Idea for a more Interactive Valkyrie

Mercy now has 2 beams to choose from. An offensive and a defensive beam.

Offensive Beam

  • Healing beam and Damage boost are merged into one Golden beam, which provide the same healing/ damage boost numbers as non- Valkyrie Mercy.

Defensive Beam

  • New beam added: (In the place of damage boost) (Color yet to be determined)
    Offers defense boost and slight heal boost.
    The defense beam will offer 20% Damage reduction to all allies and 15% Heal boost.

Other Valkyrie changes

  • Beam ranged reduced by 10 meters, and flight speed increased to 10. This way Mercy won’t hug the skybox while also being nimble. This should offer more counterplay and make Valk more rewarding.

Mercy will now be able to offer more to the battle, based on the current situation.
If the team is doing well, the offensive beam will be better.
If the team is getting pushed, the defensive beam will help hold points better.
Also, the healing boost will help make secondary healers more useful by amping up their healing and also providing some defenses for the less mobile supports (Ana, Zen) .
Currently, Valk doesn’t feel that rewarding, but having more choices based on the current situation will make Mercy more active and will require more game sense.

Some changes could be that in order to reach the full effect of the beams, they will have to active for 1.5 seconds.(Basically a ramp up)


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018