I want to play I REALLY do


Negative reinforcement is always the worst path to take. If players got something like icons, charms, premium currency after not leaving X amount of games you’d have more people willing to stick around.


sometimes I don’t understand how people let the game get to them. I have schizoaffective disorder, and I never let people get to me in the game, or let the matchmaking ruin my day.

you would think having severe mental illness like that i would have a tough time? nope.

leave like most of the players


Make other accounts.

I don’t waste my time with s*** games.

You can either troll and chill/afk during stomps, or rotate between accounts if you dont wanna spend 5minutes of your life until enemy team closes the round or reaches the 3rd point.

Destiny 2 is really fun.

You want to play a game that doesn’t exist anymore, Av. I know, because I do too. OW2 ain’t it.

So you just laugh at the silly things here in the forum and wait to see if it ever comes back around, but you know it won’t. There’s still that small bit of light that Microsoft could do something, but a rational mind already knows it’s unlikely.

Or play custom 6v6 modes. Those are actually fun.

If you keep leaving and dodging games, the matchmaker won’t be able to sort out your MMR and make it harder for the system to find you fair games.

But at the same time, I know that some people have less tolerance for stomps and would rather rage quit then waste their valuable time in an unfair game.

Quickplay matchmaking is a wild wild west. You could get matched with console players, against smurf stacks, new players on your team etc. The only way to lessen stomps in quickplay right now is to play at certain hours of the day. I find that playing after school hours is the worst (between 3:30pm - 5:30pm). I find the quickplay matchmaker most balanced between early to late evening (7:00pm - 10:00pm).

And if you want free wins, I tend to get those past mid-night. But maybe I get easy games past midnight because everyone is sleepy while I’m not since I’m a nightowl.

Play the zombies custom gamemode if you want to burn off steam.

Translation: I play a game I think is bad.

Translation: Leaving games relaxes me.

Not wrong. It’s more favorable than the other games I’ve played/can afford, so yes I will continue to play it (for now).

Wrong. Leaving games that are stressful relaxes me. Oh and, not stressful as in challenging, but stressful as in other players making me stressed out in matters I cannot control.

That stress would be greatly alleviated with rewards, so much so that I wouldn’t leave a match even if it was a complete stomp with throwers on my team. Right now, I have no reason to play the game other than pure enjoyment of the gameplay which does not last long enough for me to stay in a match with grandmasters try-hards playing meta picks like their lives depend on it.

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For anyone who can’t understand or won’t I’ll give an example:
You are a young kid who wants to swim so you get your floaties on and get in. Then big brother and sister jump in and start throwing you and dunking you. You can’t swim well and just want to enjoy it but even though you fight as hard as you can you start crying and they don’t stop.

This is the experience of bad matchmaking that makes matches unbalanced. You want to play but it’s so bad that you can’t so you are either mad that the experience is bad or you are mad because the only relief is to stop doing the one thing you want to do. It’s simple. Blizzard needs to fix their sh!t.

But we could also choose to go in the pool next to it where the big kids aren’t allowed. Only kids around my size can get in. It’s fairly even fights. This is ranked. Big kids are allowed in the other pool if they come with a younger, smaller kid.

Except bullies live in all ages and not all kids have the same skill stats so what happens when you go into the other pool and they start splashing and dunking you? That is ranked. It doesn’t matter the mode. The problem is you either go in and tell the rowdy kids to settle down or…wait for it…make one pool for the rowdy ones and another for the chill ones. That’s called matchmaking. What we have is an abomination.

This is the main problem with this game: ppl don’t like how it is but keeps playing it.

Nah. When you lose you’re probably saying to yourself “so unbalanced, they are so much better, bye, I’m leaving”.

If you find these heavily unbalanced matches 5 times out of 20, it’s not the matches, it’s you. I brushed stuff like that off as “well, it’s QP, it’s probably unbalanced”, because I never really played QP, but now that I did for over 50 games… yeah, it’s you. QP match making seems fine to me.

OW always didnt want people to leave games often, that is why there was the leaver peanlty. They didnt want you to leave, and gave you a penalty for leaving.

Except, that penalty did nothing, like you said, you took it and when on.

So they just changed the penalty so it actually did something.

People abused the system resulting in harsher penalties.

QP mode isn’t competitive. There is a literal competitive gamemode, stop punishing players in QP for wanting to play casually. QP is just comp now with even more unbalance.

“I want to play but the game just angers me” (your first sentence basically)

Am I the only one confused by this statement? Cause any game that angers me is usually a game I don’t bother playing

the joke is at least in comp we know that the matchmaking is better as there are rank restrictions in groups and matching within a certain SR but in qp we can have a bronze solo queuer being matched against a gm stack which is a joke of a matchmaking system the best part you cannot leave the unbalance match.

they are trying to make qp into a mini comp mode but not putting in the effort to make the matchmaking better.

The game is bad, you will generally find people saying the leaver is the problem.

Yet for ‘Checks watch’ 7 years, you could leave QP without any temp bans, just xp penalty.

Also, if you ignore every other game pretty much allowing leavers out of their casual matches, it’s just odd that people here will blame leavers instead of a game that is bad.

Like somehow, leavers - who have no control of how the game is created to played. Someone who has no control over their match making (other than leaving the game they disliked) are the problem? Not the people creating and controlling how the game operates?

IN all honesty, the game needs to die out. People need to leave the game at this point, let the whales waste their time on nothing but ‘collaborations’ because creativity from the devs to the players is dead.