If Ana Fails...Again

As someone who plays all supports and use to be an Ana main, I disagree. Back in the day Ana was OK because there was less damage in the game and she had less counters. Now, I have almost 100 hours on the character and I can count on one hand the number of situations where I’d choose her over another healer in comp. Even if Mercy didn’t exist, Moira would still be the better choice 75% of the time even if you were good enough as Ana to reliably land your shots.

Ana’s hat use to be burst healing and tank healing, but I’d argue that Moira now does that just as well while being less risky, easier to play, and having far less counters.


Ana is bad. I’m a Ana main and even though I do have games where I do well all the other support gets their value’s worth except Ana. Ana has way too many weaknesses over strengths and that’s the problem.

Blizzard refuses to remove some of the weaknesses or to make her kit stronger. Ana is going to continue to fail over and over again until Mercy isn’t topic pick which we won’t see happen.

Or until Ana gets self-sustain etc… to fix her glaring issues.

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facepalm, Biotic Grenade …

I couldn’t agree more. I am playing a lot of Ana now as I find her more engaging to play the more I practice her and love the versitility… but it’s really obvious she has some glaring issues. GLARING issues.

Here are some issues I personally have with her atm:

1: Sleep dart.

I am so infuriatingly annoyed about how a target can wake up from chip damage. Landing a sleep dart is bar none one of the most difficult abilities in the game to use, and having a team mate like D’Va hit them for chip damage or whatever and waking them up is just outright infuriating.

It leaves me with a sense of it being completely out of my control and I shouldn’t feel that way with one of the most difficult to use abilities in this entire game.

2: Her healing isn’t as good as it should be considering how much effort it takes to hit.

People may say “BUT 75 IS HIGH”. No it’s not considering:

-It requires good aim.

-It cannot pierce through shields.

-Ana needs to reload and that takes a huge amount of time in a big battle.

-Ana is immobile.

-It has no “temporary LOS retention” like Mercy’s heal beam.

Also let’s not forget how Moira heals for 80 + a HoT for 50hp over 3 seconds (Approx 16.6666667 hp/s). And it’s AOE. And much MUCH easier to use.

So ultimately even compared to Moira’s healing Ana’s healing is in a poor position.

3: Her damage isn’t great. Sure 70+70+70 = 210 but even putting a Zenyatta Orb on a pharah makes her nearly impossible to kill for an Ana.

While Ana needs to also focus on healing her team mates!

Even raising it to 80 or 85 would still be balanced but let Ana actually do something significant to a pocketed pharah.

**Also, let’s not forget her damage is DoT. Which if you just mindlessly spam it on a target may not even fully go through. **

She also cannot headshot.

So why give her DoT damage with nothing to return?

3.5: Perhaps considering the idea of making her damage cause a temporary healing REDUCTION (not a full anti-heal) would be a good idea.

Like targets hit by her primary fire are healed for 50% less for 3 seconds.

Why I say this is because there are so many huge drawbacks to playing Ana and if you take the time to STOP HEALING YOUR TEAM TO HIT SOMEONE… it should be worthwhile instead of trivial.

4: Healing grenade popping if someone is behind you or ontop of you instead of clearly visibly in front of you.

Hands down one of the worst feelings in this game is when you have a Zarya do an ult and can destroy Zenyatta’s trance and someone on your team is out of your sight behind you and eats the grenade.

5: Nanoboost isn’t rewarding enough with literally no speed boost.

Do I want it completely reverted with full speed from before? No.

But give it something tiny. Even a tiny initial sprint for 5% speed. Nanoboost feels like one of the most risky and underwhelming ultimates in this game.

Adding a small heal is “fine”, but again… any good Ana wouldn’t use it on the reinhardt with 15hp left and instead heal and THEN use it. That’s a QOL that doesn’t change the actual power of the ability in most situations that Ana players have learned to use it in.

Sure, it may be useful sometimes, but the majority of the time I see it as being pointless.

6: I like the identity of Ana being immobile because she should be given the tools to let her be a high risk high reward hero that can be absolutely destroyed by Winston, D’va, Genji, Tracer, Reaper, etc.

But one mobility thing I would like is a SLOW WALL CRAWL. Like the ability to scale obstacles like Hanzo/Genji but at a SLOW pace.

I find myself feeling quite annoyed a lot of the time because as Ana I can’t get into amazing positions that could secure my ability to contribute to the teamfight significantly.


Like they’re too big and too much for her to handle. Mostly not having a self-heal. I don’t get it…

How does Heroes of the Storm give her passive healing first before the game she originated in?

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of course lol, how could I not think of that?

so, do we have an ETA for the buffs or…? i just wanna know when i can go back to being disappointed x)

[also, I gave up Ana for Zen lately, it’s just way easier to stay alive as him…except if Genji decides to jump me, I will never get a hang of him double jumping over my head…but at least I can deal with Tracer without needing a babysitter jdshgdg]

Yeah I hear a lot of people gave up on Ana. But this is the problem I was talking about. Both Ana and Zenyatta have problems being jumped on but Ana has it worst. Zenyatta has high damage and sometimes even Trans to keep himself for dying.

Ana needs a lot of protection. What also bothers me is just how much of a badass she is in lore but in game…so pitiful…

I like Ana a lot but jeez…it’s so sad.

Also I don’t know when the buffs will come in but I think we both know we will still be disappointed.

so I picked up Heroes of the Storm yesterday and found that they gave Ana self heal on there before they gave it to us on here. smh.


Dude, trust me… do not get your hopes up.

mercy is still a must pick.

these support changes, literally change nothing.

why are we expecting the hybrid healers to beat out mercy (our only pure healer) in terms of healing and consistency?

Ana is supposed to be less consistent but get more healing over all. as it is she’s dead too often for anything to matter.

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The effort to reward

Especially for Ana

Think of Widowmaker; if you work at it, and land your shots; you’re rewarded with instant kills or a lot of damage

As Ana, you heal only 30 hp more than a Mercy IF you have 100% accuracy

Not to mention how much Ana has to give up for that; that they gave to Mercy during her rework.

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Should turn like 100 of so of her health into shields, let her headshot
(always was weird how ana is the only sniper who cant headshot especially as it would reward accurate ana’s with more healing and or damage)

nano can NOW heal for 300 hp*


No it just means her ultimate is a tad bit better but only by a little


And this is why I’m so bothered on how Ana does not have passive healing. I get its a different game but she had the same problems in that game like she does in Overwatch.

Why is her problem fixed in a crossover game before the game she originated in?

Like come on Blizzard seriously?

Because Ana needs more reward for the skill you have to put in for her. It doesn’t matter she’s a hybrid. A support who takes skill and doesn’t get the value of their worth has no point in the game. That’s just how it is. So Ana has to be a good support hero or else she just sits there and rots on the character screen selection.

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That feel when Nanoboost SHOULD be super powerful being the only single target support ultimate that offers 0 value to the casting support

El oh el

Ana was the first new hero implemented into the game and players at the time didn’t understand how to counter her and that there would be more counters later. She was perfect in comparison to how op mercy was. A viable pick and good alternative to Mercy.

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Her original grenade WAS overpowered though; there’s no doubt there

100% heal bonus for 5 seconds was INSANE

I’m honestly glad they nerfed it

Which is why I say it can never come back but now I believe the 5mm and the duration of 5 seconds can comeback.

Sadly though her original design is the only design right now at least that I can think of gives her the value of a strong healer.

There are games where Zenyatta and Brigitte can out heal her all because of Trans and sustain while Ana doesn’t have a good ultimate for sustain nor sustain in general.