I think Symmetra needs her autolock back

If he is so easy to play and so OP why you don’t play him? You could be on masters with ease!

Also you only have 17 minutes on him, you don’t even play him at all, but still you think you know more than stats and people who actually plays Genji

Cannot wait to see your proof!

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wow, thats pretty sad actually :joy: you have a 0.94 kd on him, thats so desperate
sym being an easy target to genji and others is more of a sym problem


What even is Symmetra right now?

least defined role in the game tbh

left click encourages close up shieldbreaking
right click encourages long range spam and choke denial
turrets create traps and make pushes more difficult for maintanks
teles can be used to dive on attack, or create instant flanks for teammates on defense.

on one hand you can say she’s flexible, on the other, she’s got a messy design with no defined role

They’re probably going to increase the ticks soon, whenever they add the armor penetration mechanic. Hopefully they’ll also change how the damage increase mechanic works cause it’s kind of a terrible way to do it. Should increase over time, not in stages, and decrease over time. Should work more like Zarya’s damage boost.

What do u guys think of this. Kind of combines 3.0 and 2.0 making everyone happy.

What do you guys think of symm having more turrets. They would be nerfed slightly in all aspects Most likely. Then her primary would have a soft lock like Moira or full lock again with reduced damage than now. And finally a mini shield gen available in Lou of tp. Just like old symm just in a secondary ability. Could last on a timer or forever but would give between 25-50 shield. When destroyed it would take 30-60 seconds to regain and tp would be unaffected. If u wanted to use tp then u hit a button to destroy shield gen similar to thorns turret and somber as translocator. This would allow for her to be aggressive with tp and defensive with shield gen being viable in every situation.

I actually quite like her primary. She needs a little bit more sustain. Maybe +50 shield HP and a slightly larger hitbox to compensate for it.

I just don’t want, in any format, her autolock back. That thing was disgusting to play against and boring to play with. I like her new kit now.

And that’s her problem - she’s good at so many things, yet great at nothing

Her beam has almost doubled in length since they removed lock off, nerf that back to 7m and it would be fine.
If it stays at its current length (12m?) it’ll be dumb to play against.

maybe not so much on tracer but if you practice, you can track genji decently, your beam goes through his deflect so symm technically counters him. Don’t forget your turrets counter both of them as flankers, so keep them up.

barley 30 minutes more because of forced into dive meta

yup totes a main how bout you look at my comp plays and see where genji is there, I barley use him even before the nerfs so instead of trying to belittle my point like a pathetic person maybe look at your own, again genji had distance his shurikens don’t have fall off, tracer needs to be in range, sombra needs to be in range, reaper needs to be in range, while genji is most effective oat close range hes not, unlike the other 3, completely useless at a distance.

99% of genji mains cant use his primary atack. And this is the only skilled atack in his overloaded kit.

Press shift and spam right click shotgun with dont even need to aim. Done. You are good genji now.

wow awesome statistics you got there, that would mean over 30% of genji mains gms can’t aim from a distance and we both know that’s false, maybe if you see them only ever right clicking sure but his shurikens are one of the easiest to track shoot with because the delay gives you a chance to hit someone 3 times, you want do much but it’s practice.

literally just l e a r n t o a i m

Yes they cant. Even in diamond games most of genjis just spray and pray like hanzo and land hits by accident.

hmm wonder what happend to your main account

Symmetra DOES need a rework. at least for her gun. The devs should bring ack autolock but when you lose the target the charge level falls faster, then everyone would be happy because weaboo mains wouldn’t cry and symmetra mains would be happy cause the autolock is back

Yeah I agree. We do miss shield gen tbh. But would tolerate without it since they will probably release a shield gen hero again

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She WAS bad. She was a dps that simply couldnt do damage.

She wasn’t a DPS she was an off tank.

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She wasn’t a DPS…she was a support. Besides, I easily with her before and wiped tanks even before she was made “a tank buster.” You just had to learn her.

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