Then we’ll have 2 hitscans that aren’t worth playing with a 42% winrate.
They didn’t change that much since he got the fire rate buff bro. But as I said, less damage, faster rate I’m down with it.
I strongly disagree.
Me too.
Funny thing is he almost needs the ability to like do some spin and fire… Dead-Eye might need a rework of sorts…
Not as much as he was afterward, but at least he still had his .85 stun back then. Now he’s just pitiful.
Well the last thing that we need more is stun time so get used to that.
Snipers are dominating, every DPS is pitiful but them. Powering down doesn’t stop at the heroes we like.
What I’ve gotten used to is not playing McCree. He’s a throw pick. Like I said, sad.
Welcome to the club. Haven’t played Mercy and enjoyed myself significantly over a year even though she’s still my most played hero overall.
Balance-wise McCree will be fine when the dust settles in this horrendous patch, whether or not IDDQD enjoys a revolver or Machine Gun Kelly isn’t really worth anything. I’m sure a lot of people enjoyed McRightClick too.
IDDQD played McCree when his fire rate was like this, which is the original. He just has to get used to it.
There is alot of problems with hard-hitting shots like McCree when the fire rate is so high. It is technical problems with latency and favor-the-shooter, which makes it impossible to react as a target.
Can we revert all the nerfs for the heroes that blizzard killed? Excluding Brig tho ofc.
“bUt hIs gUn fEeLs PoWeRfUl”
That’s what genji mains said and I remember the same person who is now whining about mccree be happy about the genji nerf. Deserved.
He was among the worst performing heroes in the game which is why he got buffed in the first place.
I do believe the hero is going to be a semi popular pick regardless of his viability kind of like genji, but the hero is really bad right now.
McCree has the worst kit in the game. little mobility, big hitbox, scuffed flashbang, little range, worst ult in the game. There’s reasons he needs a buff
please read the below:
when we’re talking about a hitscan (undodgable) weapon with little spread AND can kill by landing 2~3 shots, making it able to shoot more frequently is a big change here.
why would you wanna go up against heroes who are made to be snipers as mccree in the first place?
I get mccree is a long range hero, but not to the extent where he should be able to outduel heroes like widow/ashe/hanzo…
So imo being mccree and trying to go up against them three is already a poor choice, not so much because mccree is bad
Mccree has the best kit in the game. Amazing firepower, a low mechanical barrier to entry, a god killing flashbang with no counterplay for a large portion of the roster, a better ult than Doomfist. Jesus he might need more nerfs.
You see how the hyperbolic subjective argument works both ways? This isn’t constructive and only leads to accusations of trolling.
Mccree did not need the buff when he got it and he does not need one now. Win rate on overbuff does not tell the full story and should not be the sole metric to balance characters around. We’ve had multiple character go virtually unchanged since launch to overpowered over night simply from a change in perspective or changes in the current meta or just because it’s a Tuesday. Doomfist, Sombra,Ashe, Ana,Mercy, Genji,Orisa, Rein, Junkrat, etc the list goes on.
I don’t really want to get into a deep dive on this because
- it’ll go no where
- I haven’t really touched the game since 2018 due to lack of meaningful content/guilds (still fairly informed tho)
- just being here on the forums is a colossal waste of time espppeciially because I type slow
but the gist of it is that we need to be reducing the power level of everyone across the board and segmenting each character within their own little niche that only they can excel in.
Characters that consistently perform well in metas they probably shouldn’t should be nerfed (OG Dva) and characters that are constantly under-performing in metas they should be good in should be looked at. That might end up being a question of say should we buff Junkrat or should we nerf barriers. It could also be should we implement a new mechanic via a new hero or a rework of a currently under-performing one. There are a lot of options and discussions that go well beyond just winrate.
My advice would be for him to play D.Va.
You can shoot very fast and be a fraction as impactful and blow all your abilities every encounter and still lose.
And then have forum idiots tell you your guns are fine, better than ever in fact, after a massive nerf dropped by inept developers.
Complaining about a Damage hero being boring in 2020 when there isn’t a single tank that isn’t crippled trash while the DPS queues are still full. Streamer trash.
why would you wanna go up against heroes who are made to be snipers as mccree in the first place?
Who said that? not me though. You could stop breaking posts and taking only what you need to throw a random response, and quote the entire sentence, because it doesnt say that you should win as Mcree vs Snipers.
Not at all.
I get mccree is a long range hero, but not to the extent where he should be able to outduel heroes like widow/ashe/hanzo…
Again, nobody said this.
Also those heroes are not “weak” at medium ranges, certainly not even at close range (besides widow) so Mcree has literally NO AREA where he is superior to them. Thats the main issue.
So imo being mccree and trying to go up against them three is already a poor choice, not so much because mccree is bad
Again with the hardcore strawman.
Nobody said that Mcree is bad, quit arguing against something I’ve never said. Its quite dishonest and annoying honestly.
Re-read the post and ask if you dont know what I mean or have any doubts. Its quite easy.
Power levels of heroes are relative to other heroes. McCree was a weak hero in 2018 which is why he was buffed in the first place. He’s in an even weaker state now while several other heroes are in stronger states than their 2018 versions. There are subjective arguments based on opinion, which is what you have. And there objective arguments based on facts. One is correct and one is not.