I though smurfing was not a problem?

They do, actually. If they’re not stomping, a player of that actual rank on a good day would have the same effect on a lobby. Diamonds trying to play with Golds are part of the 10% I mentioned, and even you’ve acknowledged that they’re not really stomping.

Sister for some reason got placed in bronze.
“You belong where you are eh” ?

Now she breaking faces with around 80% w/r.
Is she a smurf? I favor saying instead OW MM concept is a failure.

You can still win most of your matches without “stomping”. The degree at which you win is not important because a win is a win and that’s the only thing that affects your MMR.

And? So can anyone. That’s kinda the whole point. If you’re not stomping, you’re no different from someone in that rank just having a good game. The chances of a non smurf having a good game are actually much higher than the chances of a smurf being present in the lobby.

So where’s the problem, exactly?

You are not correct at all. Any increase in the chance of winning from playing in the wrong rank is unfair and you don’t need to “stomp” your games to increase the chance of winning to a near guarantee.

It seems like you are just trying to justify your own cheating at this point.


Matchmaker pushes you up very slowly and then ends in a exponential push
Was on Ram at 74%WR for over 50 games. My match was on average between high silver and plat
Then suddenly it was mostly plat for a brief moment, and then dia/master

Matchmaker is weird

I think the main problem with smurfing is now connected with report/ support system.
If in theory they will forbid smurfing, then you have to stick to your main account - so cheater will be banned, bad swearing people also and you as a good player sit on your main account, but as report system is automated and support is outsoursed - it will be a problem for blizz to fairy look at all tickets with how they now manage things ( before it would be easier to left your old acc and just create new one to play while you was unfairly banned). + it will create a bad picture for shareholders - less new players/accounts created ( with smurf accs they maybe still count as a new player)
maybe something like that :thinking:

And yesterday I was against same smurfing stack of Dva Tracer and lucio 3 times in a row. they never swapped and just stomped all 3 different teams no matter what we choose to counter
so yeah smurfs just give me more frustration and are part of the reason why I started to leave games and have no fear of leaver penalty

No, it’s not. The level of a metal rank smurf isn’t any higher than the level of a normal player on a good day. I doubt metal rank smurfs are common, too. It’s most likely people having good days being mistaken for smurfs.

…yes, you do. That’s why I don’t have winrates higher than 70% against mid Masters. I can’t hard stomp them and still need to rely on my team to an extent. And the gap between me and mid Masters is exponentially more than the one between the metal ranks.

It’s not cheating since I’m not using anything other than what the game gives me. Free account + skill is all I’m doing on any of my smurfs. Not using any third party device, wintrading, etc. and I’m therefore not cheating.

If I was trying to justify my smurfing I wouldn’t be talking about metal rank smurfs. I’m a GM. I can’t smurf without hard stomping unless it’s very high ranks, at which point the purpose of the smurf (To play with friends) is no longer being served. When I smurf, I am stomping lobbies. Do you expect me to feel shame for that? Because I don’t, and I’ll freely admit it whenever asked. Nothing is stopping the people I stomp from surpassing me and stomping me in return, and it’s their right to do that if they so choose. I don’t complain about smurfs for the same reason I don’t think other people should. Other than the fact that they’re not a problem for the game, there’s the fact that they’re just a better player. It’s my place to lose to them, and if I want to change that I have to get better. I’d imagine most metal ranks would be much better than they currently are if they adopted anything like my mindset.

I don’t care if you don’t feel shame for cheating, but it is still cheating. If someone felt shame for cheating they probably wouldn’t do it in the first place. All cheaters are shameless.

And your argument of “not it isn’t” to having an advantage by playing at a lower rank than you normally do as not being smurfing is a non-argument. Regardless of your definition of smurfing it is still a problem and it is still cheating.

What 3rd party tool am I using? Oh right, none.

Winning by being better than the losing team is not cheating, no matter how you spin it

It is not realistically cheating because the MMR system accounts for it. If your teammates refuse to focus the carry, you do genuinely deserve to lose. That is just the reality of the situation. You will almost always have the better team to compensate. They have to carry cannon fodder.

It absolutely sucks when I play against a Smurf and my teammates pretend the person murdering them off cooldown is somehow not a problem. It is not my fault that they are dumb. But they REALLY shouldn’t be winning. If they cannot figure it out or are beaten into submission, they do not deserve to go any higher. Hypothetically you will climb over long periods of time. Is that period of time unreasonably long? Absolutely.

But whatever. Just enjoy the game for what it is. Climbing means literally nothing.

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Realistically it actually is cheating because the MMR system has trouble accounting for it. Which is the whole problem here. People are doing everything in their power to play games at an MMR that is not their skill level in order to play easier matches.

And you people wonder why the matchmaker is bad.

People who lose, see smurfs everywhere, so that they dont have to look at their own failures. Sometimes there is a smurf, most time you were just outplayed.

I have the opposite opinion. I believe the matchmaker is very good because it DOES compensate for these players. You can lead a horse to water and all that jazz. It is not the systems fault that people are unpredictable.

It is just semantics. I do not care if they are cheating. It’s whatever. The game put them in the lobby. Take it up with the poor ranking system. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Blaming players for developer incompetence is silly.

Either way, Smurfs give you the unique opportunity to play against someone who is actually good so that you can learn from them. That is a nice advantage if you take this game seriously.


My guess would be they are duo’d. So many games are decided by which team has the dps or tank that came with a mercy duo. They almost never die and if they do the mercy saves her rez for them. Makes matches very 1-sided in low ranks where nobody can kill the mercy.

They dont take the game seriously though. They are dopamine junkies who just want to win games, say “gg ez” in chat, get silenced because of their toxicity then come to the forums to complain about being silenced in hopes they can get another dopamine hit for people sympathizing with their victim complex.


The matchmaker IS very good, but it can’t do its jobs if you feed it bad data.

You must be high on your own farts if you believe such a nonsense justification. Get out of here. It’s not the games fault people are cheating and there is no way for the game to deal with it. People just suck and are absolutely at fault.

Next your going to tell me that aimbotting software is perfectly legit because it gives people the opportunity to better themselves by playing against impossible odds.

No. It is objectively true that you learn more from losses than wins and that better players can teach you things you never thought of. That is precisely why people watch these unranked to GM. Playing with and against them is no different if you are paying attention.

If their MMR is disproportionately high, it should result in faster climbs. It does that on fresh accounts. It would be an easy solution to fix. Much easier than asking people to stop performing well. :joy:

Aimbotting is objectively cheating. That being said, sure. You can still win against them. Plenty of videos prove that. It is indeed for the same logic. The other team is better and you have tools to mitigate an individuals performance if you coordinate.

That’s the kicker. Nobody wants to coordinate in this team. We are just too different. Qrow wants to Smurf. You want to be a victim. And I do not care. The three of us are hardly compatible and if we all got into the same team, none of us would listen to each other and the cheater would likely roll us. If we were humble and admitted that each of us has a point from our own perspectives and came together, I bet the three of us could easily win against an aimbotter.


Who summoned me?
Ahhh yes the endless debate about elo hell and smurfing ruins every fair match in gold.

My answer to this topic is always the same.
If the guys would invest as much time in learning the game, instead of complaining, they would climb for sure.

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