I wish Ana had as much feed back as these mercy threads

It’s quite sad really, someone says Mercy in a post and 800 messages in 30 mins. But when someone says Ana, it’s just Ana who? who is that?


The worst part of this sad truth as well is mercy conversation just becomes a tug of war of rose tinted glasses players and everyone else.

There’s nolstagia for triple tank days for Ana but it’s less opinion driven and people try to create discourse through analysis, not the subjective definition of fun.


ana is actually pretty good, if you can aim… like really really good… i can’t though XD


Its actually nauseating. they have such a sense of entitlement. Really don’t think the devs are giving it much attention though.


Fix the nade problem and ammo size

Why can Moira do better damage, survive longer and heal more than Ana + being easier to play

Atleast make Ana better at something than Moira but currently you only pick Ana for nano combo


My guess is that people dont want to go back to beyblade or triple tank. They are just tired of them?


Ana will stay in her bad spot or even in a worse spot since brigette and moira are way overtuned. The only way to get her back is to give her a major buff but that’s not going to happen probably. An average moira has a much more impact than a good Ana.


All 5 Ana mains are too tired from trying to keep up in this meta to type.


I support Ana buffs.

For me personally, I post more in Mercy threads because she’s one of my most played heroes. And because I feel that Blizzard has handled the Mercy issue poorly, just customer relations wise. It honestly has even felt a bit disrespectful at times. And so naturally, I’m more irritated by that than I probably would be if they handled the whole thing better.

But yes, I don’t think Ana is in a good spot right now. I’m hoping that the devs are right that once they’ve finished nerfing dive that Ana will be in a good spot again. But I’m skeptical because I think she was overnerfed in response to triple tank.


I’m not sure what you are upset about - that a lot of people play Mercy? That those who her play her are passionate about her?

If you are bitter about Ana’s place in the game right now we are many that share the sentiment, but there are nowhere near as many Ana mains as there are… well, almost any other main. We can only keep a discussion active for so long. If you want to help us keep it going then you have to participate even if you don’t play her much herself.

I’m sick and tired of never being able to have a discussion about Ana without someone bringing up other healers - “Mercy is too strong, nerf her and people will play Ana!” (yeah, how did that work out?), “Moira invalidates Ana, nerf her” (yes, nerfing Moira will suddenly grant Ana self sustain, mobility, and remove all shields in the game).

Stop using Ana as a bat to swing at other healers and work to help a constructive dialogue about her place in the game instead.


Obligatory shoutout to CNR for trying.


i still play ana, yes it’s not as easy but she’s still got her positives and on top of that very rewarding to do well with.

We are upset about Ana being the currently worst healer in the game, she has one of the lowest average healing and damage. She has been in this state for over a year.
If we’re going to have a dialogue about Ana we have to compare her to other healers what she lacks and why she is in such a bad spot. We want Ana to have as much impact on the game as the other supports.


if moira is op…why isnt she a popular pick in OWL… why are people not abusing an op hero when they play for real money??

You realize I’m an Ana main right? I’ve made several threads about her, but Ana’s issues is more about other characters in the game. Let’s pretend we remove all other healers, is Ana suddenly not hard countered by shields? Doesn’t she still have worse self-sustain than some dps? Is her whole kit suddenly better?

Ana’s issue is that the game has evolved in a way that is very unfavorable to her, and something needs to change. I have a thread with the purpose of discussing Ana, you are welcome to join.


That was very well said. It often ends up being the case where people call for the “best” healer at the moment to be nerfed, rather than bringing the other healers up a bit. I can’t say Mercy’s oppressive anymore, so there’s no reason buffing Ana would suddenly bring back something like triple tank. Hopefully it would just carve her out a nice place in the game.

Please just give me an excuse to play Ana. She has the best emotes.


i just want to see a buff to her self heal.

give her shields like zen has or passive self heal; self heal when she heals others.

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I would love to add that to my thread, but I can only make one post at a time without replies… Yeah, that part of how the forums work is great!

Thank you! It’s just that I made a thread about this very thing before the big Mercy nerfs, pointing out that nothing would really change for Ana other than that people wouldn’t be harassed the same way for not picking Mercy. I still think I made a pretty fair assessment.

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I don’t think it’s her potential healing output. She has a rough time in the current state of the game, but she’s putting out decent numbers of healing considering how difficult the conditions are in which she applies this healing.

I think one of her issues is that she doesn’t have any self-healing besides her nade.