I was banned from competitive because of... server issues?

We need a follow up on all the players who were banned recently.


No my guy, you need to chill here
I didnt disconnect you, I didnt take your points, take a chill pill ok? What I said is a TRILLION % correct. Not going to change.

Again, this is, 100% what I am talking about.

You already destroyed your own point: The server can’t be having a massive error and disconnect only ONE player.

It just doesn’t happen. If the rest of the players are, in fact playing, that is, logically, empirically and factually, evidence enough that it was NOT a global server issue. Sorry that you are in denial but thats how it is.

Projection 101. You are embarrassing yourself buddy.
You read 1 sentence, got triggered because you got disconnected and started blaming me for no reason at all, when I mentioned no error messages whatsoever.

Take a hike and re-think before posting.

You really are thoroughly embarrassing yourself, you know literally nothing about the situation and are too immature to admit it and instead doubling down…

You are absolutely incorrect (again)

Now this is projection 101. Classic.

But there are thousands of players with the same issue? So it’s not just one player. I’ve been s10 banned for nothing. It was as the new update came out my team got a 15min ban and now we’re all s10 banned.


I am not, and again, you literally corroborated what I say is true :rofl:

IDK what part dont you understand. Thats literally the issues I was referring to here:

Again, you assumed something else, got triggered and started this whole thing.

Not really. Again you are the one responding to me, over and over again, ultra fast, saying wrong wrong bla bla bla and even when trying to “correct me”, you prove me right over and over.

A game that has millions will always have “thousands of players” with any issue.
Do you have any specific article that proves this is a “known issue” ?

You are very entertaining for all the wrong reasons but you are wrecking the thread with your piffle.

Don’t you know, it’s just your connection /s

Some people lack the capacity, sometimes it’s best just to move on.

Yo smartass maybe look at support’s latest post about unfair bans from competitive. You are the one that sounds stupid and its a FACT at this point that its not a connection issue that is causing this. No matter how you see it you cannot just say a 3party got banned from the same game because of connection. One of my mates is in england and me and the 3rd guy in cyprus. I have never been disconnected from a game of overwatch 2 in the total of 5 seasons I have played. Their servers are absolute dog poo and they haven’t been working properly since late season 9 with the GAME FOUND and not connecting you bug. Seems like you are the one lacking capacity here mr. IknowEverything. Maybe let people who actually know whats going on tell you whats going on and not make assumptions

Actually they can season ban you for 5 leaves if they are within a short period of time.

Have you even read my posts in this thread? Surely not.

“/s” means sarcasm. When I said,“it’s just your connection” - I actually mean the opposite and it is definitely the fault of Blizzard, not the user’s connection. The “some people” might well refer to the person you should be directing your post at (@Hyphen) because they are the one incorrectly blaming people like you or me or your friends and absolutely refusing to be corrected. At this stage it is quite possible they were doing it intentionally too to cause confusion and muddy the thread.

In short; I have been doing exactly the same thing you are, tell people who are not listening what is going on and stop them making assumptions. I agree with you, there are definitely unfair bans from competitive (and draconian account suspensions/silencing to boot) and bugs and errors are increasing, definitely worsening in the time frame you mentioned that holds true for my group of friends also and the effects that it is having on many long term OW players.

Does that clear it up for you? Here are some of my other posts;

Of course is a “know issue”.

And If you are playing on a STACK and 1 player of your stack leaves, the other player are stil on the game. You cannot LEAVE the game for a GROUP STACK!.

A lot of players on US and EU had the same server error. So discussing like a child and not searching for the issue on forums to see their is already a know bug/problem is very immature. The players that are banned for the whole season because of these are gonna be unbanned. But i think it will take a week. It can happen again, because I saw on the past same server errors. But with the new defensive matrix if they don’t fix these issue is gonna be more and more wrong bans. So I don’t think is gonna be fast, I think at least a week.

I’m a dev myself and with the support that we all see here , you know is not gonna be fast :slight_smile:

I hope after they fix it, we don’t have the history ban on the system.

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it was a server issue, it has affected allot of players, me included. There are thousands of us that are banned from the whole season. As you can see here : Season 10 - Full banned after playing since come out - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums


Take a chill pill and read before throwing nonsense. I explained what happens when a server has an issue (a crash basically) and 1 dude started acting like I was talking about a server error message when in fact, theres NONE when that happens.

No one added any link whatsoever, and only now someone responded with that issue, which is definitely NOT a connection issue and like it says, only happens to some players, which circumstances are : Getting a season BAN after being disconnected once.

What is very immature, is instead of providing actual evidence of that being a known issue, start getting triggered, insulting and telling me what I said is false, which is 100% not.

Again, R E A D:

This is FACTUAL.
You can say afterwards something that "Oh sure, but this is not that issue, it was a regular disconnection and instead of getting 1 suspension, we got a ban. Without any previous suspensions".

Its just THAT easy.

PS: You even prove what I said is correct:

That is definitely not what I was talking about.

Yeh bro i have no technical problems. I never got put into a game to leave. I got a 15 minute suspension for nothing and the next day season ban. I haven’t left a single game. Let alone 10 games that warrant a season ban.

It was when the new update came out and thousands of people have got the same issue. Devs have posted about it.

Can’t tell if you’re ignorant or just lack capacity.

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Is this sarcasm?

I find it incredible that two people have literally missed the sarcasm after a sentence literally labelled as sarcasm.

People being confidently wrong are the most amusing out there

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I hope people do not have a ban history as well but given Blizzard’s recent track record I’m leaning to towards it not being removed properly.

Given how long it is taking to fix I am also concerned that some players will not have their season bans removed at all. I’d rather just reset the leaver and account action data since the season started and basically start over, even if that leads to a number of correct suspensions being allowed back in. I am confident the latter will slip up again soon enough.

Same here.

You are banned: Season 10

Game found
Connection to server failed
15 Minutes ban
Season 10 banned

Battlepass running…

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Yup… Do you know when your season ban started?

Right after the failed server connection and expiration of 15 minutes ban

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