I was banned from competitive because of... server issues?

Thank you for stopping me. :laughing: I forget who I’ve been on the merry go round with. I DO remember you are the most obliging and polite person when corrected on something, which kind of makes you a legend for forum self control. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I’m not sure how much of that is apathy though.:smile:
I remember your first thread I responded to was about actions and we got heated, but you’ve shown since then you’re likely just someone who got a raw deal.

I can agree: The system as it is now sucks.
If that was your point.

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I’ve never been actioned for what it’s worth. Just seen too many good people that I know personally eat actions / bans, and that’s why I get fired up about it.

That’s always ultimately the point yep.

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the leaves carry over now too, so if you left 9 times in prior seasons then leaving 1 game this season would ban you.

I just wish they explained the ban system (and ban legnths) in the actual game, plus show your “leaving” stats of the last 20 games, so you know exactly where you stand.

But you didn’t leave…? Oh my god lol. Just keep appealing, over and over. Just keep doing it. This is so ridiculous. I knew something like this could happen to some degree but not THIS bad…

Don’t lie to Blizzard, you obviously pulled out your internet cable and called it “server issue” /s

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What if they’re on a Wi-Fi connection?

Then they turned off Wi-Fi adapter.

What if someone turned it off for them, reckless driver crashed into a telecom line, or their ISP service had to do maintenance?

It’s obviously their complicated plan to get out of game they do not want to play without penalty /s

Kotaku had an article about this sort of thing, and it really sounds like there is some kind of comp disconnect bug

The article is titled " *Overwatch 2 Players Face Bans For Leaving Games They Never Did"

How much is bugs and how much is people fudging about their games and disconnects I have no idea, but it seems to be something of a phenomenon and it does seem like there are a lot of people making very similar claims,

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not missing anything if you are banned. kind of realizing competitive is like quickplay… a lot of stomps

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This is factually incorrect; last season I was in a 3 stack and received a message that said something like “server closed due to an unknown error” and got booted from the game. Upon reconnecting I was not suspended but I could not rejoin the game that was still running with my friends in. The game continued 4v5 and my friends unsurprisingly lost both the match and rank from this Blizzard error.

I’ve seen this bug happen multiple times now to multiple people and I would put money on this error counting towards the leaver total in a season. Someone who has had it happen twice and this similarly recent one where the queue bugged has just been hit with a season ban. That is nonsense and these penalties need to be rethought alongside the draconian behaviour related account actions.

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This is the actual comment on this issue. I don´t know if it has something to do with “connection to Server failed”?

It’s anecdotal but in my experience there is no fudging at all (however, I’m sure they will be some who sadly do) and people who have played the game “trouble free” for thousands of hours over years are being hit with season bans and account actions.

I now have very little faith in Blizzard’s systems, even if they are well intentioned.

Everything is automated, do not expect any human response from support.
Whether it’s your fault or not, it doesn’t matter at all, you will get suspended/banned regardless.

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Someone on this forum tried to gaslight me saying that the server kicking me out for “internal server error” was somehow my internet disconnecting me. No, it wasn’t, and it makes me think some forum users might be Blizzard CS in disguise, maybe even AI.

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It isnt.
That literally means you were the only one that was not able to connect buddy. Don’t be mistaken about the error message you got, which is basically “you were not able to reach the server so your connection was closed”.

Theres nothing more blatant and clear about your connection having the issue than what you just said : The rest of your team was still playing the game.

What I mentioned in fact, does not have any server/connection error message, it just blips, game stops, everyone stops and freezes matrix style and then goes back to the queue, with no error message.

You are factually, literally incorrect. Put your hand up and admit you are wrong.

Users are literally told but for some reason the server itself does not close or as you put it “rolls back to the previous state” nor disconnects those still connected. The only example I have seen of an OW2 server deliberately terminating client connections is when a cheater is live detected and the match is cancelled

This is a server literally crashing entirely with no warning or something similar, a separate issue.

If it was “my”, or anyone else who had this happen, connection I would be suspended from match making as a normal disconnect, would we not? That doesn’t happen. There are error messages from Blizzard saying it’s their end, it’s a more recent phenomena reported by multiple people who have no issues elsewhere…

… yet here you are wrongly pointing the finger. It’s proper embarrassing. Stop.