If a battle pass costs "1000" ow2 coins

I mean, everyone’s tone is full of pessimism and I can see how that would be a downer, but I don’t think the predictions are out of line or just shooting down a legitimate question.

I will be genuinely surprised if the skins are less than $10.

At least the OW art team actually makes quality skins.

Outisde of Blizzcon stuff, how many paid skins have we had? Pink Mercy is one but due to it being charity i dont think that is a good base for other prices.

The only other skin i can think of is the streamer Brig skin which was epic and at like 15…

no, it was legendary. :sweat_smile:

There have been quite a few from the OWL side of the game.

What? it was, that one didnt seem Legendary to me. Tbf i stopped playing long before it launched so i couldnt see it in game.

Oh yeah, forgot about those due to token farm