First, he is one of several Heroes who does not have the “soft” maximum of abilities (so exclude Heroes with many abilities like Brigitte and Wreaking Ball); others include Tracer and Reaper. Whilst theirs may be RMB rather than E, Bastion’s could still be moved to E in case a secondary fire is needed instead of an E.
As for an ability, I would say he could use two; one would be a Lunge-esque ability for his Sentry mode so he can have some limited mobility (this would be tied to the Space bar). As for the E, it could be shared across both forms or have one for each (not sure which would work).
Thoughts for what the abilities could be:
- For a Recon-specific one (if specific are used), I would suggest some sort of smokescreen.
- For a Sentry-specific one (if specifics are used), it could be something for busting tanks (like give him a clip of armour/shield/barrier piercing rounds that deal lower damage to health or make him fire slower or something).
- For a general one (or if tanking is preferred) some sort of short-lasting barrier would be nice (in Sentry mode, it should have more health and perhaps reduce “head”-shot damage bonus for enemies shooting at his “head”; for Recon mode it could be some sort of mini-shield like Brigitte has except he can fire at a slower rate though it (and shots are less accurate)).
Make it toggle friendly fire so that he can get the fat @$$ of that one Roadhog outta the way who keeps blocking his view, not to mention build his ult - gotta use that 600 HP pool for something, right?
A shield on a resource meter
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We all talk like we want it but do we really want a bastion meta?
A movement ability…you know…his actual weakness
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He pushes E and makes the old-school transformers sound while morphing into a cube.
tbh Bastion is OP atm since the buff, they need to decrease his dps and make him more tankier
Would it cause a Bastion meta? Probably not
So do the thing that made him horrible?
Ganymede steals ammo from whoever you target 
My Bastion does have an E. He goes “Doot doot” whenever I press it. 
If Bastion had an e ability… it would be …
E= Extra Life…
Hahaha… jk
I really think it should be if he could
spin like a top shooting in all directions in turret mode. it would be devastating.
I think it would be a self shield, similar to his alpha build. Maybe a Zarya style personal shield for 300 damage or so. Probably only in sentry mode since he’s usually pocketed in recon + he has ironclad
Tank cannons are well above grenade launchers. The artillery shell is a projectile , basically a bullet that’s 120 to 125 mm caliber (used to be 75 before World War 2), that doesn’t need to explode to damage on contact (though there are explosive versions). It’s kinetic energy alone that does the damage.
Grenade launchers, as implied, are explosive, like a grenade. It’s a special type of canister topping a projectile and fired like a bullet from the hand-held weapon. It doesn’t go as far as a tank cannon, but most of the damage is explosive and is just as dangerous. There are also variant explosives that can do other types of potentially lethal damage.
I would bind a magnetic matrix ability to E, for three seconds he can absorb incoming projectiles and use the metal to repair himself, reload his weapon, something like that. Only let him MM bullet type projectiles, stuff like Mei’s icicle or Moira’s orb, Zarya’s beam, etc cannot be gathered, as they are not magnetic. Maybe he can blast it at an enemy shotgun style? Bastion cannot deal damage while MM is active. It must be deployed for it’s entire duration, and cannot be cancelled at Bastion’s discretion. Bastion may use MM in either recon OR sentry mode. It’s cooldown is 13 seconds, creating a 10 second window where it’s safe to assume that now is the right time to go kill Bastion
Bastion’s ULT is changed, he now deploys in sentry form during his ult instead of Tank form. A temporarily mobile sentry Bastion would be a good ULT for him, currently it is completely useless due to shields and it’s insanely low DPS.
Ah, ain’t it from the Torbjorn School of Rework?
I was thinking about it recently, I’ve made some suggestions in the past but if we were to keep him the same but add an E then maybe he could use a Railgun.
I like the idea of Bastion being a bit of a swiss army knife of war and from a gameplay perspective he really lacks a reliable ranged finisher and lacks mobility.
I propose we give him a Railgun on a long cooldown (12 seconds?) with a small ‘charging’ animation. (delayed fire like Mei gun but with an audio cue for the enemies)
The railgun I propose fires through enemy barriers and hitboxes (allowing Railgun multikills) but does only a reasonable amount of damage (maybe 100?).
Lastly I propose a that the Railgun is so powerful that it launches Bastion backwards a massive distance (10 meters?) and stuns Bastion if he collides with a Wall but if he uses it in Sentry mode he is not knocked back and cannot be stunned by using it.
Turns into jeff and bans the entire enemy team from the game
Summon Reinhardt to stand in front of him