I will miss you, quickplay without 2-2-2

Devs literally tried 411 and acknowledged it doesn’t work.

it’s a garbage tier, meme comp, and never deserves to be in any game.

go play qp classic if you want to throw with that comp


They never said that it didn’t work, they said that solo healing and tanking wasn’t fun.

because it doesn’t work

don’t be obtuse


First of all, your QP like it is right now, will be added to Arcade.

Second, no QP wasn’t intended to unusually comps or just play what you want. I remember a QP were you only could pick 2 of each role (of course with more categories).

If you want to make funny comps or else, go to arcade. Its for fun and fun stuff. So you can go there. QP is just a mode without SR from ranked and thats good that way.


It works fine. Esp with mercy/ball+4 dmg


And when you will be removed from main page and you will move to arcade, you still will be always my only one, true QP :broken_heart::pensive:

It does work. I’ve won with it many times. It was also used in OWL several times. They must not know what they’re doing?

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Play the arcade mode.

Devs said they didn’t enjoy it, not that it didn’t work. You acknowledge that OWL teams have won with it yet in the same sentence say “it doesn’t work”. What?

chilling out with the enemy team spamming emotes?

If you recognize this as joke, you will never understand what QP actually is


They didn’t enjoy it because it put too much pressure on two people, because once your sole healer is dead, your team is done.

it doesn’t work

OWL teams winning one or two games out of the rest lost, does not equal a winning nor viable comp.

no matter how hard dps mains or morons who think 411 is a real comp, or want it to be, it will never be one, and thanks to 222, it’s consigned to the dustbin where it belongs

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You are a broken record. Your name is all over these threads about 2/2/2 along with 3 other people. You keep saying the same things without any real logic because your selfish being can’t handle 10 minutes of queue


I mean, you can still play current qp once patch goes live. I assume why they are making 2/2/2 the default qp, is to keep it in line with comp, and how most modes of the game will function, the modes the games heroes will be balanced around. With more and more changes based on 2/2/2 “classic qp” is going to get more and more unbalanced when playing silly team comps.


You can still play quickplay classics so what is the problem here?


Arcades are replacing. Classic QP will be replaced too, as if it were nobody, without any respect

The fact that OWL teams even used it at all with real money at stakes proves it can work. They often won with it. It absolutely is viable which is why devs gave it serious consideration in the first place. I’ve lost to it many times - even when my team were trying.

When enough people play it, they can make it permanent.

No, it doesn’t kid. 95% of teams ran goats because they want to win. The 1-2 teams running it were seen as big outsiders so it wouldn’t matter what they ran.

That does not make it viable. It has never been viable. It will never be viable. You need to get over it already.

devs never gave it serious consideration, they tried it, saw just how bad it is, ruled it out.

if you lost to it, you are just that bad

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Didn’t they say they would launch role queue/2-2-2 along with 2 different quick play modes, one with it and one without? If not then this is absurd. Also why 2-2-2? They just deleted so many other valid comps for no reason…
I see people saying everywhere that in every game of theirs everybody just instalocks dps but i genuinely only saw that happen once in a blue moon, if anything people in my games would instalock supports because they know how strong they are and then i’d be left out of my favorite role lol. Seems to me like a community issue, not a core game mechanic that needed changing.

Having fun in Overwatch OMEGALUL