If a battle pass costs "1000" ow2 coins

How much could a skin cost in coin ow2, considering it is just a skin? 100? 200? :thinking:

1000… It is going to be 1000.


Considering paid skins have costed around $10 in Overwatch so far… probably still 1000 credits. Maybe 500 if we’re lucky.

$10 per skin. So 6 skins will cost the same price as Elden Ring. 4 skins will cost as much as OW1 was at launch. And people think they’re not being swindled by Blizzard :joy:


It is because we are getting less content that we now pay for that we should be grateful. Just ignore the 3 years of nothing. That was irrelevant, we can just get back on schedule and everyone will come flocking back for the privilege to grind heroes out every 4 months instead of getting them unlocked day 1 every 3 months.

You know, because the game we paid $40-60 for is now free. Did you hear? Free update. We have NEVER had one of those before.

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I think there is a big difference between pessimism and plausibility, something that this forum is starting to get a little too often in every single topic with legitimate questions.

GG, I guess. Now can we keep thinking about it if it would make sense? :man_shrugging:

More probably. Was thinking 1200-1500.

It is totally plausible that the price of skins will still be 10 dollars. I mean, do you want me to lie? Maybe Mythic skins will cost closer to 15 or 20 dollars? Does that make it better for you?

If it “makes sense” then legendary skins will not be $2 a piece. We have no clue what their prices will be but I’d wager blue skins are $2, epic $5 and legendary $10-15 depending on how much effort went into those skins. Like mythics for example will probably price higher than that or at least $15

1000…yeah they’re absolutely 1000.

Incidentally they have said they don’t plan to sell Mythic skins individually fyi

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Of course I forgot about the survey… so mythic skins will probably be closer to $30-40 because they will end up in a “bundle pack”

no, but literally nothing more can be written here that every time the first response is a reference to “greedy blizzard” even where there is no specific mention of a real money price but functional mechanics id. :man_shrugging: I don’t think it’s madness that impossible to talk in a topic about what would be ideal for OW without ALWAYS putting in the middle what they will “inevitably” do.

Basically like DBD.However these days BHVR is very consumer friendly with their cosmetics and I never thought I’d see the day they’re more generous than Overwatch.

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I wasn’t talking about the survey but anyway, that survey also had an option for a $15 bundle including a Mythic skin so I don’t think it’s a very good basis for any predictions.

Have you seen what skins cost in other games? $10 would actually be “cheap” for a F2P game. Some skins go for $50+ in these kinds of games. I can assure you you’re not getting a legendary skin for $1 or $2.

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Oh, wow, really? That is crazy. They have so much potential, but I guess they REALLY want the Battle Pass to be perceived as valuable. They will stop at nothing, apparently, even to their own detriment.

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I dont see them giving away mythic skins in a $15 bundle unless its very unpopular heroes like Sombra

Reminds me of this post, pretty funny :smile:

After you spend 100 hours grinding a BP it may as well be $100. You know that Genji skin will be at the tail end of it so players who want it will either have to grind like crazy or spend extra money to skip tiers.