I want to play I REALLY do

But the game is making me so angry now… And I cant leave games to alleviate that anger… I just have to sit there and be the punching back to players that are so far above my level.

I dont know what to do … You will say take a break… or dont play … but that’s just it… I want to play so taking a break just means the people that are so far above my level get to play and I dont … That just make me more sad/frustrated.

I use to leave and find balanced games (win or lose). I would even say GG after I lost a bunch as long as there was give and take and it was fun.

Just dont know what to do.


what game mode are you playing? if its competetive, then stop playing that and go for some QP, heck even play custom games, some of them are better than the game itself.

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Playing QuickPlay… I use to just leave and find balanced matches win or lose… But now I cant anymore.

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what role? tank? if its tank, then resort to DPS or support. if you dont play that miserable tank role, and still struggle, then try different heroes, thats how i find fun in this game

If you can’t play fair, then you shouldn’t be playing at all.

You’re getting mad as a result of hindrances standing in the way of committing unfair actions.

It really feels like you’re on the cusp of figuring out that these changes were directed at you, but are simultaneously unable to accept the reality that you are the problem the leaver penalty addresses.

Yes work around it.

I used to think that getting T500 players and GM’s in my matches as a plat in OW1 was unfair, until I worked around them and got better.


Incoming “Boo hoo, YoU ruIn THe gAmE foR oThERs so DesErvEd”

Game is bad, but is the only one like it. Oh you wanted to relax? Nah, you’re not allowed to do that here. Sweaty gameplay only


THAT’s WHAT I WANT a fair balance game! Not stomp … .I want to play again bronze and silver in quick play… Not GM’s that are so far above my level.


Overwatch is inherently toxic in it’s game and hero design. Sometimes you get killed fair and square, sometimes it feels that the universe works against you. And you really can’t get better after some point unless you have a professional’s mindset. If you are looking for fun and relaxation, getting better isn’t what you should be looking for.

It is the dev team’s responsibility to make the game enjoyable even when losing. They are just not good at designing and balancing heroes. I’m not saying I’d do a better job, or it is an easy task but they just don’t care.


So do the 4 players you abandoned to go against a team of 5.

“Balance” “fair”

Well good luck with that, the wide rank spread in QP has existed since OW1.

Making a case for that while throwing a tizzy won’t help your case.


And it was FINE before the leaver change … I took my xp lose and found other games

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Plays competitive game.

Wants to throw.

If can’t throw. Wants to ghost and ruin it for everyone else instead.

Surprised when they don’t get sympathy from the rest of the player base when punished for ghosting.


My two suggestions if you really want to play OW

  1. Pickup an easier hero that you can cheese. If you’re on DPS something like Mei or Reaper. For Support there’s tons that.
  2. Play exclusively support, although your queue times might be too long to bear, but at least there’s never a hopeless moment for support. If you’re getting stomped in base it’s never your fault so no pressure from that

But honestly? Maybe try looking at other games at this point

I am playing QUICK PLAY … what are you talking about


Not trying to sound rude but you really should not be leaving games in the first place unless you absolutely have too.

So unless you need to take a dump, don’t leave games.


If it was fine then, it’s near perfect now.

You are so close to grasping that you’re the problem this solution is meant to solve, sooo close!


That is the nature of PvP games, one side will always be winning. Your goal as a team is to counter the winning side, which they are unable to do with a leaver.

And how else do you become better? If you are facing players that are more skilled than you then it is a perfect opportunity to learn form them so you may match their skill level.

You are not going to learn anything by leaving every time you face a player that is better than you.


Dont really have time to get better… Just want to play the game and fight people my level… Dont really care about getting better in a video game.

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I had the same thoughts before I stepped away for months. Came back, it took one night of QP to remind me why I quit in the first place.

My mental health improved when I soft quit and immediately decreased when I played again.

It’s not worth it. Find another game and focus on that.

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Thats just it … There is no other game like this … I tried playing an MMO but that was just on rails and money grabbing worse than overwatch … EVERYTHING is behind a pay wall in MMOs

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Yet you have time to join another game?

You can still fight people while losing. It provides more of a challenge and you might win.

Perhaps VS AI mode would be more suited to you then