I want to play Overwatch, not Ana-watch

Sorry I always mean pro meta when we’re talking about meta if that wasn’t clear.

But I guess the GMs haven’t caught up to them yet.

Edit: Just checked out of curiosity and Moira did go from 10% to 15% so they’re slowly catching up. Ashe is still played a lot despite her nerf so you see Mercy along with her and if you’re running Mercy you need an Ana, Moira just won’t cut it. But eventually the meta will shift on ladder too.

That being said Ana is just a good pick in most cases and she puts out a lot of burst healing so it’s not weird to see her played despite the meta being something else because you don’t have meta comps pretty often.


The meta is surprsingly the most open its been since season 4, actually speaking of, the meta is almost EXACTLY like season 4 with new heroes. Most characters are pretty good, and the bad ones are pretty bad.

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I’ve been all over the place on my support picks, I’ve found a reason to play literally every one this season. The only one I consistently regret picking is Brig, but I’m also just not great with her in general.

Platchat, but that’s my experience so far this season.


Im with u. I can pick most supports without hesitation. Only Zen can be difficult to work with, but this depends on the team and how much value they can take from discord orbs.

Brig is not 100% throw, but every map with long sightlines she needs to play hide and seek, or a maintank which soaks all the attention. She can trigger Inspire, but cant stay to long on open field. I had good success against dive or annoying Genji with Brigitte on 2CP, 2nd point. But beside this, i rather pick something else.


Literally every support except for Brig and Bap are super viable and can be played pretty much every game.

Moira Lucio is literally meta

Mercy Ana is viable and you can swap Zen in there in either spot to run Mercy Zen or Ana Zen

Ana Lucio is good

Mercy Lucio is viable

You can even shove Brig and Bap into comps

Why are you complaining about “Ana watch” when we are in the most diverse support meta since Season 4


Pickrate in GM denotes the meta…

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The most diverse support meta was actually the brief time in which we had rein/dva, where every last support was viable apart from Zen, and even then he saw some success.

This was of course before they re-nerfed DVa and we fell into a brig double barrier meta again.

D.Va getting nerfed wasn’t what shifted double barrier to coming back. Mei was being played as a third tank like she was back in triple tank meta when they ran her as an alternative, and in effect had double barrier going for Mei/McCree meta. Only when they nerfed her, buffed Ashe to ridiculous levels, and introduced Echo did we see double barrier where it was 2 actual tanks come back.

Y’all really don’t have an absolute clue what META is, do you?

Effective / Efficient

META = Easiest strategy to pull off for the highest reward-to-risk ratio. A strategy with high consistent value.
This is why GOATS was META when GOATS was counterable by numerous strategies like Bunker and Triple DPS or Quad DPS.
You can see this in the Grand Finals of last season when GOATS was META, easily the best series in the game’s history.

High pickrate doesn’t mean META, as META is a specific combination of team comp and strategy of how to play it.
Additionally, the last time the forums relied on Overbuff for statistics, the Devs wiped the floor with y’all. Or am I the only one who remembers that?

We’ve also got quotes from the devs saying that pickrate doesn’t mean a hero is too strong or too weak, so if your argument is about pickrate, the Devs themselves shut you down over a year ago.

I can tell you safely that in high masters and low gm that most compositions have been running Moira and Lucio as the optimal support lineup. However, lower elos are still getting more value out of Ana’s anti and ez heal output.


Who cares what the devs said.

If heroes are used clearly more often than others AND winning at a greater rate. They clearly need some nerfs.

If heroes are used barely anywhere it clearly shows they aren’t doing well and they need help. ESPECIALLY if they have low winrates at all.

Also the highest pick rates in GM absolutely show what is most often used in GM, and in GM they used the best tactics possible… META.

I just can’t believe how many games you’ve played :stuck_out_tongue:

Ana is still picked WAY over Moira or Lucio.

Moira is getting more use, since her changes were actually really good ones, but like…

Don’t pretend for a moment that Ana doesn’t have a massive pick rate even this week.


High consistent value, is pretty much everything in overwatch.


Typical response

  • “hurrrr Ana’z a skill character you bite ur tongue in half you putz she dezervez it”

So you are claiming the most effective tactic atm is Lucio + Moira.


The statistics show that Ana and Lucio are the most picked supports in GM, which would suggest they are the meta pick while Moira + Lucio are the more niche strategy atm. Especially as Moira basically has half the pick-rate of the other 2 supports.

Your claim simply doesn’t make sense. If Moira + Lucio is the most effective strategy atm. You would expect Moira to have a similar pick-rate to Lucio in GM. She does not.

That is not true in the slightest!! The last time the devs stated most picked heroes, Overbuff was highly aligned with it. It only got Mercy wrong, who was in fact the most popular in the game. Overbuff had her #2.

Dunno what you are talking about on this one.

Finally I just looked at the the top 5 Overwatch streams at the moment. All GM games obviously.

I am just not seeing what you are saying.

I saw Lucio in every game. I saw Ana in every game. I saw 2 Mercy’s on one side and 1 Moira.

I know that is a super small sample size but this Lucio + Moira you claiming to be the:
M ost
E ffective / Efficient
T actic
A vailable

Just doesn’t seem to be true on ladder. Overbuff reflects this fact and every GM game I have seen reflects that fact.

I need some evidence from you that Moira + Lucio = META atm and not just feels.

I am guessing you are a GM player yourself as you clearly know the Overbuff statistics are wrong. I can personally only use Overbuff statistcis and what I see on twitch, neither which aligns with what you are saying.

Maybe unblock you profile so we can see if what you say actually has any weight behind it.


100 Armour + 100 HP

20 Shield bash damage

Good at countering dive, better duelist in her effective range.
(can not kill combo tracer)

Overall her niche is now countering dive. But without a HP increase to 250 she is still very susceptible to burst and teamwork.

And you’ve lost all validity. The game is balanced how they want it. Not how the community wants it. Not how I want it. Not how you want it.
Don’t like it? Stop playing.

Remember the Soldier/Genji fiasco when people said they were 2 of the worst picks on Overbuff, and the Devs came in and said “Actually they’re the 6th and 8th most-picked and have over 52% winrates for the both of them”?
Overbuff is wrong.
Overbuff has always been wrong.
Overbuff will always be wrong.

This is how I know you’re not and/or never have been in Grandmaster games.
Its predominately people messing around.
Go look at Freshnuts or Noobhunter or DailyOverwatchMoments or any of those damned channels- you’ll find the vast majority of clips are from Grandmaster.

People in Grandmaster have a ton of skill and can totally run META, but they don’t have to because their enemies usually don’t either.
Ladder is not the scrim environment, and scrims are not recorded as they are in Custom Games.

In scrims even at a Diamond level you’ll be playing the META because that’s how you improve in every single aspect of playing competitively.
But on ladder? No. Grandmaster is predominately people with good mechanics and good gamesense messing around because they can and they don’t care about going pro. So for them, there’s nowhere to go.
For someone who has been T500 every season since launch, they don’t care. Maybe for Rank 69 or Rank 1 but apart from that, not really.

This idea that everyone in the next rank is a god at the game is just blatantly false and I get why. Its because you see them when they try. But most people across the ladder genuinely don’t give a single ^$@!. They play for fun.

I watched Quaked. No they do not mess around.

GetQuakedOn is a Doomfist one-trick who plays around for fancy or over-the-top kills to the point he drops to Masters frequently.
Granted he climbs back up, which is impressive on its own but should tell you all you need to know.

Watch his most recent video and you’ll see even there that he goes for impractical, overly risky rollouts for a flashy kill. Granted, it works and wins fights, but it is unnecessary.
He’s a great Doomfist and a great player.

He still messes around.
He’s not throwing by any means, but he’s trying to be an entertainer.
That’s not tryharding. ML7 would be a good example of one, despite how relaxed he normally is.

I’ve been in Grandmaster in my time as a Masters Tank and I play in low Grandmaster. Have I played ranked recently? No. I don’t really care for Overwatch too much and am waiting on other things- but I doubt it’s changed drastically in the few months I’ve been away.

i genuinely feel like it’s Hogwatch though
at least it was before they nerfed him recently. now he’s less lethal. it’s starting to feel less like Hogwatch lately. idk what it is then.

It was Hogwatch until about a week or 2 ago.

Just check out Overbuff, it will show you what is currently being played.

If you are curious, just a few weeks ago Hog had 12.22% Pick-rate overall (max 16%, which would mean literally everygame).