They cannot nerf something that is already nerfed to the extreme, it will literally kill her x100.
I choose option D.
Nerf heal beam to 50. Put a 25 HPS heal on GA for her target that is only active during the bit where Mercy is flying straight to her target.
Make Mercy players choose between hyper mobility and extra healing output.
DB is pretty mediocre outside of making 190~ headshots into oneshots, which Blizz was pretty aware of until the clowns decided to make Ashe. And then nerf Sojourn knowing exactly what would happen.
Octo24 said:
Alright, yesterday I completely overlooked this and thought that it wasn’t a big deal
However, after playing several games with mercy GA feels absolutely terrible to use
I just can’t believe they decided to nerf GA instead of changing DB & res. Why?
No idea why anyone would have flagged this.
You’re literally saying that I should be silenced simply because I only play quickplay
Someone disagreeing with you about a hero doesn’t make them “anti hero”
You don’t get to decide that
Because I main her…? Icons are irrelevant but ok
Subjective and no I won’t stop
If you don’t like my views then feel free to mute me and never interact with my threads again. Problem solved.
Its funny how Mercy haters whined for weeks about ‘‘Mercy mains censoring out posts!!!’’ but now they mass flag any post about Mercy’s nerfs.
yeah, but also this part
doesn’t really justify the DB hate…
Couldn’t agree more.
what exactly is your point? they have nerfed things that people thought were unfun before there’s no denying that, but they haven’t nerfed everything obviously as damage boost is still untouched. But why is it that you think damage boost should be immune? as a support main (ex-mercy one trick) I want it gone. I hate pocketing its incredibly boring and that’s why I stopped playing her
It doesnt. Never has. But people would rather blame Mercy than Sojourn, so here we are.
Idk I’m confused as well
Pocketing is super boring, being led around, and that’s what you’re forced into with this.
Just the trolls out in force it seems. Leave them to it.
because damage boost isn’t the only thing, that’s annoying…,
clearly you lack any synapse function in your cerebral cortex
they see one patch note that “nerfs” Sojourn, and they call it a day
“welp guys gj, op character no longer op”
Y’all really flagged OP for no reason at all lol. This forum is an absolute joke.
Damage boost and resurrect are 100% what should have been looked at for Mercy.
They need to replace her Res with another ability, or limit it severely.
I was thinking they can make it so that a res’d hero has only 50% health when they are revived. And/Or the soul that mercy uses her E on shouldn’t stick around for as long as it currently does.
Another option is to just remove the ability altogether, which I am all for.
And her damage boost also should be removed/replaced.
Or they can make it so that her damage boost is on a gauge. And after expending the gauge she has to wait for it to fill back up before using it again.
OP was 100% right imo, they focused on the wrong things for Mercy, and I personally would love to see those two abilities looked at again.
If a player only plays QuickPlay then why should their opinion be heard?
QP is so bad, and it always have people thinking they’re Gods
Yeah I’m not listening to people who only QP and Gold or below.
we would need to delete everything because nothing is fun to play against if you are losing.
DB is not ‘‘unfun to play against’’. Engaging on a Sojourn, a meta warping hero, in a 2v1 is ‘‘unfun’’. DB on any other hero currently is mediocre, as it adds between 40 to 50 dmg on average to any hero with it.
lmao, true but also wrong right in the next sentence
Because everyone has the right to voice their opinions whether they’re right or wrong
Especially in the general forums where competitive isn’t the main focus. Maybe only use the comp forum from now on
So is comp lol. Comp players think that they’re gods just because of some pixels
And I also won’t listen to elitists who disregard others opinions and hide behind hidden profiles
You don’t have a higher position than me, you’re literally just some random dude as well lol
great! but you could’ve said this instead of false flagging. there is no rule that says “check if other people have made this topic before you do”. OP is absolutely within their right to make a mercy thread.
so because they don’t play ranked or are low ranks they aren’t allowed to voice their opinions? do you think only competitive, high ranked players are allowed to have opinions on the forums?
not a good look.