Idea: give all tanks "lifesteal"

Every elimination for a tank results in the tank healing 20% of their missing HP, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5.
This healing effect can only happen once every 4 seconds.

Example 1:
Rein is at 100hp. He gets an elim (= kill or assist)
Rein at max hp has 550 points. He regains 20% of 450 points missing = 90 hp. New value of 190 hp.

Example 2: Rein is at 250hp.
20% of 300 points missing = 60.
Rein heals up from 250 to 300hp, and also 10 armor.

Example 3: Rein is at 300hp and 175 armor.
20% of 75 points missing = 15 armor healed upon an elimination.

In addition, tanks with barriers get bonuses for eliminations:

  • Tanks with rechargable and retractable barriers (Sigma and Rein) will regenerate their barrier for 1.5 seconds instantly, even if they have their barrier out.
    If their barrier was broken, it immediately goes off cooldown upon an elimination, instantly regains 50 points and starts to recharge. (in case it was still in the 2 second window of not recharging)
  • Tanks with placeable / castable barriers on cooldown (Orisa, Winston, Zarya) will have the remaining cooldown of their barrier reduced by 2 seconds upon an elimination. Alternatively, a similar heal based on missing barrier hp (ie: Orisa with 100 barrier hp left, gets a kill, regains 20% of 500 missing points = 100 points healed instantly to this existing barrier)

Why: this will make tanks tankier, without giving it for free. They have to get into the fight, they have to get eliminations, they have to take risks. The healing mechanic really only shines to save low HP tanks and give them a neat little burst heal, which may or may not make the difference between life and death.

It will also reduce the load on supports, resulting in more support combos being viable, and giving DPS a bigger share of the potential healing output of supports.

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Roadhog: :smiling_imp:


We have supports for that… they dont need to play like reaper… they need to tank and protect the team and not go berserk…

And just question you this:

Ball with lifesteal rolling around?

Hog with even more healing?


Do people think before posting or do they just throw stuff out …


Let’s give tanks Reapers old health orbs x 100 :joy:

normally i would disagree, but just came from a CF by having lucio zen as supports so yes life steal would be good for tanks, instead of hunting for packs instead of taking space, while the lucio goes reddit and toybot is meditating some where.

This sounds awful


im gonna be honest i didn’t read this entire thing. but this would essentially be giving every tank reapers passive ability which i am not for

Except supports don’t do nearly enough healing to tanks with the amount of damage in the game right now.

In addition this mechanic allows for more varied support combinations that do not demand an Ana or Moira or Baptiste to be there, which then opens up more different tactics.

Ball will have his shield up as overheal for 90% of the time while getting a piledriver elim and thus not get lifesteal. I think this is not as big of an issue as you imagine it to be.

Hog is already a fat ult battery and lacks armor that reduces incoming damage. More ult charge for the enemy if the hog is unskilled in positioning.
And if it’s a flankhog in bronze elo, they don’t benefit from the heal as much as they do from their ability.

You started typing literally 1 second after I posted, clearly only reading the title and possibly only the first sentence. I doubt you even thought it through yourself :slight_smile:

Nope. Reaper applies lifesteal based on damage done with his guns.
This mechanic only heals upon an elimination, and heals 20% of MISSING health. See the examples. The lifesteal will be less impactful if the tank is already at near full hp, because the lifesteal will be unlikely to ever heal them to full hp. In addition to only triggering once every 4 seconds at the maximum.

All these values can be adjusted but IMO they’re a neat little hp bonus without resulting in unkillable tanks.

Yeah let’s make already impossible to kill heroes even more harder to kill. Blizzard would be proud of your genius balance ideas.


I found flaws to abuse this and that we have a complete role to heal heroes in (like you said) a few seconds. Dont even get stated what people would do with a bit of thinking… no thanks…

i do want to play overwatch in your pocket dimension where tanks are still tanks

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thats why i said essentially. to me all this is is a watered down version of something thats already in the game to make a bigger issue somewhat better. like giving asprin to someone with a ruptured appendix. it will help a little bit with the pain, but surgery is still needed

Mechanics do not have to be entirely original or never-seen-before, before they can be applied in a game. If anything it makes the mechanic more intuitive for players because they are familiar with how it works on some other hero, and can play around it without learning an entirely new thing.

I mean sure, it might not be enough of an effect, or maybe it’s too much, but those numbers can be adjusted. I’m merely proposing the idea of lifesteal to all tanks to give them more… tankiness.

rodhog is now reaper

It’s called have a healer on your team that actually heals.

or rather dps not doing anything, let alone other roles

This would benefit some tanks a great deal more than others.

Hear me out, what if… tanks… were actually you know… tanking??

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This is just a crutch, so no thanks from me. People need to learn to tank.

Even that Ball living in your backline, that no one seems to care to help you with?

I’m sorry, but I’m not a fan of this one