I want to play Overwatch, not Ana-watch

I think the option is either nerf Ana or buff other Supports.

Support gameplay currently suffers from low diversity of gameplay where it’s mostly Ana & Mercy because everyone prefers strong/consistent heals to keep themselves healthy & running more than other utilities unless their team is exceptionally good at killing compared to enemy’s.
Ana is a skillful hero doesn’t mean she could be overknitted to a point that her strengths outweigh her weaknesses. Take Zenyatta as another example where he can fair upsides & downsides (wide range but low heal, high damage but poor sustain, mobility & unforgiving hitbox).

It’s also no fun to play with or against Ana in every game. Sometimes I miss having Lucio speeding my team into action; having Brig to smash enemies together along the way; etc.


The meta right now is Lucio/Moira, enjoy.


It’s not only that people need at least one massive healer, but Ana can pretty much heal spread comps or clustered comps really good.
Mercy is better for spread comps like Dive and pocketing DPS.

So in this case Ana is the most generically applicable and Mercy suits the what’s being played.

Lucio, Zen and Brig don’t have that massive heals necessary.
Bapt and Moira are better for clustered comps.


Anas anti down to 75% healing reduction
reduce the cooldown by 1 or 2 seconds

I’d like to be able to play Baptiste.

Unfortunately he’s such a bad pick.


Ana is in no way shape or form, a must have to win games. This is not the Moth Mercy era mate, pick any support you want and play it.

God bless you if you pick Brig or Bap but … good luck :smiley:


Right! Even still in gold sr people still play him and he does well, especially when they play him like a 76 and hit shots killing off any out of position supps/dps.

However we can’t all be low key ml7s smurfing in gold T_T.

How about buffing Brigitte and Baptiste (and maybe a small buff to Zenyatta)? The other supports are in a good spot to me.

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Ana isnt meta right now… Also they have said they are going to make the role distribution even so wait for OW2.

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The meta is actually kinda weird right now. Dive/brawl hybrid seems to be the case in western GM, but Korean GM they seem to be favouring Sigma/Hog/Ashe/Widow/Mercy/Zen.

I imagine the meta will solidify once OWL finals start, high ranks tend to emulate OWL most of the time.


Every support beside Brigitte is okay. Only Bap needs small powershifting. Brig maybe a small buff, but how do buff a hero which will become instant the moment when viable, again meta, because she can do so much so easily, way better then other off-supports?

Zen need only a small change to his headhitbox. Beside this, he is perfect. No need to tweak anything about it.

Ana is good design, good Ana will help to win her team, heal tanks, heal her offsupport, heal her DPS. Bad Ana will always be more burden to her team.

I would only try to change Baptiste a bit, so he can compete for mainhealer role. I think he is good, just need 1-2 small tweaks. He already heals alot, so healing output should remain same.

By giving her a niche, instead of making her a general all around healer that can tank. Not sure how they thought a main healer that can tank would be balanced. They need to revert her back to her pre 2v2v2 state and have her be a support that trades healing for survivability. She ALWAYS ran with 2 other supports as her healing was so pitiful it couldn’t sustain a team. She can’t just be another main healer with a 250 shield and stuns/boops. She needs to be a tanky off healer.

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they probably need to shift power away from repair pack into her survivability. maybe make pack heal way less (like 60) and nerf the range but give her 250 hp and 100 healing on inspire?

Yes please. Delete Ball/Ana/Widow/Genji/Tracer from my games and I’ll pay 160€ for the game

Moira main

Hoooo boy have I been enjoying :slight_smile:

If you want a Lucio or Brig on your team, you should queue support. Sorry that people find Ana extremely useful to the team and extremely good on her own.

How is the meta Lucio and Moira if Ana has the highest pick-rate at every rank in the game besides bronze?

Does bronze decide what is meta now or something?

Guess Ana is just this has-been because bronze players are playing Mercy a little more with Ana #2.

In GM Moira has barely over half of Ana’s pick-rate as of this week but clearly the meta is Lucio + Moira.


Pick rate =/= meta, simple as that.


So the hero. That has the highest pick-rate in the entire game. At the highest rank possible in the game. Is not meta?

Sorry I disagree.


Well that makes no sense but okay.

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