Personally, I find forced movement CC the worst. Stuns are necessary for countering many things, though I would agree some hero’s do have too low of cooldowns on those stuns, making it not so much counter play but overbearing.
This is a bug. Dva and Orisa aren’t supposed to have knockbacks resistance when they are shooting.
Or we could do this:
Make supercharger provide fortify instead of a damage boost.
When will this idea catch on? Everytime I bring it up people like it, but I never see anyone else suggest it.
Maybe add some more ways to counter CC and hard-CC heroes instead of straight nerfing CC?
I’d love to see Supercharger change somehow. I consider it the worst ult in the game. The fact that you can’t move it pretty much ruins it the vast majority of the time - the enemy team can just fall back and render it meaningless. Also, there are a few heroes like Genji and Doomfist that you pretty much can’t prevent from destroying it.
Whoever has a hitbox smaller than roadhog has max 250 HP.
And that’s the case only with Reaper.
Remember you got stunned because brig got to you.
Widow, if she got caught by brig, is probably either in a 1 v 1 in some far off part of the map, with widow derping around mostly, and nothing, from what is now, will change for her. If she could escape before, she could do that out of the stun thanks to grappling away. If she can just move at turtle speed, while followed by a brig moving at double her speed, she would have to wait for the hook to be able to survive. So, nothing changes.
Pretty much the same goes for everybody else. I agree that you won;t be likely to be OS by an headshot the moment the stun connects, but if we are taking into consideration only small hitboxes heroes, then a fully charged bodyshot is enough to burst you down.
Tracer’s gonna die anyway.
Every 150 hp hero is gonna die anyway.
I got bored, wanted to go throu every hero but i’m tired and don’t feel like that. I guess i’m sorry about this.
Sandman on release was exactly as i described it. It could stun from melee range. The further you shot from, the longer the stun.
Along with the Fan being known as OP for being able to allow trash scouts to double shot consistently with poor effort since the Knockback was so strong the target was going to be stuck in midair for enough time to let you follow up with the second shot on a static, without movement control, target. Pretty much like doom midair combo.
The fan got nerfed too since release.
Places supercharger
"Meteor strike!"
“Well, it was fun while it lasted”
He doesn’t even have to ult. Pretty much all of his abilities will knock you out of the way unless you are fortified. If you are, well, he can walk a couple of feet to the side, go past you, and wreck it.
Same thing with Genji. He can just swift strike right in there and squash it. You can’t really stop him.
Sure just decrease it back to 5 seconds and we good fam
i really do wish Blizzard would buff shield bash back to 5s. Simply said that just so i can put this
You weaken CC and we’re back into the long-lived dive meta before too long.
I don’t think stuns should be less lethal, but I do think landing a stun should require some skill.
Brig upon release, her bash was so OP. I was landing stuns that I shouldn’t have hit. I kinda get why people are still upset with her. But let me assure you, she is easier to deal with. Unless you’re Tracer, than Learn2Pharah.
What they should do is restrict CC to a class, damage class more preferably and reduce the effect of it.
That way we will never get stun fest 6 heroes. If they want to do it, people would have to play 6 dps.
Right now this idea of making hybrid heroes who has all the abilities in the world is plain bad.
I don’t really personally have trouble with Brig, but she does ruin a lot of heroes like Reaper and Roadhog, which is a problem. The only hero I play that has trouble with her is Symmetra. I also play a fair amount of Brig myself.
Pretty much this.
Dive was so potent because mobility was king. Now with Brig in the scene, diving is a risk.
You’re forgetting that a large part of the cast that isn’t DF and Briggs relies on CC to stay alive. We can’t have any global nerfs without putting in a ton of buffs elsewhere.