Idea: give all tanks "lifesteal"

Would this not enable them to tank better than they can right now, which is kind of the whole point?

Because tanks are incapable of tanking a lot right now. Too much damage that melts through any barrier and armor they might have.

But buffing up tanks in their base stats will make them too strong in the face of this damage just from the get-go and then the DPS start whining about unkillable tanks again.

Yeah except, you can’t actually tank with these tank heroes in overwatch. This is meant to alleviate that while keeping it slightly in-line with the goal of the devs to move towards more of an FPS, which means tanks have to play more aggressive to get things done. Problem is that buffing up support heals will make DPS also harder to kill, while they should not get such a buff.

Hence, tanks need lifesteal of some form to actually be able to play as a tank in this game. At least that is my opinion.

Then maybe that is an issue of your team being bad at awareness, not an issue of ball or this mechanic.
Pretty sure if you’re the only one shooting him he’ll just roll away and grab a healthpack and doesn’t even need this lifesteal buff because it wouldn’t change a thing in what the Ball does.

If ball (or hog) becomes such an issue with lifesteal (I’m pretty sure the effects will be less than most of you expect it to be) then sure, exclude ball from the lifesteal mechanic, since ya’ll seem to be hating on this particular hero.

I love Ball actually. Used to main him. It’s just a matter of this not being a great mechanic imo

The problem is that tanks are what determines who wins the game. They make too much of an impact on the game because they’re dps with 600 hp.

You sure as heck can.

Interesting idea but as you see the community like tanks to be even weaker if possible. They want tanks to soak up damage but not block it with shields and they complain if tanks kill anything. So I guess the community just wants giant meat shields.

Tanks just need the ability to get shot without dying near instantly. Originally, they could, but then blizzard started buffing damage to make the game “faster paced”

I only bought this game because I liked the idea of a shooter with tanks in it. Every time they nerf a tank to make the game “faster” they make the game objectively worse for me. At this point, I’m at the end of my rope.

The tank class does not need global buffs at all.