I wish Ana had as much feed back as these mercy threads

The devs don’t seem to like tanks being strong and Ana is tied to their fate. Now so few people play Ana that teammates have forgotten how to play with an Ana, I can’t heal you through shields and need to reload every so often.


The worst part is, at this point, I don’t even know what Ana even needs to make her better without breaking her. Like maybe if her healing pierced full hp allies and she had more ammo? Also, maybe throw in some shields for hp so she can Regen a little?

Honestly, I’m not a support player, so I don’t know, but those are my suggestions. Like I said, I don’t know.

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I would love to see this. I mean, when they presented her, you clearly see her sitting on top of the archway leading to first point on Temple of Anubis and she shoots down Reaper while assisting a Pharah.

Why can’t we get up there without needing a Mei? She might be old, but if you can be a kickbutt old lady that goes into a warzone, I’m sure you can climb a wall. (Not to mention there’ve been many instances where things just don’t make sense but exist because game logic.)

It is sad.

I think Ana needs a buff of some kind. Either a wallclimb / wall jump ability to get to high ground or she needs an ultimate that isn’t just supportive for an ally. Like what?

Zen’s ultimate covers multiple people and protects himself, Moiras heals any teammates in the way of fire + self regenerates, Mercys allows her to fly and heal multiple people, Brigitte moves faster AND provides allies armor, Lucio gives all allies AND himself temporary health, etc.

Like why is Ana the only support whose Ult doesn’t do anything for her?

I think they need to look at her again. IMO, I think it would be cool if her Ult makes it so during the time her ally is Nano Boosted she heals for a % of the damage they cause.

EDIT: Also make her damn healing hit boxes more forgiving! I can’t tell you the times I’ve shot in the direction of an ally, only for them to move at the last second and the healing to be wasted.

It’s pretty sad, isn’t it? The hero that actually takes skill, and the hero that people enjoy watching in E-sports + respect gets forgotten about by the army of Mercy lovers that rule these forums.

She’s been left to rot mostly since her nerf. The damage buff was nice but she still doesn’t bring enough to the table to make her worth picking over the other supports.


It’s mostly not Ana mains asking for these nerfs though, it’s just a blend of people that don’t like a particular support who does this. My impression when discussing Ana in our thread is that most people are aware that her issues stems both from the current meta and issues related to her kit and its design.


True people who really like Ana know that Ana’s real problem is her own, which is mostly her mechanical requirement, her kit can do a lot but other healers can do just as much and more without the mechanical requirements. As a Silver level Moira or Mercy i could probably do better than a gold level Ana. Thats broken right there.

They talked and messed with mercy for months and months and nothing for ana. Its sad, i love mercy and mercy mains but ana is dying.

Yea I totally agree with you. Ana is a very difficult healer and is probably the only healer that requires great aim. So at lower tiers, she’s probably useless. Besides Moira whose healing bar is slightly different, ana is the only healer who needs to reload her healing potential. Also, I think what makes ana frustrating is her ultimate. It quite good, but she legit needs another person to ult. You need to rely on the person you nano boost to do the work. You can be the best Ana in the world but if you say Rein, decides to stand there with his shield up, while hes nano boosted, theres nothing you can do. She needs either a different ult, or tweet nano boost to have a secondary effect on herself. Also, with the rise of dva, anas healing can be absolutely denied by her matrix. She is the only healer that can be blocked by dva.

It’s not broken. That’s exactly how a high skill ceiling and skill floor is supposed to work.

The entire purpose of a high skill floor is that if you’re merely equal to characters with a lower floor, then you’ll perform worse than they do. You need to be better with that character to perform equally.

But with the skill ceiling being high as well, it also means that if your skill reaches optimal level, you’ll do better than the character with the lower ceiling.


This is also the same thing for D.Va, and is also what resulted in 18 megathreads on the old forum for D.Va when the end of S3 nerfs came in.

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A wise man once said:

Nothing makes a thread more active than an argument.

It has nothing to do with entitlement. But thanks for playing.

Exactly this. I am passionate about Mercy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want Ana to get some love. She definitely was over-nerfed and could use some help. But I also don’t play her enough to speak in depth on her issues.

And yes, the complete radio silence from the devs regarding Mercy is in extremely poor taste.

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Getting Ana better doesn’t mean the other healers should get nerfed. Ana needs buffed.

She wasn’t overpowered before the rework.

Mercy is easier to play so she has more mains who live off her.

Yes, I am very concerned for the Hanzo and Sym players. I hope things go well for them.

i get were you are coming from, but to me it becomes broken in that it kills the motivation to git good with Ana if for all your effort i will just come in with Moira and upstage you and win. Infact it raises the skill requirement even higher and that becomes a lot of the Ana Problem.

ye ye whatever!!!

It is what it is, call it whatever you want. If you are going to support whining over an ultimate and that it deserves to flood the forums just because you are many, then i don’t know what we are doing here.

The writing is on the wall, but you don’t want to read. Well if no one has said this before here goes nothing “This is how it feels like when your main gets nerfed, every other nerf you read or hear about know that someone is feeling like how you may or may not feel now.” Think of all the heroes who are only getting attention now and you mention “bad taste”, some don’t even have mains anymore cause they haven’t had anything in forever.

All the best mate with your Mercy-watch agenda.

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