I think Symmetra needs her autolock back

Recently I have tried Symmetra and I was thinking she would be really good with her autolock back as nobody uses her left click. Any thoughts?

Edit: Right now her beam does 180 at maximum charge I think for balance they should decrease it to 160.


The hero was killed on purpose for genji mains.

If moira And sym has autolocks poor genji mains would fill the forums with tears.

[Removed by Forum Moderator for toxicity.]


But the Symmetra mains should have some respect. Genji has had his days for ages.


What even is Symmetra right now?


Gengu is the lovest hero among weaboos, kids and asians. You cant touch it.

this is the favourite Blizzard child like Tracer.

Never going to happen. :disappointed_relieved:


No way

When auto-lock was finally removed (along with infinite shield generator) I literally rejoiced.


I think if you give it back to her symm mains will be happy… Until they mix up with the new close combat queen brig, then they will want it changed again so they can fight from a distance…

We need to let the beam changes that are being talked about go through and see what we are left with.

no one wants that hold a button to win garbage
either learn to aim or just bully people with moira since she’s symm 2.5


Brigitte is essentially the same thing as the old Symmetra, with some extra perks added… so if you really want auto-aim and a “give whole team more HP” ultimate, you can still have it.


No, she should get the Quake 3 Lightning Gun. It had pushback, and you could pin people into corners with it.

Lock on, should not happen.

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they deserve it.

with the sym rework, symmetra gained quite a lot of counters on top of the ones she already had and lost like none.

let us have some fun.

sym’s autolock was only removed cuz genji mains couldn’t escape but if symmetra mains complain that they get obliterated by genji jumping in their faces, nothing happens.



This is false. It was removed because a high dps autolock is fundamentally stupid game design.


umm yeah… nahh.
i disagree but that’s fine.

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How much damage does her beam do right now? I’m thinking they should decrease the damage and then add the autolock back.

You disagree that high dps autolock would be bad game design? Literally blindfolded you should be able to kill people? Please.


With her current weapon balance with auto lock. Oh, holy mother of god Batman.

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what about console players? they have a harder time aiming.
what about people who love gaming but couldn’t aim due to a certain disorder.

sym’s current beam isn’t bad but it has minor flaws, it was so much more fun without aim imo.
genji can’t just have like 3 counters.
i don’t think it was that bad.

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Right now Symmetra’s beam does Direct hit: 120 (full charge) so I’d say they should decrease it to 95.

it does 180 when its fully charged.
and if it did 95, it would be so useless.
lets not forget she is a dps who requires aim.

she would be even lower than F tier.

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Her beam does 60/120/180 DPS
Her orb does 120 for a Direct Hit.