If Ana Fails...Again

Pretty sure Ana is gonna look better next patch than she did with pre-rework Mercy.

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Glad we both on the same page. But you’re right if they keep buffing around her weaknesses then choose to finally buff her for real she will come off OP then get nerf into the ground again.

I’ve always said the game isn’t the same and even S3 Ana wouldn’t make that much of difference besides nade…maybe.

I feel S3 Ana fits with this kind of Overwatch now than ever but we all know how everybody fear Ana more than Mercy.

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i’m still worried we’ll end up with the fact that theory and reality are different things…cause i was thinking, she “should” see more play now, cause Mercy can dmg boost dragons…nade + trance should counter that no? heal boost + trance…tho maybe i’m getting numbers wrong … either way, the reality is, she’s not worth it…and i doubt she will be worth it even after the next patch cause, it’s way easier to get high number of heals with Moira/Mercy or something along those lines…
but i guess we have to wait and see…i’d like nothing more than to be proven wrong and have Ana see more play <3


Yeah I know…I would love to be proven wrong too.

But its hard for me to believe right now. Plz Ana…my love…be good soon!!! :sleepy:


btw idk where else to ask but…does anyone else feel like her bullet hitboxes have gotten smaller? maybe i’m just rusty but i remember them being way more generous for allies…

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They feel the same to me. Right now I been watching streamers talk about how they hate having Ana on their team because she does nothing besides bring Nade to the table.

Blizzard believes that’s all she mostly needs to bring to the table while everything else in her kit is meh…


It has. A ~year or more ago, Bliz stealth nerfed the size of her unscoped to be practically hitscan. They won’t even acknowledge it and claim Hanzo has the smallest projectile. It’s like they didn’t even test her.

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Oh wow I didn’t even know because I barely test these things. But if it feels like it I usually say something about it.

All I believe right now is that Ana won’t be good until 2019 or 2020. I’m also pissed that the support updates didn’t go to live.

Like those changes don’t need to be on PTR like wtf?

i only picked her up recently again…i played her in S8 last time i think? but compared to then it feels way off for me…especially since the “buffs” idk, maybe i’m just imagining it but it’s really weird…not to mention the fact that her sleep dart has been weird since forever and it keeps getting canceled [like any projectile]…but just now i tried to sleep Hamster that was spinning on our payload, only to have the dart go straight through him :confused: i thought it was my latency but it’s around 60 as it usually was so idk what’s going on anymore ;~;

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I think the projectile size nerf was around season 4? I think? I’ll have to find the old forum thread for the date. Most Ana players felt it was off when unscoping against an attacker.

The bullet going through full hp can take a while to let go of the habit, but personally I like the change. I think the best qol Bliz can give for that is an option.

I did have a sleep dart land on Dva’s face and didn’t work… it was during her suit up animation and I don’t know if it’s those I-frames for the mech or something. I’ve had my sleep dart cancelled on a stun (Doomfist), but usually it’s refunded although I’m dead because that’s when I needed it.

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i think this would be really awesome cause, most of the time, i don’t even notice that piercing is useful cause…most of the time i still get blocked by idk a tank with chip dmg so i don’t really care…i miss pre-healing tho, especially for Genjis djshgsdg

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I hate to say it, but Ana still isn’t going to be the best pick.

I love Ana and she needs more love. Desperately.


Well I know she isn’t going to the best pick. I want to be at least a viable pick in general. But she’s just not for almost anything…

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I know. She just has too many weaknesses compared to other supports. :sob:

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It sucks and it makes me sad as an Ana player. You don’t know how many post I made talking about the problems with Ana the mistreatment she gets


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Oh trust me. I know. Ive done the same. I am a support players mostly and I am so sick of Mercy being the one and only support you can ever play. I love that Mercy is finally getting a good nerf.

Hopefully that opens the door for other support picks but I am still worried that Ana wont be enough.

The reload time KILLS Ana so much and the lack of self healing.

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Mercy will still be the best healer in Dive because she’s the only one that can keep up. Ana can heal Dive tanks after they engage, but she is very vulnerable to CounterDive.

In Deathball, Moira will be primarily used alongside with Lucio and sometimes Brigitte. I don’t see the Ana/Lucio combo ever coming back tbh especially not when snipers are ruling the meta. Maybe she will be used as an off-healer for the extremely high impact cooldowns and ult not for her healing but we’ll see.


I keep saying this. Ana was a main healer once upon a time in a land far away, but in the today land of season 11 she is better used as an off healer. She ultimate, if used correctly, will almost always result in either a team wipe or stalls a point long enough for your team to get back to it. Her heals are on par with other off healers. On paper, sure, she has more heals than anyone else, but the best Ana’s only have 60-70% accuracy, which puts her heals squarely in the off heals range. Then she has sleep, which will almost always result in a kill if your team works with you. Under some circumstances it can even break the enemies defense and lead to a team wipe. Ana has amazing potential as an off healer, but she can never compete with main heals.


She’s not “back” but she isn’t “bad” either, the problem with Ana is that she’s in a place between Mercy and Moira as a main healer, where Mercy is the best healer for teams that spread out (Dive, 2xSnipers, Pharah or Zenyatta) and Moira for the teams that stick together (Reinhardt deathballs or Orisa bunker comps) and Ana has to find her own comps (I think triple support with Hanzo is her calling to push Graviton Surge/Dragon Strike thru’ Transcendence or triple tank dive)

except Ana Boost no longer boosts Dragon Strike.