I want to play I REALLY do

You need to punish Blizzard tbh and uninstall. I know. The game isn’t what it used to be. But at this point I think its safe to say OW2 killed things. We need to accept it.


Another day, another post crying/ begging for sympathy because you cant run out on 90% of your QP matches anymore without consequence.

Actually, youre the guy that kept saying the other day that he was going to just throw all his matches now to …i dunno, get back at the world as a giant baby does? Sooooo:


Go play AI on easy mode, custom games or tetris if you dont want to challenge yourself even a little bit.

BrickTop sounds like a massive reddit loser


Game isn’t fun. Stop playing it. Try other things. Like I’m either watching NHL or occasionally play Cassette Beasts.

2 posts: one you wrote, then edited 2 times, then ended up deleting because of how dumb it was. Only to follow it up with that gem.

You sound like a real genius.

Quickplay matchmaking is really bad that’s for sure. Especially at the tank role. I see so many games where one sides tank understands the game, and the other sides tank is completely clueless. By clueless, I don’t mean mechanically. I mean they have no understanding of the role and matchups and maps. They play some of the most bizarre picks in the most useless ways. In comp, things are better since I think in comp if you choose tank, you feel an obligation to try and play the role properly to the best of your ability.

The number of games where first and second point are rolls and the attacking team gets full held on third are too many to count. Yet many people leave after getting rolled on first point (for example kings row). Is it still a stomp? No, but people don’t care and blame the matchmaker anyway

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The people here don’t care. They just see “leaver = bad” even though they’re delusional. The only place I’ve found is that playing vs ai still nets decent XP, I can play what I want and always win but it is boring because its just playing into AI.


Get banned… you’ll be forced to not play

Yep, nice community we have here. No wonder ow is having a hard time stopping its player base from shrinking.

The bottom line is this game really rewards players who want to get better at it. It rewards players who can self-identify their own mistakes and make changes. Because you can carry a bad team to victory. Thats how all the good players got good. They carried the bad ones.

If that doesn’t suit what you want in a video game, plenty of fish in the sea amigo.


QP is not the mode if you care about balance. Back when I played more frequently, I used to stop queueing QP after awhile when it became stupid unbalanced. You know, sweaty GMs on the enemy team, your Silver Rein trying their best and getting deleted within seconds…so fun.

Play comp and think of it as what QP should be.


Oh now it’s a competitive game, but when the argument for less moderation on chat comes up then its not a competitive game. Wild how easily people flip flop.

If you’re taking QP that seriously, then just go play comp. There’s no reason to be upset for people leaving these lobbies as its literally just playing for fun. They have no reason to stay.

So maybe instead… implement a reward system that way you can actually have a reason to punish people for leaving early.



Negative reinforcement is always the worst path to take. If players got something like icons, charms, premium currency after not leaving X amount of games you’d have more people willing to stick around.


sometimes I don’t understand how people let the game get to them. I have schizoaffective disorder, and I never let people get to me in the game, or let the matchmaking ruin my day.

you would think having severe mental illness like that i would have a tough time? nope.

leave like most of the players


Make other accounts.

I don’t waste my time with s*** games.

You can either troll and chill/afk during stomps, or rotate between accounts if you dont wanna spend 5minutes of your life until enemy team closes the round or reaches the 3rd point.

Destiny 2 is really fun.

You want to play a game that doesn’t exist anymore, Av. I know, because I do too. OW2 ain’t it.

So you just laugh at the silly things here in the forum and wait to see if it ever comes back around, but you know it won’t. There’s still that small bit of light that Microsoft could do something, but a rational mind already knows it’s unlikely.

Or play custom 6v6 modes. Those are actually fun.

If you keep leaving and dodging games, the matchmaker won’t be able to sort out your MMR and make it harder for the system to find you fair games.

But at the same time, I know that some people have less tolerance for stomps and would rather rage quit then waste their valuable time in an unfair game.

Quickplay matchmaking is a wild wild west. You could get matched with console players, against smurf stacks, new players on your team etc. The only way to lessen stomps in quickplay right now is to play at certain hours of the day. I find that playing after school hours is the worst (between 3:30pm - 5:30pm). I find the quickplay matchmaker most balanced between early to late evening (7:00pm - 10:00pm).

And if you want free wins, I tend to get those past mid-night. But maybe I get easy games past midnight because everyone is sleepy while I’m not since I’m a nightowl.

Play the zombies custom gamemode if you want to burn off steam.