My bad. I just hate how much people try to sugarcoat Ana like she’s amazing when she’s not performing like it.
theory and reality are 2 different things…reality is that she’s just too hard to get full potential out of … why bother when you can get basically the same value with less effort with other healers? which is probs the reason why even the pros don’t bother with her, despite her having some awesome things in her kit
Exactly! That’s why I said she needs her value’s worth for the skill you put in for her.
A little idea on how to make Ana stronger while still keeping her high skill ceiling nature (so no self heal, jumping, rolling, armor/shield bs some people want):
- Decrease her reload animation from 1.25 secs to 1/0.75 secs. Gives less window for those “reloading of death” moment that make you watch a swinging Rein die in agony
- Give a passive to her normal shots; give a temporary buff to allies hit that gives 5 hp/s heal. Buff disappears when the player gets hit by any source of damage. Reasoning; gives you more chances to make offensive shots because you don’t need to fully top off people outside of battle. Remember those times you heal someone but they have 10-20hp left from max? Yeah goodbye to those. NOTE: it’s not an unlimited zen orb. 5hp/s is less than 10 hp/s from the payload, and it disappears on damage taken. This just gives you more window for offensive shots.
- Either one of these:
a) Offensive primary shots gives a 5hp/s damage overtime, until target receives healing. Basically the reverse of the healing passive, it forces solo flankers to do whatever they want to do quicker, and forces your enemy team to seek for healing if they don’t want to wither to death. 5hp/s isn’t much, but damage OT is still damage.
b) Offensive shots gives the same healing block effect as nade, for 1 sec duration. Ana’s offensive shots rate of fire is between 0.8-1.25s. Quickly doing offensive shots on carefully chosen targets will give immense pressure for cover because pocket healing would be severely cut. Could be extremely frightening under the right hands.
All the above ideas don’t conform to people’s expectation for mobility and self regen, but imo are in the the right direction if they want to push the “make Ana’s strong points stronger rather than removing her weaknesses”. This would also extremely reward high skill plays and decision making.
All i want is a passive self heal. You may wanna call that BS but I call it BS when Junkrat’s weakness was completely removed and I’m all asking is for one weakness removed.
Your idea is still good though.
I wouldn’t mind a self heal! But it’s clear that that’s not the dev’s intentions as they mentioned numerous times. Making a character stronger isn’t always about removing their weaknesses. Also… sleep dart, self nade PLUS a passive healing. Wouldn’t that be abit too powerful considering the nade +50% healing effect?
10% self heal from every damage dealt/heal done is a possible idea. Would translate to 7 hp per shot. Not too overtuned, just gets rid of trash damage without needing to burn nade for self heal. Also, increases the higher skilled you are. The problem with the shield idea is that it rewards you without doing anything, which should be the opposite of her nature.
They lied about that concept and kept doing it over and over again. They will change their minds if people keep bugging them over and over again. Like how they got rid of Symmetra lock on gun because so many people hated it or scatter arrow, mass rez.
Also look at Reaper who they said would be broken if he was able to cancel his Wraith and on top of it they gave him a completely new passive so yeah…I’m not buying their bullsh*t
Trust me they will give in eventually because so far they showed that they have. I made a long post about their way. Called “WHY DO YOU HAVE A BACKBONE FOR THE WRONG REASONS?”
The new nerf to Mercy and the Nano buff will make her great again.
In any case we have to wait and try her after changes go live. She might be still less effective in low SR, but that’s the idea of a high skill heroe.
i doubt Mercy nerf will make that much of a dent in either of their pickrates but…yeah, i gotta agree we should wait and see…
We have seen it too many times. Ana is back! Oh wait never mind. Ana is back! Damn…well she’s close…Ana is back! Fails again…
Ok Blizzard something needs to be addressed.
Oh boy you probably haven’t seen the meganerfs Widow & McCree got before the game’s release and shortly after it, they weren’t THAT rewarding,the only thing they had were their guns
That was a long time ago compared to now. Ana unlike them this continues to get worst and worst. They have at least fixed or even bothered tackling their weaknesses. Ana they just nerf her into the ground and left her terrible for almost a year now.
I agree - healing ‘cash back’ has to be a top priority; she is the only healer that cannot self-sustain without using a key ability on cool-down to do so and it is such a waste when she does.
I think we’ve come to terms that mobility is always going to a weakness so any sort of wall-climb or ability to get into good positions is never going to happen - I have come to terms with that.
Ability to self-nano, a nano-boost range buff (so she can stay further away from the combat) and a sleep dart damage threshold before the target wakes would be nice-to-haves, but the self-healing passive is what is very much needed.
Well that’s arguable since the devs seem to prefer dive over other metas and both McCree and Widow are pretty weak versus it. Look at Widow now though - she’s similar to Ana- whenever a skillful hero gets the spotlight(for her it’s thanks to dive being dead), everyone goes apesh** and demands nerfs even when the winrate is well below 47.5%.
Glad that you agree! I feel this way too. She can keep no mobility as a weakness…
Now I don’t believe this. Widow still has a good reason to be picked and she was used for dive recently in the OWL. Ana however is barely ever seen. Her value’s impact can be good and turn the game around but its just too easily shut down and you lose so much healing off when she’s constantly dead in the spawn room.
I don’t even play Ana much but she will keep failing because she is a sniper with no mobility. She has no way of reaching high points except climbing the stairs. Zen can fire quick enough to kill targets, Moira has her fade ability and orbs, Mercy can fly to a target, Lucio can boop and wall ride.
Exactly but like I been saying all this time. Her value isn’t as good. S3 Ana’s value is actually pretty good and I wish we had it right now besides the 100% healing nade.
I don’t see how
Neither ones does anything to curve the problem with both characters
It’s Res/ Valk that are the problems with Mercy
And Ana needing to waste her team utility tool just to survive each encounter
The buff to Nanoboost is WAY overdue; It is the only single target support ultimate that offers 0 value to the casting support. It NEEDS to be super powerful for that reason, and it really hasn’t been, especially since you ALSO need the person getting boosted to have an idea of what to do
This is just Nanoboost catching up to where it should be with the Mercy re-work, Moira and Brigitte’s release, and the buff’s to Zen and Lucio’s ults
I am sorry, but she is going to fail. I have said this so many times already, but Ana isnt playing the same game anymore. The game has changed so much since she was released. The mobility creep just keeps on rising, as seen with the release of Hammond. Until they give her more survivability OR mobility, she will always be irrelevant. Blizzard needs to quit being so scared of buffing her where she actually needs buffing because at this point, if they keep buffing around her weakness, the time they do, she will be OP.
Ana’s starting to pick back up a bit. I think maybe once the Mercy nerf goes through, she might at least be niche viable. She’s third most played healer at a lot of ranks, and the only thing keeping her out of GM is that they use Mercy+Zenyatta nearly exclusively.