I though smurfing was not a problem?


Can a dev clarify how can player have 93% win rate over 45 games if smurfing is not a issue?

imgur .com/a/DmwI7Gg

Before someone say something about my SR, don’t care. What I care about is fair game for my limited time.

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bro has the better gaming chair

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Someone has clearly been eating their wheaties for breakfast. You should follow suit, OP!

It will always be a problem, regardless the game you are on.

Time to move on with it.

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Because one player is meaningless compared to the vast majority of the playerbase. There aren’t enough smurfs to even begin to pose an issue.

It’s always been a problem. And has only exploded as a crisis since OW2, as it allows people to make accounts for free.

Don’t listen to liars claiming smurfing isn’t a problem. They are the ones doing it.


No, it hasn’t. Diamond and above is 10% of the playerbase. Even assuming 50% of all high ranks smurf, that’s only 5% of the playerbase. And it’s infrequent. People still play on their mains even when they have smurf accounts.

That’s not nearly large enough to be a problem. The numbers are too insignificant even when staging the argument in your favor.


So this article came across my Facebook feed yesterday and made me laugh.


Found the smurf.

Smurfing happens in a lot more places than Diamond, smurf.

Did it never occur to you that Diamond players would smurf in Gold? Plats in Silver? Etc.

Stop trolling, smurf.


Diamonds are included in that 10%, buddy.

Smurfing in between metal ranks is really pointless. Plats can’t stomp on Silver.

I am a smurf, but I’m also smart enough to present logical facts. I’m not trolling, I’m correct.

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Lol. At least he admitted it.

Case and point. I was sure you would deny it.

Many people, and certainly smurfs, have more fun noob stomping than actually having a fair fight. Why play a fair game when you can just win?

Like, that’s literally why smurfing was created. To stomp noobs way below your skill level.


Because Plat smurfs can’t stomp on metal ranks. The gap in skill isn’t big enough. Like, MAYBE a Plat could ruin a Bronze lobby. But staying in Bronze lobbies is a different story. It’s almost impossible to stay in Bronze even for new players, so someone stomping will shoot up to at least Silver, where they can’t stomp anymore.

That’s what you don’t get. Smurfing in Overwatch is exclusive to the top 10% because the bottom 90% are too similar in skill. A supposed Plat smurf in Silver is functionally the same as a real Silver having a good game.

Here’s a replay code from a friend. Try to guess the rank. Just to prove my point further.

You’re trying to drink your own Kool-Aid. There are definitely major skill differences between players two entire ranks apart. Just because you don’t see them, because you’re way above them both, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Furthermore, with the vast majority of smurfs existing in elo hell, the water is really muddy.


Then tell me what rank that replay was :man_shrugging:t5:

How would a smurf exist in elo hell? To even be better than that you have to get out of it…

It looks like Silver to me. It also looks like the Tracer could be on controller. But I’m not sure. He moves a little weird. Could just be good tracking.

By putting his account in it? I don’t understand the question. It’s super easy to drop your rank to where you want it.

Elo hell is basically Silver-Plat.

Edit: The replay is literally a QP game, according to its description, lol. So… I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here, by linking that.

The player is a low Diamond, according to his stats from other replays. But that doesn’t mean his opponents in QP are anywhere near that level, lol.

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Haha what? Everyone and their grandma is making endless accounts to circumvent the matchmaker for easier games. How is it not a problem?


Could be same reason im at an 89% WR right now. Im a support main (masters currently) my tank and dps placed bronze… I was simply climbing them to be on par with support (though they only got diamond so far D:)

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You know what? I’ll give you this one. I had thought she was Plat, but it is in fact Silver. However, I don’t think she’ll stay in Silver at all. She’s playing like a Plat and will therefore rank up when she plays DPS more. Her rank is purely a result of her not playing the role consistently.

She’s on a laptop, so 60 fps. Means it’s gonna look more jittery than a replay from someone that plays with more frames.

You can’t put yourself in elo hell because it’s not a specific rank. Elo hell is being good enough to play in a higher rank while being too bad to climb there in a reasonable amount of time. Most people in Masters are currently in a sort of elo hell because high ranks are messed up and T500s are still stuck in Masters as a result. Hell, half the “smurfs” you’ve seen since S9 were probably just people that got pushed down from high ranks due to the reset breaking everything. That’s what’s been happening in high ranks.

If only 10% of the playerbase is good enough to actually stomp lobbies with their own skill and we’re making the absurd assumption that HALF of them are doing it, that still only gets us 5%. Not a problem.

They don’t need to be really good to mess up the matchmaker. Having more than 1 account at all is bad. Diamond players trying to play with gold players is still bad even if they can’t make the match completely one sided.