IDDQD on McCree: I find him boring to play, he's trying to shoot people in slow mo

I quoted him, one of the best McCrees out there because I’m sure a lot of McCree players feel the same and it’s the truth, McCree is not fun to play anymore, the slower fire rate feels awful. He also mentions what some of us have said as well, we would rather have lower damage with a faster fire rate, not that he needed a nerf in the first place, but if the devs want him to be terrible, at least make him fun to play.


At those levels, T500, those seconds wasted per 10 mins are a heavy load.
I dont think its that bad below Masters but once you are there and face fast reacting flankers or Ashes/Widows/Hanzos … yeah you are falling behind with Mcree.


Nevermind hes been doing that pre-fire rate increase


Was McCree not fun before june 2019 when they buffed his fire rate?


A lot of players have expressed that opinion and they are not top 500, the fact that a top level player like him does is only further proof that is the truth.

Most heroes that are terrible aren’t.

McCree can take a break though, it’s a good think mechanical skill transfers between Hitscan heroes easily. Pick Ashe or Ana or something until McCree comes back in a year.


Take a break from being terrible, that would be good. Since he has almost always been terrible we don’t really care about it anymore, just make him fun to play and leave him weak.


From what it sounds like apparently not.

Times have changed though. He wasn’t really “meta” during that time either, and after over a year of having the faster fire rate, the original fire rate just feels bad to play with. Also, back then Ashe was perceived as a “better McCree” because she fulfilled the same role, except she was better in all areas, and that’s why he got the buff to begin with.


Emotional arguments rarely work, and this is no exception to that sentiment.

McCree can take a break like the rest of the roster did before him in the same way.

Timeout sucks, but you can’t let your main being nerfed sink the rest of your gameplay when there are many other heroes to choose from.

They’ll pull him out of the dumpster eventually, until then adapt.

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There is no emotion in the statement, only facts.

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Yeah Ashe’s relationship to McCree is typical power creep. Sounds like she the problem hero, not Cree.


The lack of acknowledgement to my points suggests otherwise.

Enjoy cowboy timeout miffed, I guess. If you want to be salty and let it ruin your game, don’t let me stop you.


You asking people to accept something that is wrong, that is just sad, I pity you honestly.

I mean if you are happy to let your hero be terrible that’s on you. I won’t stop expressing my opinion on the matter until they buff him back.


Well, newer heroes being better than older heroes at their roles is just bound to happen, since new hero releases just progressively get better over time and make older heroes are are supposed to fulfil the same roles look weak. I don’t think any hero release can top the craziness that was release Brig though, not in a million years. Sigma was the closest one imo, but still not quite on her level.

Moth Mercy was flat out broken too if you can count that as a new hero.

You mean hanzo? Who got nerfed btw.

How about nerfing Ashe and Widow, and reducing McCree’s reload time. We really don’t need machine gun McCree, we need overtuned hitscan toned down.


Oh yeah, Moth Mercy also was completely insane. I guess you can count it too, although I would label new heroes and reworks separately.

Nah, I definitely mean Ashe.

Ashe was barely being played at the time mccree got his rof change. It was Hanzo and people complaining about how overloaded his kit was specifically how well he did against barriers. That’s why they buffed his rof as well as his roll cd. The only reason ur bringing up ashe is because that’s what’s currently in front of u.

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