You shouldn’t. I fought years for my mains to get the buffs they needed and I wont stop as long as I play this game. This take a time out stance never works considering we have heroes that never were “in” to begin with while others are kept more than viable for years on end.
I mean, being fun to play is not the same as being effective to play. Ashe is just better. She should get the McCree treatment too.
No need to ask me twice.
People hated it when it was first buffed, they said it didn’t feel like a revolver anymore.
There’s no reason to play Cree, he’s terrible. Atleast give him back his 0.85 flashbang so he can deal with Doom and Genji.
He actually started playing again after McCree got those buffs.
Though, by ‘‘boring’’ he probably means ‘‘underwhelming’’ or ‘‘too weak’’.
Alternatively, here’s some food for thought.
Imagine buying your first car.
You drive this car for years, and eventually decide to buy a new car.
This car is amazing. Handles much better and drives much faster. Another few years pass and your car breaks down. You decide to buy a new car again. You see the same car you firs drove for sale.
With the experience of driving a new car, would you still want to settle with that old outdated rust bucket?
I like IDD but I disagree. The fire rate on McCree’s revolver was a bit silly, and bringing it back with lower damage would be a net nerf to most people.
It makes sense he’d want this as he prides himself on aim ability (he’s quite good to be fair) but an increased fire rate with lower damage would just make McCree worse for the majority of players I think.
I’d rather Blizzard focus on making so many DPS ultimates not memes, including high noon.
I don’t know why people say this. There is nothing wrong with his weapon shooting fast, if the issue is damage then just reduce the damage but since his damage output is not even close to being one of the best then that is also not his issue. Even with the faster fire rate he wasnt doing the most damage out of the DPS heroes.
Lots of changes are disliked by people who have put a lot of hours in those heroes, it’s just a fact people have to accept. You’re gonna have to deal with the old rust bucket because it’s probably more financially feasible, just like everyone else had to deal with their changes as well.
Balance-wise the entire game is powering down, think of most damage heroes’ current state as a transitional state. The same patch that reverted McCree fire rate, also nerfed a couple of underperforming heroes like Junk and Pharah. Can’t expect to nerf all defenses and sustain but keep damage the same.
Well, I say it because it just didn’t feel right. You think of a revolver generally as a heavy hitting, but slower fire type of weapon. McCree also already has fan the hammer for rapid fire (another thing they could look into tweaking over his primary).
Then let’s buff 76 so his ar hits as hard as mccrees revolver. Oh now Ashe feels underpowered so let’s buff her. Oh projectiles are now outclasses so let’s buff that now. Oh tanks and supports are no longer effective at what they’re suppose to do so let’s buff that now.
No. Mccree had his lane and should stay in it.
If you think that sorry but you are mistaken. See other games and how they handle revolvers, they shoot WAY faster than how McCree shoots it, and more importantly, in the actual real world, revolvers can be shot extremely fast.
This makes no sense.
I’m sure they CAN be, but from games I’ve played the revolver is usually in that category. Resident Evil is an example I can think of off the top my head. The revolver typically has lower ammo, fires a bit slower, but packs a punch compared to a standard handgun.
I’m not a gun person in real life so I don’t know how accurate that is – just saying that’s my experience, and why some people might’ve thought the rapid fire McCree felt a bit weird.
It’s a game mate and each character needs to have things that they are good/bad at. All you’re doing is advocating for powercreep and overlap making characters redundant. Overwatch had it right back in 17 with a few exceptions but you had the most variety then.
McCree has plenty of things he is bad at, and the one thing he had going on for him was his gun but not not even that.
I’m not doing that in the slightest, even with the fast fire rate McCree doesn’t come anywhere near Soldiers weapon.
Well, it’s not hard to find videos of people shooting revolvers super fast, and accurate as well. As for games look for other FPS and you will see what I’m talking about. Having a faster fire rate on a revolver is very common.
I diagree. People don’t have to accept anything.
I wouldn’t want to drive a rustbucket either, and would look for a different car. Even if it’s financially the better option.
Okay don’t accept it. Make a custom game with whatever fire rate you want. There, fixed it.
That’s not where i was going with this.
And i don’t think simulating the experience is the same as actually going through the real experience. I was trying to say that people can just move on and play other heroes or games rather than accept they have to play a character they no longer enjoy.
Overwatch devs need to STOP changing fire rates or recover rates or whatever they want to call it. That is literally the worst approach to balance in an FPS. It’s literally amature hour in the OW WFH zoom balance meetings.
That’s what I meant, you have to accept the fact that the hero changed and probably will change multiple times in the future, just like everyone else’s. People “disliking” a change for the sake of it isn’t going to get anywhere.