Introduction of limited role queue games…
This idea has been implemented and stayed in dota 2 to fix queue time and has been successful I may not have the full statistics but this should work for OW as well.
Each player will have limited role queue games.
To queue for a High priority role (DPS) which would definitely be DPS you will
spend a role queue game. -
When you will have no role queue games remaining you will either have to choose a lowest priority role(Tank or support) OR queue for all the three roles. Doing anyone of these things will earn you role queue games which you can use to queue for high priority roles (DPS or other role may become high priority) at a particular time.
Choosing a low priority role (support or tank) will not spend a role queue game.
If you are playing 6 man No role queue game will be spent or if you have all roles selected in your lobby or you have only high priority roles selected in the lobby.
This way people would play tank and support in order to queue for the DPS games which will fix queue time for DPS players and make the game fun and versatile for everyone.