I think Symmetra needs her autolock back

No. Move away from the beam.

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Please, no. That was such a great change.

I honestly believe she’s in a better spot than she ever was, and that’s partly because they removed the lock on beam allowing her primary fire to be buffed in a significant way without utterly screwing the bottom half of the ladder.

However, I do believe it could use some serious buffs, like increasing the charge speed (maybe only outside of barriers) and range, but overall, I think she can do a lot more now.

I really feel like the piercing orbs should make a comeback. Symmetra used to be a pretty solid pick against turtle comps since she could effortlessly apply immense pressure on the people hiding behind barriers. It was also one of the things that made her truly unique.

With that said, however, having current faster orbs being piercing as well would be a bit too much I think? But making them slow again, wouldn’t work either since her primary fire is still very hard to use. So…

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Symmetra would be weaker with an autolock. At least at ELOs where people can aim. I don’t see why she needs autolock back.

She only needed them to be slightly faster, not the speed they are now. I would totally love for piercing to come back, it helped her so much.

They could at least change to visual effects to be like Moira. So it only shows a beam when damaging an enemy. Basketball turrets could return.

Yeah. Without lock on she couldn’t have the piercing but I like the idea

Blizzard doesn’t revert.

Also, no.

After being a “support” she got moved to the defense category remember? Which then became the Damage category (I was talking about this Symmetra), so yes she was a dps.
And again she WAS bad because didnt do damage as a damage hero, a proof of that was her NEVER being played in OWL Season 1.
She’s much better now.

There is a first time for everything