I want to return Genji attack speed to 0.65

I want to return Genji attack speed to 0.65.


Yes you do


I want his spread reverted back to 12 if he gets fire rate back.


You can have it back, but only if they revert his spread, and revert either of the two Deflect buffs. Or if you want those, then nerf Blade.


Yes it was pleasure

Yep. His spread is what’s busted anyways

You know, I don’t know how people can support buffing Symmetra, buffing Torbjorn, buffing Bastion, Doomfist, etc, for being in the same tier that Genji was in pre-buff, but still want Genji to stay there. Oftentimes in the same post, no less.

Why is it so criminal to want Genji to get the proper nerfs, the ones he actually needed? Why was it unacceptable when Mercy and Symmetra got the wrong nerfs, but everyone’s fine with Genji’s nerfs, even though they’re the wrong ones? Bit of a double-standard if you ask me.


hello i am a one trick nearly mained since release on my recent post i said this put his dmg to 29 to finish the kill with the right click and melee but increase the spread to 11 and put the speed back

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lolwut? The mental gymnastics required to conceive of the quoted paragraph, much less actually type it, would probably have killed me.

Are you really trying to lump Genji in with Bastion and Symmetra?

I mean really?


Excuse me for making the same comparison other people have been making for weeks lmfao. Or should I be posting links and quotes to all of the posts where they asked for Symmetra to be given the same treatment as Genji was when his buffs went live?


You are not excused. What you have done is the most dishonest of debate tactics.

Symmetra and Bastion retain sub 1% pick-rates consistently and have for the past four years.

Genji couldn’t catch a whiff of that garbage if he were down-wind on a hot day because of how far away from their design problems he is.

Your argument is bad, and you should feel bad.


How about he gets the fire rate in exchange for a 10% ult charge nerf and the spread reverted in exchange for the 30 damage shurikens?


Not even close. The damage buff alone is worth a 50% ult charge nerf at a minimum, or a 25% ult charge nerf and 25% ult damage nerf.

He has one of the most powerful ults in the game bar nothing. Ana or not he still regularly scores double, triple, and quad kills against opponents actively trying to stop him over extended periods of time when the Genji player knows what they’re doing.

If you want to trade ult-power for shuriken damage, you’re going to need to sacrifice more than 10% charge rate because genji players will barely feel it.


How about we just give him homing shurikens

I don’t want it back. His base kit feels fine to play against now. Nanoblade still OPAF.

shhh they dont acknowldge that symm and bastion exist genji players think that 1/2 of the dps cast dont exist outside of “fodder.”

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No? The numbers actually come to about 5%-10% faster so it doesn’t make sense to do, say, a 50% nerf.

Looks at EMP, Grav, Shatter, Duplicate, Beat, etc. :eyes:

Not really. You could really feel the difference with him when the global ult charge nerf happened.

But it feels terrible to play with.


Imagine having a team-wiping DPS ultimate that lets you continue to use your special abilities and doesn’t just glue you in one spot and thinking “the only way to balance this is… 10% charge rate.”


This is missing the point. I am not talking design philosophy, I am not talking balance or pick-rates. That is not a debate I am getting into; these forums treat them like gospel and god forbid you question it.

People want Bastion and Symmetra to be able to do their jobs, to be treated fairly. I understand. I do. What I don’t understand is that the community wants these heroes to be capable, to be strong - while forbidding Genji from being strong entirely, from doing his job.

The outcry from Symmetra’s and Mercy’s unneeded nerfs is understood and sympathized with by everyone on the forums. If a Genji player criticizes the choices of the balancing team, they get taunted and ridiculed. The minute a Genji player points out that he feels sluggish and ineffective, they get insulted nine times out of ten.

But the forums won’t be happy until Genji’s worse than he used to be, you know? So it’s whatever, right?


Good thing the game isn’t all about you.

Hit everyone. Doesn’t count.

Shatter is the #2 offensive ult behind blade, and it can’t even begin to touch it since Reinhardt’s get 1 shatter, on average, per two blades simply due to differences in ult charge cost. In reality, the difference is probably closer to 3 blades per shatter since Genji has a MUCH easier time farming ult than Rein.

You don’t seem to understand how good Genji’s ult is.

Let me put it another way.

At one time Junkrat’s tire was competing with blade for best ult.

It got him nerfed into absolute oblivion and only recently has he come back into very minor relevance, and he’s still not really ever used in GM or OWL.

If Genji were Junkrat, he actually would have been dumpstered. Instead, they used kid-gloves for some reason I cannot fathom leaving Genji in a good place.

…and it’s still not enough for you.

The damage buff was a huge mistake. 30 damage shuriken push Genji past some very important damage breakpoints when dealing with 200 health squishies. So you’re not just paying for 2 damage per shuriken. You’re paying for time. Around 1.5 seconds per potential kill where the target’s reactions have to be around 15x faster if they want to be able to even attempt to save their lives (since it takes his potential TTK from 1.5 seconds to potentially less than 0.1).

It’s a much bigger buff than you think it is.