some reason now. Itā€™s really what it feels like at times.


For me it seems like Ash and McCree are my biggest problems. I sware my aim is on point right on the enemy and it just misses.

Ashe was a lot different than she was in OW1. After the last patch, sheā€™s a lot closer, but still slightly off.

The aim thing has been around since the first beta. Iā€™ve noticed it on both platforms with both input methods.

I agree with your sens statement. Rarely, but sometimes iā€™ll being doing fine. Then all of a sudden my tracking is suddenly terrible and I feel like iā€™m doing the same thing.

I tried zarya recently and it felt like I could outline the target but miss half the shots. On once instance on Sombra I kept overshoot and then undershoot when I tried to correct it, so for that match I just opted to spray bullets in the general direction.

They arenā€™t gonna do anything though. My overall accuracy in boths betas and OW2 live version is about 20-30% lower than my OW1 accuracy lolā€¦

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i can confidently say that half of my mccree shots are blanks. i see my crosshair on me enemies body (not even trying to hs at this point) and i miss point blank. Like cmon, i canā€™t miss these shots. iā€™m not a pro player but i picked masters with mccree, i know when i miss and i know my acc is NOT 38%!!!


Consider taking a look at a thread I posted the other day

TLDR: A distinct possibility is they converted hitscan weapons to instant projectiles. Network latency that causes desync could explain the weird behavior. People are thinking where the shots are going is where theyā€™re aiming, when the guns have delay because projectiles take time to spawn on the server, depending on net conditions.

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There was a post not too long ago of someone saying OW2 has hidden forced aim acceleration and apparently they did some tests (that I didnā€™t understand) to prove it.

So I did a little test myself. I went to training range and moved my mouse from the left side of my pad to the right side slowly, and then marked the position on the wall. I then did it quickly and marked my position. Every time I moved the mouse quickly itā€™s position was a decent amount further. Not crazy amounts, but significant enough that itā€™s possible there could be some aim accel.

I donā€™t think this is the most accurate test but I did it probably ten times and every time same results.


I hope not. The only time this would be useful would be for ana and zen in tracer/genji 1v1, but top players have been learning dpi switches for years specifically for this. Its totally unnecessary and a mistake to get everyone to relearn how to aim for this pointless change

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This falls under the tinfoil hat Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment being in the game. Based on the clip I saw on Reddit the other night of McCassidys Q missing a Ana in the open (the shot actually misses), itā€™s starting to make me think DDA is a possibility.

DDA would force you to miss a target either by slowing you down when you get there or accelerating you away. Like a magnet pushing you away from what you want to hit. The opposite of aim assist. Either to reduce your skill level because youā€™re doing too good or increase the ā€˜funā€™ of the player who is having a bad day.

It could also just literally make a shot miss.

What Mcree clip?

Idkā€¦ DDA would be crazy. I feel like some smart person would figure it out and reveal it, and then a lot of players would quit playing. I donā€™t think I buy the whole DDA thingā€¦ I just think there are bugs in the aim, and Blizzard failed in releasing a product like this when the aim issue was reported in the beta. To me that is the more realistic scenario.

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I did the same test back in beta but I couldnā€™t demonstrate anything conclusive. Your method and execution might just be better. If you feel really confident about your findings, it would be cool to see a video! I know thatā€™s really time-consuming though. Totally up to you.

I also find it too difficult to believe that itā€™s DDA. However subjectively, it does certainly feel like DDA.

i donā€™t feel anything like this. i feel like my hero adds 100ms to my commands when i fire.

also no regs, like ton of them. at least this is what i see but this might have to do with the first part, that i have delay. the good news is that 1/5 games have little to zero of this issue. so it might be a server thing only. but how some other players donā€™t have this?!

Thereā€™s definitely a noticeable click latency. Beyond that, it feels like thereā€™s a ghost forcing my mouse off the target, moving my reticle in circles when tracking tanks, making huge over or undershots, etc.

Iā€™ve discovered dozens of non-OW posts on Reddit about similar complaints players have had. They described the issues exactly as I and others have here, but in no other case was the problem specific to one game. It was a problem they were suddenly experiencing on their system across all games. As far as Iā€™ve found, this is the first aim epidemic in history where thousands of players have struggled with input in one particular game. :pensive:

The muddy feeling of latency is at least gone for me, but what remains is still awful. Even in the rare moment when I do track a target perfectly, I often get no hitmarkers or hit SFX. Not sure if itā€™s really .25s of straight no regs, or if the feedback just isnā€™t working properly. Iā€™ve had Tracer games where I get almost no crit SFX, yet my crit acc for the game is 20%. What the hell is going on?


Sure, if you can figure it out. A lot of people cheat in games, people even cheat while streaming on Twitch, and people are largely oblivious. The handful that notice donā€™t matter because the majority donā€™t.

This is a different problem in OW2, but definitely seems like there is a copious amount of cheating in the game. Itā€™s either that or DDA/aim assist thatā€™s somehow turned on. The crack aim plat/golds Iā€™ve seen whose aim latches to my body is very reminiscent of playing in GM in s2/3ā€¦ only Iā€™m playing against plats/golds.

Clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/y5d2mv/so_apparently_high_noon_can_miss/

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