If Blizz doesn't acknowledge aim issues... peace out

alright big news today.
i tried these settings and every hero is exactly like ow1 apart from mccree. this guy is bugged or smth idk. i played widow, ashe, even HANZO!
try it and tell me how it feels. i have a 1070 mind you, its important. i think all 10xx cards work the same but who knows.


I’ve got a 3070 that runs at a perfect 144 fps w/ my monitor and I have aiming issues so I dunno if settings are really the issue.

At no point did I say ‘better’ or make comparison of skill, rather I was talking about nuances of their aim, an actual objective conversation.

Putting that aside your argument is inherently flawed. You don’t see their ranks if they haven’t played past seasons. I know their rank based on looking at current and last season. That’s not decay as their placements and past season ranks wouldn’t have ‘decayed’ with their SBMM. Decay doesn’t take your max ranks from past seasons and completely reduce it in your stats, regardless of who you’re playing against now.

I made an entire thread about it, you can see this here.

Yea but I did, that’s why I said it. You don’t need to say something specifically for someone to have an opinion about what you’ve said.

Ah so you’re just saying random stuff not meant to be taken seriously. Gotta love the ‘just J Ks mahn!’ cop out.

So people are not allowed to form an opinion about your opinion because it doesn’t fit your narrative?

And its still a problem, glad to see the devs REALLLLLY care about these issues.

If you mean you’re just saying random stuff and we aren’t actually talking to each other, then yes.

Don’t even bother responding to me if you don’t want me to take what you say seriously and respond to it. Notice how you’re just trying to make a argument out of how I responded to you rather then the actual content where you inferred peoples ranks would be reduced in their stats you look at on their profile?

Here lets circle back to it. When the profile tells you they were gold and plat in past seasons, that’s what they were playing at in comp. That’s NOT their SBMM rank, which is hidden and which would have decay. So when I tell you I’m playing against gold and plats, that means I’m playing against actual gold and plats. Not GMs/masters such as myself that decayed because they haven’t played since s3/4, however I occasionally see a master.

Decay doesn’t retroactively go back through and lower your ranks in your stats.

“Don’t talk to me unless you agree with me” is your argument. Well played sir.

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That’s exactly what he just said looooooooooooooool

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I really hate kids. I really wish you could see the age of people you’re responding to. You aren’t even attempting to look at the points.

Although glad you’re conceding.

He typed a valid point that’s been stated many times about why there is people who seem like cheaters in lower rank lobbies and you’re upset because he didn’t agree with your keypoints? Grow up

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He didn’t respond to the points. That was actually the majority of my criticism, I even went back an mentioned it again. I can start quoting myself if you want.

Sure I did, just not agreeing with you doesn’t mean I didn’t. Go complain on reddit, you’re obviously arguing for the sake of arguing.

Feel free to actually discuss the points that I talked about, which went back and pulled apart your logic.

Pot calling the kettle black.

I think the aim issues are entirely server side, not client side, and is why the issue keeps going back and forth between feeling good and feeling broken.

That would buy into the dynamic difficulty adjustment being floated around a couple of these threads. Also part of why I think they may have converted hitscan heroes to instant-projectiles instead, as it would make it easier to adjust.

I discussed the hitscan to instant-projectile conversion here.

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Im glad im not the only one, thank you for the share. This is exactly what I have noticed as well, that things arent immediately hhitting, but almost like the bullets were projectiles, instead of hit scan. I knew that was what I was experiencing but Blizzard seems scared to admit they messed it up. If that is the case, that is really unfortuante and imo makes hit scan characters hard to accurately hit shots when it counts, even if overal damage averages are fine.

It may also be a combination of hitscan heroes being converted to instant-projectiles, and then dynamic difficulty adjustment thrown on top. The McCassidy clip from reddit showing his Q missing would lean towards DDA being in the mix as well, which is why I keep pointing it out.

idk man im at my last thread with blizzard, between aim issues, zarya being op as hell, this game blows huge. i hate this game., i want ow1 back but the money lords at blizzard just tried to make more money off this god forsaken piece of crap.