Idea to weaken CC

Since CC is getting kind of overwhelming in the game, maybe we should consider weakening it a little. Specifically, stuns.

Would it be too much if stuns would still allow the hero to move at half speed, but not attack/use abilities? That would make them at least not be completely sitting ducks, which is certain death. The shield bash would still probably be good enough, but flashbang could be considerably improved or McCree buffed otherwise to compensate.


It would be interesting if there was a scaling factor to the stun or knockback amount for various characters. Orisa and Dva can take like no knockback at all due to their slow mechanic.

or Idk, implement more anti CC, either immunity or resistance on abilities. Literally this game is more of a moba + fps. Another game that is more of a moba + fps is paladins. Paladins has way heavier cc but they have way more anti CC then ow. Its incredibly balanced is paladins.

So, basically, they won’t be stuns anymore but… dazes?

Also, nothing would change. Half speed, with no possibility to use abilities and attack, doesn’t change anything, especially if you are talking about brig stun and guess what? If she stuns you, so she’s in melee range, you won’t be able to escape the 6 meters required to get out of her melee range and she will be able to do the same she does now. All you get is dyin a little bit further.

All it will do will be making Mccree FB Headshot combo more complicated, which is not required.

It would stop Brigitte from necessarily connecting with her combo, since you might evade the whipshot.

But more importantly it would give you a little bit of evasion so her team can’t just shred you as you stand still. Brigitte could mostly still get you but it’s not just supposed to be a nerf to her, specifically.

2.7 speed.

Whoever is aiming at your body will be able to aim at your body anyway and you aren’t able to defend yourself.

Also, someone who plays brig is able to connect a whipshot from far away while you are moving at full speed.

Connecting the combo on someone who can’t defend himself, from melee range, who can at max jump and move at 2.7 speed it’s gonna be exactly the same.

Once again, all you are doing with this is screwing up McCree FB Headshot combo because he has to aim your head and that’s probably the only thing that can be moved significantly enough to not let him pull the combo off.

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Not precisely. For Reinhardt, Reaper and Roadhog, at least we get a fighting chance back against Brigitte

Explain me how.

Remember the rules OP set.

You can’t attack or use abilities.

You move at half speed(2.7)

well attempted Brigitte is OP stun power house thread

Oh never mind i thought you could still attack, just not use abilities

Nah, it’s mostly just designed to not make you a completely sitting duck with no evasion whatsoever.

Yeah, too bad both the camo for the actual intent of the thread and the idea presented are underdeveloped so much that they debunk themselves.

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It wasn’t really intended just to be a stealth nerf to Brigitte. I just don’t like the amount of stuns in the game when stuns are basically free kills for the enemy team. Stuns feel like they should be a little less lethal than that.

This is also how stuns work in TF2.

TBH I like the idea of a McCree who has a flashbang that acts more like a flashbang, too. But he’d need buffs to make up for that, which I support.

walking to the side by a tiny bit is hardly evasion, anyone who isn’t blind will still be able to follow up with whatever they want

Even a little movement is a huge improvement over nothing. That’s why snipers don’t stand still.

Weaken CC Masterplan:
Step1: Don´t.

If anything we need another tank like orisa, i always have fun with her when there is a mei, doomfist, roadhog, brigitte, etc. in the enemy Team

TF2 Stun at release(Sandman) was way more unforgiving than the stun we have here on brig.

The dear sandman would stun you, from across the map, even throu uber charge. And no, not the kind of stun you have now. It would stun you while uber charged, stopping the uber charge and making you stand still for way more the brig stun does. Completely still, unable to attack, uber charge wasted, funny stars going around your head and the scout destroying you.

But it has to be said that mostly only stock was allowed in competitive back then(Very very few exceptions) and the weapon was used only in random zerg servers and has been nerfed since then.

We should also say that weapons that now do “Mini-crits” used to do “Crit” damage. But once again, they weren’t allowed in competitive.

I saw they did a lot of changes since i stopped playin the game, but i can assure you that the competitive enviroment was way different from your normal gaming experience you could get in normal servers, starting from the classes used, the kind of weapons allowed and the numbers of players in the game.

You are comparing apple and oranges.

Roadhog while ulting moves at 2.5 which is 0.2 less than what you want the “Daze” speed to be. Ask yourself, is it hard to hit Roadhog moving at that speed?

This ^

Completely counters this ^

this isn’t TF2

Not sure how i qouted Musica???

I don’t know about the original Sandman, but back when I played TF2 (which was about 2013 or so), the Sandman would only stun at maximum range

Well, not Roadhog, but someone with a smaller hitbox would be a lot harder moving at that speed than not moving at all. Is it easier to shoot a scoped Widow that is standing still or one that is sidestepping a little?

But anyways, you guys seem to dislike the idea and have made some reasonable points. It was just an idea and I was curious what people thought.