I tried Open Queue

He actually said the most common comp was 2-2-2 in competitive play. The 1-3-2 statement included QP

I really don’t get it how you can like being stuck in one role the whole match as you face the same comp for the 50th time in a row

But hey, there are people who do and there are people who do not so there should be modes for both.


I’m learning DPS and Echo so open queue is perfect. I don’t care if there are any tanks or healers. I’ve spent years playing those roles myself. Now it is my turn to frag people!

Yesterday I was playing QPC. I was Zarya, and we had Ana. We never got the payload to the last checkpoint on Blizzard. Sure played out the same.I rarely played the mode. And the few times I go in. I get the same type of crap.

It happened a long time ago…
But it’s not like I’ll worry about it as much as I used to that’s for sure

you chose a terrible time to start playing, with valorant on the rise, months or role lock and a general staleness of the game, most of the good support and tank players simply left. i was a support main, tank second and off dps (with junkrat in case we needed to breach) but i too left after the halloween event.
the game just lost a lot of its original momentum due to too much staleness and bad patches. keep trying, learn a role you like and don’t worry, the memes ARE true but there are good players around (i hope) you should be able to find them. once you do, stick with them and try to group up as much as possible

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Jeff Kaplan said himself that previous to role queue, most games were played with only one tank.

Idk why people are insisting it was mainly 2/2/2 but they’re wrong.

That being said, I can’t wait to get into comp open queue. My wrist hurts so I haven’t been able to play comp yet. But it’s going to be interesting to say the least.

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Never play the character you really WANT to play?
Getting less SR with a win?
Losing more SR with a loss?
Be always the one people point at if something goes wrong?

I can see you are not a real flex player. I hated it but could not let my team die all of the time. I can now play 18 different heroes tho. That is the only good thing about it.

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We didn’t.

The arcade mode is 10x worse than what we had before because it’s an arcade mode.

When it was the actual competitive mode, it wasn’t nearly as bad because people actually tried. But now, just like QPC, the only people playing Comp Classic are the DPS mains who get screwed over by Comp’s role queue system, so of course you’re going to see a ton of DPS mains there.

The memes weren’t true before in the slightest. But people are taking an objectively worse system that was set up to fail from the start and using it to confirm their biases.


Any comp can win if the players coordinate and are good enough; the problem is that is like 1/5 times under open 6-stack against a well balanced team.

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An arcade meme in no way reflects how the main game used to be, hate to burst your bubble.

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It’s exactly how I remember it. I’ve been here from the beginning and this was always my experience pre-role queue. That’s why I wanted 2/2/2 RQ so badly!

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Maybe for QP, but Competitive pre-role queue you most often had people switch / fill when things weren’t working out. People don’t give an F in Arcade for obvious reasons. Played since beta.

It was usually 3 dps.

the main thing was u were held hostage with ur SR.

Also youre forgetting poeple actually tried.
So a dps main who swapped - actually swapped to a good main tank mostly.

Now, when “tank” players arent punished and can even INSTANTLY run away to next game , they never take responsibilty , never swap, never main tank and its all just a roadhog fista.

it is 2-2-2,
but its more like 4 fat dps than 2 tanks who protect team.

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You know, i was originally a flex player, who mained dps.

At first, i was willing to switch around so that we could have a semi balanced team comp.

But too many times, i’d have teammates that were simply bad at their role/hero who refused to switch. Like, if you have less than an hour on widow and 30 hours on mercy, maybe don’t just lock widow in comp matches.

Anyways, as a dps main, nothing was more infuriating than these players who had deluded themselves into thinking that dps was an ezmode role to climb.

So I stopped flexing, because at the very least, i knew I could play dps reasonably well for my rank, as well as able to play multiple heroes at the same proficiency.

or even worse, a team that stomped the first half, and then suddenly felt like switching from rein to hanzo and from mercy to bastion the 2nd half and losing miserably

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Blizzard is really stingy with any stats about the game: we’re still quoting rank population percentages from the graph they released over two years ago, for example. But here’s what someone who has access to all the statistical information had to say on the subject:

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if he played widow for 1hour, then he only did 1h of harm, not much.

poeple playing their 3rd, 5th or even 1st main poorly are the real problem.

Haha “This is the way”

Everybody has bad games or days or even stretches of days, that’s why we have the matchmaker. It, coupled with PBSR, does an efficient job at pushing people down out of ranks they don’t belong in over time. The best part of RQ implementation, imo, is the role specific SR. It allows the aforementioned Mercy main to play his Mercy at one skill level, and then jump on his 30 minute Widow and play her at a completely different skill level and not ruin games for

roleQ is a fail, sadly the game is unplayable

role specific SR is only a minor benefit, yet it doesnt have a real purpose.

like the vast 90% majority has their roles in a 500sr range.
only in GM can a non mechanical player fall 1000sr if he plays a mechanical skill role.
everyone else, no matter how amazing your plat aim is, your brain is around gold and thats what is holding you back, not that 1time u flexed and lost in pre-222 times.