If Ana Fails...Again

Perhaps, it was a good counter to a charged up Hanzo ult, but yea I get that.

But did she deserve an ult nerf? I think her ult at the time was awesome. Everyone was scared for their life running from an ulted Reinhardt on a path to destruction through most choke points. haha

Not really but a lot of people wanted Ana gone. They got their wish for something worst.

All Mercy buffs were made to keep with Ana but the tables are turned and now Mercy is overtuned and won’t get dialed back. Because of her concept, popularity along with how much money she supported with Breast Caner (which is good).

But in the end because of all this especially the Breast Cancer support she will remain…

To fix Mercy they need to get rid of her res. Her healing should stay the same, but her res has to go and then other support will be just as much of a viable pick.

Mercy pisses me off but Rez is her part of her character. It has to go back to an ultimate or at least only be viable during Valkyrie. Otherwise she will remain.

I’d do with her only being able to res while in her valk state. That seems reasonable, but not once every 30s.

30 second rez beats 100% healing nade Boost by a long shot. The match is always a 7v6 if Mercy doesn’t die first.

Oh yeah, in today’s game the Speed Boost from Nano seems like a joke with how easy it would be to shut down

Ah well, at least they’re buffing it to be the best single target support ult like it should be

Yeah I’m happy about that. It’s start but she needs passive healing in this fast pace game now.

Oh well of course; with the fall off buffs it’s even easier to get poked and chiped from across the map

Those random 150 headshots from a Mei across the universe sure are fun

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And buffs?
Like adding 4 more bullets to her clip?
Nano now instantly healing 300 in addition to its prior effects?
She hasn’t been nerfed. They are buffing her but wary she has too much as is with her grenade and sleep and healing gun (these differentiate friend v foe) and don’t want her OP.

Mercy is picked because of rez, consistent healing, and damage boost(last at high levels).

Sleep Dart is not used as a good argument anymore. Nade is the only thing that doesn’t need to be touch. But Ana has been indirectly nerfed a lot. People really don’t seem to understand that at all. If Mercy did fall off who will they pick? Ana? Maybe but a lot of teams will have to completely base off of protecting her. Mercy doesn’t need that much protection and neither does Moira.

Likely still Mercy cuz she is a dedicated support unlike Ana. That’s Mercy’s issue; there is no other dedicated support to compete with her. And most teams want that dedicated support. Competitive players value consistency.

It’s because Mercy/ Moira don’t give up their powerful tools just to make it from encounter to encounter

They don’t need a dedicated watchdog just to function

That’s why Ana has been so bad

Before she had 80 damage, and Lucio’s huge 30 metre aura to curve this problem

Now she has neither, ontop of more mobility being added into the game, 2 new super powerful supports, and lots of changes to other characters.

The fall off buff to Soldier, Mei, Bastion, and McCree is a nerf to Ana, even though it didn’t effect her directly. It made it easier to put damage on Ana to force her to burn her most important tool to stay alive. Mercy/ Moira don’t need to worry about anything like that with their ability to heal without taking away from their toolkit.

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This is just not true.

Mercy is what a healer should be. If anything all the other supports are too weak.

Edit: a healer should have some form of self-sustain. Ana does not.

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Moira healing herself severely limits her kit. And her pick rate is comparable to Ana’s. I think if anything the only logical suggestion I have heard is something to give her slight verticality like a wall climb of sorts.

This is the granddaddy of all arguments for Ana. Let this be shared for every thread for grandma.

Moira is better than Ana there’s a reason why everybody talks about Ana and not Moira. Moira isn’t as bad as people think. Moira carries her own weight and is able to put in work. Fast ult charge, low abilites, consistent damage from very far range that doesn’t have to reload.

Yes she doesn’t have utility but she doesn’t carry the crap load of weaknesses like Ana.

Moira has the same consistency issue ana does with having to recharge her resource which requires she be in the thick of it but is squishy and her DPS is wonky (great at squishies, trash at burst damage and especially tanks). Moira is one of my mains and I agree. Just Mercy has the consistency folks want.

True but Moira is no where near as bad as Ana and that is a fact.

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I whole heartedly agree there. Maybe the support buffs will let anna shine.

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