I would like to apologize

Yesterday I won 9 games in a row. It was wrong of me to do and I now realize this.

Today Blizz has punished me with my current 9 game losing streak. Iโ€™ve yet to play a match with anyone with a brain.

Super fun, blizzโ€ฆ Great experience :slight_smile:


Another player experiences tilt and does not know when to cut his/her losses.


I thought we already had a chat?

And btwโ€ฆ Itโ€™s over 3 separate sessions.

Iโ€™m not sure who, besides you, would think โ€œgo away. Far, far away.โ€ constitutes a chat but I donโ€™t. Especially when you replied on a thread uselessly to a post of mine that answered OP directly and then not even answer my basic querry as to your foul attitude.

I have a foul attitude - youโ€™re correct. What is puzzling is why youโ€™d reply to me at all?

I wonder the same after interacting with a lot of people on here

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Korn, youโ€™re one of the only sane people I know on here. Donโ€™t get your hopes up with the forums.

I donโ€™t get my hopes up, I just keep on chasing arguments I shouldnโ€™t in hopes that this infection will stop spreading.

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This is a forum which exist for conversations. What is puzzling about interacting?

Youโ€™re not mature enough to handle team-games.

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Eh, I go on plenty of loss streaks without tilting because I do not care if I win or lose. It definitely still happens regardless. So I do not really buy that argument myself, especially as it implies that one person trying can throw a game. I do not believe that either.

Hey again Kornmeal, want a shameless link to my bastion appreciation thread?

Lol if you want to sure

I donโ€™t understand how in a forum so strict, this personโ€™s always got something passive aggressive to say, and nothing happens when they say it.

donโ€™t play on the weekends

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wow the fanboy is here insulting everyone as he do again thats all you can do donโ€™t you can you show us your profile so we can get a little laugh

you are 100% right dude i made this account to test that and i confirm what you said after winstreak i have to solo kill all player to win the game i can do it normal players canโ€™t so its sad useless trash matchmaking only way to rank up play with a 6 stack if you are good 100% you are in higher rank then yours

If you ever lose a few games in a row while playing bad the game thinks youโ€™re bronze material and tries its damndest to push you there sooner rather than later by teaming you with all the other people who it thinks are boosted animals. If you win a few games while playing well itโ€™s going to think youโ€™re a smurf and team you with all the other smurfs that carry you to ez wins. At least thatโ€™s the only explanation I can think of why these games in mid plat are so much easier than when I was in low gold like a week ago.

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Because I break zero rules? And thatโ€™s not passive aggressive; itโ€™s mildly sarcastic at worst. If you have an issue with my conduct feel free to report it; when I did overstep a line I got a mute here for a few days. It has not happened since. I follow all of the rules and am one of the positive influences here.