I want to protect Ana from the hate brigade

Yes she does counter a few tanks hard with antinade.

But the gate thrown at her is overblown.

All she needs is to have a tank specific change to antinade were it reduces heals for tanks alone 50% or something.

Any other kind of change will destroy the identity of a iconic and beloved hero in the game.

The game is being torn to pieces by overreaction from the community that has always been pampered to blame everything else than themselves for their shortcomings


There is a issue due to format change and it needs a thoughtful small correction.

Not major disruptions or the hyperbole by many saying ana held game hostage for 6 years.

I don’t even main ana nor am I a support main.

But I’m tired of the hyperbolic claims going against ana.

I also don’t see ANA mains protecting their mains much.

It’s time to protect ANA.


No, it’s time to stop protecting things that are obviously gatekeepers. Stop balancing around damage boost and fix damage boost. Stop balancing tanks around anti and just fix anti. If one thing is ruining the balance for everything else. Fix the root cause not the things hurt by it


Actually the hate isn’t overblown enough if she still prompts threads like this LET’S HATE NADE MORE


Big agree with this. If you do the latter, you end up in this constant loop of applying band-aids on top of band-aids, and is often how you end up with powercreep. A beats B, let’s buff B. except now, B is strong against everything, so let’s introduce C as a counter to B. Now B is entirely useless when C is on the field, so let’s make C’s best synergy, D, stronger. Now C & D is an unstoppable duo, so let’s make E better at separating individual members of a team apart so they can take C & D alone. Now E can split the Tank from their team, so let’s make F, when paired with G, able to beat E. Except now, F paired with H makes a one-shot combo, so now we have to nerf H, which makes H only viable with F on the team, and now I…

I need to stop this joke. get it?

Point is, this all possibly could have been avoided by looking at A directly. If there’s a leak in your roof, you either find the problem and patch it up, or you put a bucket where the roof’s dripping.

I’d also like to point out that adding more special rules for how Tanks interact with specific abilities can get messy fast. Less knockback received and less ult charge generated is fine enough, since both of those effect everything. But if every ability works differently on a Tank, then new players not only have to learn what every ability does, but what every ability does differently against a Tank.


-only non tank non ult stun left
-grenade that does 4 things and is splash damage
-only support that can heal and damage on same button, literally no brain needed to even consider who youre aiming at
-hitscan and projectile gun
-best ult in game no contest

shes overkitted and needs nerf. remove sleep dart


It’s just mind blowing that they’ve gutted every other character, reworked poor hog like 17 times now, but refuse to touch the most problematic hero in the game.


If anything this proves that I’m right here. Because “fixing the leak in your roof” would be just nerfing anti. What would actually be placing down a bucket would be

Oh, junker queen is heavily countered by anti so let’s buff queen a bit
Oh, junker queen is super strong now, so now Anna is a must pick or queen dominated.
Every other tank can’t compete with queen without an Anna, so let’s buff up everyone else
Not nerfing or reworking anti just leads to power creep, not the other way around. Because once one thing doesn’t so hard counter a hero, they can start balancing for more general play, and not a one ability total shutdown


That’s exactly what I meant - fixing Anti is fixing the leak, changing everything else around it is putting the bucket down. Either I made it unclear which was which, or you misunderstood my point.


More anti-healing is the answer, so the hate doesn’t all go on poor Ana. That said it doesn’t need to be 100%, something like 80 is enough.

Ana is the necessary evil that needs to be in place to balance the game. I don’t mind her having an escape tool as sleep and utility in anti. Instead of complaining, I’ve been getting better at playing against her as a tank.

If Ana has you in a chokehold, YOU are indeed out of position and a horrible tank player who should be permanently banned from playing tank in Overwatch. Your team can save you against Ana. You have more health than Ana, use it. Work on your aim, her hit box is wonky but she can still be taken down.

The people who complain about Ana just need to get better.


These are my thoughts as well regarding Ana, people act like they don’t even have a defensive cool down to protect themselves when Anti’d or are too afraid to ask if any of their supports can go Kiriko.

This sentence right here, will be the death of the game.

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Honestly I think you got my statement confused, my original statement was saying anti nade needs fixed not everything else. Idk where you got that from tbh

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It’s funny in OW1 Ana was touted as the bar that all supports should try to reach. :laughing:

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Anti-nade has a purpose to stop Tanks with focused Supports being impossible to kill.

Its a tool to even the battlefield so that the enemy team cannot just “win condition” a match.

Would reducing the effectiveness on Tanks to 50% maintain the purpose of anti-nade or would it cause issues?

Anti-nade shuts down and almost guarantees that a Tank will die if tagged. Without anti-nade, you have the immortal tank issue. So what is the middle ground on this?

Make it a cloud effect? Make it only reduce 80% of healing? Something else?


Anti needs a nerf so other heroes can have this function in their kit.
Heck, you can make the effect stacking so it eventually reaches 100% punishing a stubborn tank.

Now I’m confused. I agreed that Anti base needed to be fixed. I compared fixing Anti and fixing everything to work with Anti to fixing a leak and putting a bucket down. Fixing Anti was fixing the leak, as that tackles the issue directly and stops it, and fixing everything to work around Anti was putting the bucket down, because that’s a short sighted “fix” that quickly causes more issues down the line.

I think we agree here? I’m agreeing that Anti needs to be fixed instead of shaping everything else in the game to work around Anti.

I’m stupid, my eyes blurred words together and I thought you said “big disagree on this” lol

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Oh, I’ve had the same thing happen to me before too, haha. No worries.

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It kinda makes sense now how easy it was to dismantle your argument. When you were agreeing with me, since I was arguing the exact same points you were. Lol

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