I tried Open Queue

How? Because I can pick an off-tank or support and switch freely between them depending on how things are going. I turned a couple of matches around last night going to Sombra to force Hamster switches, then went back again once healing or tanking became problems.

I had one game with one player asking for 2-2-2, others told them to shut up because we all knew what we had in mind, was point A Anubis, took it fast, switched around again for B and turned a disastrous round 1 defence (on which we played 2-2-2) into a comfortable win.

It’s made for flex players flexing, and that’s why I enjoy it, and I guess I’m fortunate in that’s what I saw from other players in there.


The problem is not this. This is good yeap… but the think is people whinning constantly (i’m getting this right now) The toxicity is just so high… I can barely play there… I’m just playing to get some extra CP s

Tank main (Orisa) before rolequeue. This was a days worth of games, no cherry picking, this was all of them.


Believe it or not tho, my preferred comp was 1-3-2. Being the solo tank, i had three fast moving DPSes and both healers that stuck close to me. With two healers constantly on me, i could move very aggressively and keep up with the three DPSes. It’s very easy for two healers to keep a single tank alive.

Things changed after forced 2-2-2 however.

When 2-2-2 came about, i said that the tanks were getting screwed over. Rather than getting the help they need, they’re going to get nerfed and it wouldn’t matter how bad they become because there’s always two of them.

Now, months later, it’s turned out to actually be worse than i predicted.

The game is now balanced such that two tanks are not allowed to be more impactful than two DPS, what ended up happening is that tanks are now ult batteries.

If you’ve played enough Quickplay Classic where we don’t follow role lock, you’ll realize that the team with more tanks ends up getting showered with ultimates. Long gone are the days where having someone pick tank would tilt the balance in your teams favor.

Tanks are now just ult batteries. You actually don’t want tanks on your team in Quickplay Classic as more often than not, they’re liabilities. You don’t notice it in RoleLock because in that mode, both teams have the feeders.


What can I say? That simply wasn’t my experience.

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I would say I am still flex.

It plays like trash, but you do not need to spend 15 minutes in queue. Ez.

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People still one trick and whine for 2-2-2 in open queue what do you mean?


Can confirm, I have been one tricking Echo. Albeit, I only ran into 2 people asking for a tank or a support over like 8 hours of open queue. Not 222…

One wanted ANOTHER healer and the other just wanted us to have A tank.

This was my biggest gripe before 2-2-2. I would be staring at 5 dps asking anyone to play one tank or one healer and I would fill because doing either solo felt worse than playing a 6th dps.


Yeah, it has been a blast from the past running into those situations. I am a dps only player, so obviously I am part of the problem, but I always felt bad at least. Especially when they do not ask, but they drop hints like, “I am really trying, but it is hard solo healing.”

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That they are.

  • Sincerely a Payload Zenyatta Player.

Lot of us didn’t. A lot of us left or gave up on that purple quick play. Some stayed for the golden guns which at that point your not playing comp to improve, your just playing for a shiny trinket, a sticker and a player icon.

Those in higher tiers got punished with rank decay, so you had to play to keep pushing it back. Which after a while makes you regret climbing that far.

Worst part was when you do get a good team that works on their intended role, starts switching to a less ideal role needed after a bad kill, missed ult or whatever. You’d lose the game because of that snowball effect it has, like a Rein switching to Hanzo.


As one of the “flex players” you are talking abount I have to disagree. QP classic is almost the same without the few “its just arcade” people. Most of the time you have a pretty good idea how it was back then. The thing as a flex player just was that you would be punished for doing it. While other one tricked all the way up you had to learn all kind of character that you could play ok. You also could not choose what to play because you pickt the last thing that was needed. In the end flex players like me just suffered over the years because, yes we won more games than the one ticks but we gained less SR and losst more SR than the guys. Thats was the part that felt really bad. Since S1 I was in the same rank as today. Thats 4 years now. Just afew times I got higher when I one tricked a hero but after 3 season I just could not do it anymore and got back to flexing… and lost SR.

For flex players its better to have a role you have to pick because back then you where not rewarded but punished for flexing by the system. I never tryed cimbing again even when RQ came out. Flexing all those years destreoyed my SR and my hidden MMR so much that I just cant higher up. Its fine for me and maybe thats where I belong but in the end: one trick a hero (or two nowdays) and get up. Thats a advice I would give to a new player. Flexing was and will be never be rewarded.

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What’s “competitive open queue”?

Quick Play classic just competetive (2 rounds and hero bans).

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Not seen any of it. Simply wasn’t my experience, other than that one player in one match on Anubis, 2-2-2 simply wasn’t mentioned and he got short shrift because we dropped 2-2-2 to 1-3-2 precisely because it wasn’t working.

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I’ve played maybe 40 games, with a 60% winrate.

I am losing so much it is ridiculous. Probably around a 40% winrate with just as many games, only I already placed the lowest I have ever been by a considerable degree. Still love it.

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Not really, QPC has a lot of the “it’s just QP” over it, there’s nothing at stake so a rounded comp or not doesn’t really matter - though again, it still defers a lot to 2-2-2.

OQ feels like it has more at stake, so even when it’s not 2-2-2, it’s not a ridiculous mix of random heroes in the same way, there’s a semblance of trying to put together something that’ll work.

And I don’t see the point in one-tricking it, because there’s no need to just suck up the matches no one plays around you when you can go 2-2-2 and have a comp put together for you. Queue times aside.

RQ actually let people play DPS. If you were a person who swapped in order to fill a gap in a team comp, you weren’t likely to get to play DPS pre role que.

Just a thought

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I filled, I still got to play more DPS than I ever did in RQ. In fact I’m happier tanking in OQ because I know I’m not locked in if it turns into a tank-buster-feed match - which lets face it, with Reaper, Mei, Hanzo, basically defines RQ.