I wish Ana had as much feed back as these mercy threads

Well… it comes with the good and bad. For one Mercy has been nerfed to the ground or reworked a lot harder than other support. She also receives a substitutional a lot more grief or hate in game. Mercy is often #1 target to kill among any team comp, or gets solo ult one of the most.

Google Search 3/01/2018

mercy overwatch hate

About 3,610,000 results

Ana overwatch hate

About 418,000 results

Lucio overwatch hate

About 525,000 results

Symmetra overwatch hate

About 286,000 results

Moira overwatch hate
About 228,000 results

Of course there are those who are willfully ignorant, delusional, or just want troll to grief Mercy mains more like ritzyuk is trying to do . Dealing with more stress, toxic players with unreasonable demands, require more discipline and focus to get the job done on top of excessive nerfs. Aside from that. I understand the concerns that some Ana player feel the her nano nerfs is still to much. The recent damage buff is nice but it’s not enough. She doesn’t get enough play of the game, or silly teammates that wake up her sleep dart or move too much for heals.


  1. The only healer who has NO AIM FREE ability
  2. Lowest mobility (with zen)
  3. She has NOTHING that heals or attacks through SHIELDS (all rest can and Brigitte has the bat to attack.)
  4. Only snipper who cannot take higher ground. (Widow Hanzo)
  5. Biotic grenade? We are all wasting it to self heal.
  6. Reloading time ?one of the slowest
  7. Sleep Dart? Hardest projectile to land

ON TOP she is not a hit scan

After her “EXECUTOR” Moira, Brigitte came to put the final nail to her coffin.

When u pick her UNLESS U HAVE 200hours and her PLUS a GOLDEN GUN your teammates panic that you are throwing

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I have more than 200hours on all Supports in all 3 accounts I play.

WHY MERCY is considered EASY?
Comparing to who? Moira? That u can play her wile sending emails?
Lucio? that if u can wall ride u basically spectate the game safe LIKE A REPLAY CAM , and only land to boop?
I main ZEN this season on my COMP account and although i was reluctant first I find him much more LAID BACK than mercy.

I can play all of above with a couple of Beers , Mercy Anna no

The only time MERCY was OP was when she could do multiple VALK res (autumn 2017) …

Now her ult i use just to destroy teleporters or come back from spawn door

 CONTRARY TO ALL HEALERS ANNA is TRASH for more than 17 months
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Welcome into the forums, where Mercy players reign the majority.
Our everyday bread:

"Mercy this, Mercy that, Mercy yes, Mercy no.
Boring yes, fun no, boring no, fun yes.

Revert this, buff that, revert that way, buff this way.

Blizzard is bad, Blizzard egoist, Blizzard lies.
Blizzard killed the whole support tab changing Mercy.
Blizzard this, Blizzard that to us.

Can’t play anymore the game, should i keep playing the game.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy main btw."

I am for one happy about the garbage bin Mercy thread, because otherwise the forums would just be flooded. To be fair… Mercy posts got boring to read and see everywhere.

Meanwhile among the minority, those who do not play the forums’s reigning heroes, we can observe some patient players whose characters rot in sad tier for so long… so long.

Who are they, WHAT are they? It is hard to tell. I just see them patiently await while not flooding the forums and seems to feel somewhat… forgotten.

Other characters need more love and support. I would love a little blue post for Ana, even if it is a “NO”. So at least they know what to expect…

Hopefully i do not get again suspended because some offended entitled Mercy players decided to make me pay while flagging my post…

(rebel) Mercy main by the way.

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I love Ana, she has been my first main girl ever since I started playing on console two years ago, and I wish I could just play her every time, because she is just awesome and fun to play. Her concept and design is so unique and special.

But there is no point, she is getting outclassed a lot and the nades/sleepdart don’t change this too much. Many times you end up solo healing in comp (that’s just how it is in the mid tiers, 3 DPS simply gets a lot more common) and end up using your nade more defensively not only for your team but for yourself, so the utility of the nade is gone. And sleepdart is a hard CC to hit and gets blocked by a ton of things and wakes the target up as soon as someone on the team coughs in their general direction.
There is a Dva in most of the games and she eats both, infact, not only barriers but the god damn DM negates a lot of Anas kit.
And then there is Nano Boost, an ult which most of the time only does something when the teammate uses an ult themself.
I recently played a bit HotS and playing Ana on there is actually quite fun, especially because she has the secondary “ult” which lets her do rapid sniper shots. Even in HotS Nano boost feels like dung lol.

I can’t understand how a high skill hero like Ana is so extremely outclassed by low skill heros like Moira and Mercy. This is insane and in no game ever should be the low skill hero more effective than the high skill hero.


What’s the point even discussing Ana’s state anymore? Feedback was given in droves when her changes were put up on the PTR, but as we know the PTR is not for testing/iterating, merely to preview changes that are absolutely hitting live servers regardless. Ana was nerfed into the ground and left there. Coupled with the complete refusal to let Overwatch be anything besides Dive, she just isn’t worth bothering with. A sniper with no ability to reach high ground; a Support with pathetic self defence. Playing Ana is just an exercise in masochism.

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sadly true :confused: i still hope they’ll eventually look at her again. i mean, she’s barely played, she’s my fav healer but i had to switch to Zen cause with him, at least I can kinda defend myself, plus, he has rechargable shields…

#saveNana <3

p.s. there are a few threads going around for suggestions about Ana, it’s not that no one mentions her, it’s just way less than Mercy

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

If you want the devs to pay as much attention to Ana as they do to Mercy, make as much of a fuss on the forums as Mercy mains do rather than complaining about entitlement.

I think part of the reason is also because Mercy gets a lot of hate.

So what happens is Mercy gets a thread for a buff request, then someone comes along and slams it, then more people rooting for Mercy come to defend it, and it escalates from there.

Meanwhile when someone posts an Ana thread asking for a buff request, it kinda turns into an echo chamber that dies quickly, because there are few people that really “hate” Ana, and are more content to not care about her status than actively oppose her.

Thus Ana gets less coverage than Mercy, since Mercy is where all the war and conflict is, even though Ana is the quiet one slowing breaking under the strain of too many refugees.

Oops probably should not have made that reference.

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Frustrated as hell? Yes.

I’ve made my suggestions often on what her issues are and what I think should be done about it.

I’m at the point that her lack of efficacy isn’t going to matter to me anymore. For the longest I’ve stopped playing her because she sucks. I refuse to let my Mercy hours in this game overtake my Ana time. I want to be an Ana main. I’m a support main and she’s my favorite hero in this game.

I’m at the point where I’m about to say F it. So what she sucks and is almost akin to throwing. Too often I see DPS players playing selfishly. F it, I’m playing her and damn the game, damn their lack of attention and damn every puke telling me to switch off.

I’m tired of fighting the fight to get her fixed. I just want to play this hero more often than I do any other support. It’s simply the one I like the most.

I just wish they do the obvious by her. It’s not much to ask. They know the stats. They know what our complaints are. They know what it is and isn’t we that play her often want. They’re just not listening or doing anything about it.

F it. I refuse to let my Mercy and Lucio time overtake Ana’s. I identify as an Ana support main. I’m sorry to those that want me to switch. It’s not my fault she’s under par.


that was point, that the devs are not paying much attention to Mercy right now regardless of the mega-threads. So no need to sound like a broken record over Ana, the devs already highlighted what their concerns are so time will tell.

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Ana is less accessible. There are much, much fewer people that play her. That’s why. She’s pretty hard to play even adequately.

Wall climb.

Seriously - I want her to go places only her daughter has ever been lucky enough to venture to.

Seriously she needs those high ground areas to shine - it would be the making of Ana and be such a lot if fun to to play.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen this thread, but to be real with you, I don’t appreciate being bad-mouthed like that. You’re putting some words in my mouth that I don’t agree with at all.

I don’t dislike Mercy mains. I don’t dislike mains of any hero, or any category or anything. In fact, I’m pretty appreciative of Mercy players, we really are running out of dedicated support (and especially) tank players these days. I myself am one of those who got tired of seasons upon seasons of filling into roles I’m not a big fan of and have since switched to DPS.

I don’t deny Mercy mains get unwarranted hate. I don’t agree with any of that hate, it’s horrible - that’s how all hate is. I do agree with some of your points, namely that Mercy mains do in fact get hate, and they have unintentionally (for the most part) garnered a negative reputation from some of the player-base. My point (perhaps badly explained earlier the other month) was that there are many other heroes who also recieve a lot of hate in-game too.

I meant no harm to anyone and neither did I do so. I just hope all toxicity towards all people is one day solved, but the sad truth is I really doubt it will, seeing how online gaming has always been like that. Anonymity on the internet can be a sad thing, yet it’s pretty much necessary.

I agree with you. I am not an Ana main (I am a Lucio main) but I have seen Ana mains and some players intentionally try to use Ana as a reason to nerf other supports. I have seen this with a small few other Lucio mains too.

I remember back when Mercy was nerfed hard OWL did a stupid skit about Mercy that at one point pretty much said that knocking Mercy out would bring Ana back into the meta, that we would see her more.

Welp, look how that turned out. Ana was not brought back into the meta. I recall directly after seeing Ana mains trying to get Moira nerfed back when she first came out. I have said this before but nerfing another support to try to bring Ana back will only serve to make it so there is another underperforming support. It does not fix Ana and never will.

If this next patch doesn’t include Ana changes (or tank changes), I’ll lose all hope on this games balancing.


I have two suggestions that might help Ana:

  • Let her shots go through full HP allies. This would prevent accidental blocks of healing and damage.
  • Decrease the cool down on her bionade while decreasing it’s healing power. This would give her more opportunities to heal herself and she would be able to counter healing more often, bumping up her utility.

Tell your girlfriend her art is lovely! <3

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I mean, why does she even have to reload? Her darts are single load shots she manually loads before you can pull the trigger again. So, wouldn’t it make more sense to make it unlimited? I mean, it’s one thing if it was a gatling gun of syringes (like, say something for the Medic in TF2), but it’s literally ONE syringe she shoots before placing a new one in the chamber.

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This is a thread about Ana