I play mainly console and rarely play Mercy in general, so don’t take my ideas too seriously. Also, I’m not complaining about the current status of Mercy, I don’t care much but the few times I’ve played her I’ve felt she’s a little boring to play so I came up with a few ideas that I think, if implemented, would make Mercy a great and fun hero to play. Without further ado:
Get rid of the pistol. It’s not part of her hero fantasy and no Mercy player should be using it either way.
Buff the damage and range of her melee attack so that she has a chance to protect herself if she’s dived on. However, her best option in that situation should still be to fly away or depend on a teammate to save her.
Introduce a resource bar that fills up over time or by focusing her staff on enemy players as she would on her teammates when damage boosting them, I would call this ability “research”.
This “research bar” could be used to clear AoE damage (Mei’s blizzard, Ashe’s fire, Torb’s fire or Widow’s venom), rez with varying degrees of health and/or heal herself. In the case of rez, the more resources gathered, the more health the hero brought back to live gets.
I think her healing and damage boosting levels are ok right now (50 hp/s) and I also think her Ult is good as it is right now (enhancing the power of her abilities and giving her the ability to fly). If this “research bar” I suggested were to be introduced, I think the ult could help in filling it up faster.
As you can see, this “research bar” gives the player a lot of possibilities making Mercy a very fun hero play in the tactical sense while still keeping her as a pacifist scientist that is part of her hero fantasy.
You actually use the pistol to defend yourself? Nice. I play Rein a lot which is where this idea came from since the hammer is his main attack ability.
You know what would actually reinforce the “Mercy is a single target healer”.Give her a charging beam.The longer she holds onto someone with her beam she healz 50-60-70-80-90 or 100(max)
And as soon as it detaches she looses the charge.
If no one’s around to help, heck yeah I do! The idea just doesn’t synergise with the rest of her kit and the pistol is really a last resort anyway. You take away that and there is no last resort. I don’t wanna be alone because my team left me and a flanker is coming for me, but oh no I just gotta stare the flanker down instead of fighting back when I could have actually killed the flanker with my pistol.
She needs something to protect herself. She’s way too team reliant already, don’t make her a complete healbot.
There are other heroes who are heavily team reliant like McCree, Reinhardt, Bastion and so on. I don’t think that’s a problem. Also, what do you mean by a healbot? Isn’t she supposed to be a pacifist main healer?
One hit from melee before dashing away won’t do much against d.va and winston diving you.
You actually use the pistol to defend yourself from a D.Va or Winston diving you? Nice. I think I would die 10/10 times if this happened to me. I play Reinhardt quite a lot and I’ve grown used to swing my hammer as my attack ability which is where this idea came from.
So hypothetically, she could Resurrect always and the target would have 1 hp.
I don’t think she should be able to resurrect heroes with 1 hp, I think there should be ranges.
With the amount of burst healing in this game,
yes it sounds broken.
As I said, I don’t play her a lot and my biggest problem with the character wasn’t her healing kit but how boring she was to play.