I though smurfing was not a problem?

I should not post you my 50-0 unlocking comp mode accounts then xD

Let me show you a different perspective on what you are perceiving as smurfs if I can. I have 5 alt accounts all from the early days of OW1, i played on them fairly regularly until Blizzard released the ability to wide queue. Those accounts then were not placed as I could play with my friends regardless now.

I logged onto one of them which had last been Masters 1 a few seasons ago. During my first placement the lobby informed me it was plat 4 - plat 5. I went 59-1 in this game and on the splash screen telling me my predicted rank it said Gold 4. I won all of my placements and placed Gold 3. I maintained the same KD throughout the placements.

Most of those people aren’t playing to ruin your game, it takes a really long time under the current model of SR to leave your rank. I will ruin the game for 5 people and then at the end I get 19 or 20 sr for it.

Often times we view things that negatively affect us as being malicious, it isn’t always the case. A lot of times that person is also frustrated with being in your game too. Everyone one of my alt accounts on all roles are in gold to low plat despite being masters to GM just a few seasons ago.

Yup :roll_eyes: it never stops


I also think it’s very telling how most(if not all) players that have actually made it OUT of the ranks people complain about smurfing in…don’t acknowledge smurfs as a problem. Because what this boils down to is people wanting to blame external factors for losses, nothing more.


You know, we rarely see eye to eye, but I fully agree with you here

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Funny thing is, I actually don’t. I don’t like stomps. I like close games.

That’s why I try to help out my close friends that want to learn. I’m coaching my best friend right now, actually! He’s made it from Bronze 5 to Silver 4 in a week. We’re getting there. Eventually hoping he’ll get T500, since I’ll be giving him my PC when I get a new one this summer and I fully plan on coaching him all the way there


By this logic you wrote
5% of player base is 2000000 players.
Easy to chalk it up on percentage.

The worst part is that every smurf account screws up the mmr for the other 9 players in every match they are smurfing in. And those players go on to muck up the mmr in their next matches as well.

That’s potentially hundreds of accounts affected by one smurf, regardless of whether they are smurfing or throwing to get back to newb lobbies. And there’s easily over a hundred smurfs out there ruining matches right now.

The effect is cumulative, so it is little wonder that the matchmaker really has no idea what to do with all of that corrupted data.

And that’s also the most extreme highball possible.

The real number is lower than that. Not a problem.

It’s not a problem because a smurf has to at least be masters to pull off a clean sweep to comp, which is not most people.

Even then, it’s rare to not run into another smurf.

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Games played: 41
Games won: 39
Games lost: 3

39 + 3 = 41


Bumping because I ran into same person today.

Now you maybe wondering how can he be in same rank with 93% win rate on doom. Well turns out, he also has 9% win rate on Reinhard.

Good job acting on the report I send you 5 days ago blizzard.

Well, you thought…wrong!

Smurfs and cheaters are running rampant and there’s nothing stopping them.