I would rather a CC get the beta than some random player

I never spoke about turn based stragegy ganre in our conversation

How exactly would you like me to interpret, “If they agree, we ‘help’ the people we work with to more closely align their audience with the values we hold true as a team.” -aka, we let them know what to say, and if they agree, we work with them. Do I really need to spell this out for you?

And the obvious contradictory statement, “whether or not someone is critical of our team, decisions, or philosophy, doesn’t factor in to whether or not we work with them.”

I mean, andyb LITERALLY says, if they say what we want, we work with them. How could that be interpreted any other way??

You kids are so funny.

You might have the right idea, lol. Done and done :wave:

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Since ever and who said anything about PvE?


Okay. Good to clear things up.

I don’t care personally. I was talking about PvP.

so, why are you concenred on ping again?

Because it’s very important for PvP and PvE?

I got 2000 hours on ME3 PvE alone, ping sucks for PvE as well.

Why would the ping be high?

Becuase I’m from Brazil and there may not be a beta server anywehre in the South American continent.

Frankly I’m surprised the live SA server didn’t close…

I personally would rather have smaller positive streamers get the beta and be allowed to grow than letting in the same toxic personalities who helped forge this community into the festering pile it is. More Beavers, less Samitos.

Yeah that’s good and all but things change. Of course the core customer feed back has always been a staple for businesses but now that you can use middle to promote you’re product to thousands or potentially millions with out having to role out a multi million dollar ad campaign why wouldn’t you?

Beta is a version of a game not a server

How do they censor players?

Lol you are taking 2 different things. One he is talking about the blizzard product. (That you can sayanything you want about the product). And the second Is him talking about what the creator does with their community. 2 different things.

Yes, and that version needs a server to connect to.

Same as PTR. There’s no PTR server here, when I get PTR it’s alwasy US or EU server, 200ms ping. 150ms if you’re lucky.

But how will they be able to do Bronze/Unranked-to-GM on a beta?

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Ah so good to know some of the worst people/human beings imaginable have a higher likelyhood than we do to get into the beta than we do. Cool cool cool.

Some of these people even with consequences just keeps going and makes it their whole personality, especially since its what they profit of.

I know you tryna play nice guy and be open minded and all but here’s the thing:
You know when the whole discourse on actiblizz’s lawsuits was going on a common phrase that was being shared around was “the playerbase often reflects how the devs communicate/handles a game” because of the contrast of the wow and final fantasy fanbase in attitude through it all.

So if this is the dangerous standard you want to set, i certainly hope you dont start wondering what kinda cesspool you cornered your own selves when 2 gets out of Beta. Cause given the game is already quite infamous for its toxicity, by essentially highlighting and rewarding those type of people, what the hell do you think is going to happen in the long run? Especially if the beta runs for as long as the OW1 did?

As my friend says:
cool motive, still bigotry