I think Symmetra needs her autolock back

If they were to bring back autolock it should probably just be the old 30/60/120 per level.

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She needs a soft lock like Moira with a little decreased damage tbh. Everyone is dealing with Moira’s and symm will have less range

The only reason why she was never picked was because everyone just assumed she was bad. Like most Symmetra mains, we mastered 2.0’s kit and did extremely well with her. If people actually learned her then they would realize that she wasn’t as bad as everyone thought she was…

Now we r stuck with this symm

I think that’s a matter for another thread, no?

Yes, she needs Lock-on back!

I’ve made a whole post about why Sym should get Auto-Lock-on back. I dont want to put a mega-awnser in here so I just post the thread. Tell me if something is outdated.


Just reduce it back to what it was before, No need to buff the damage, the damage was fine

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Yes sym with here teleport and autolock would be great against ranged dps idiots that like the safety of narnia while attacking without a worry.

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Actually, Symmetra 2.0 could counter ONE hero: Brigitte. Symmetra’s beam was longer, stronger and chargable on the shield. The burst potential could deny Inspire and even Rally and pushing Sym away would work because she would still deal 2 ticks aka 60 damage (at max charge) to kill Brig.

As a Sym main since launch I wasn’t really bothered by the loss of aim lock. I was more saddened by the loss of her piercing orbs, barrier and old ultimate. Old lock on had it’s moments but it was still the least used part of her kit.

I think turrets saw less use ^^ But as a Sym 2.0 fan, I must say I could deal with the beam if I had barrier, piercing orbs and Shield Gen.
However, her curret kit suggests to bring back Auto-Lock-on instead of the rest. it would make her viable and have a synergie with TP and Wall.

Less use than primary you mean? No way. Or do you mean less use than now?

I mean the old turrets were less used than the old primary. I only used them at the start of defense, winning a fight or covering flanks. The primary was useful with the right comp and it could counter many flankers.

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Turrets were and still are always used though… even on attack to secure space. Maybe it depends on ones ELO?

I would prefer it if her ult was literally changing the map. For example, she can make a toll both to prevent the payload from being moved by the enemy or she can just pull a wall in front of the enemy’s spawn exit.

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I started in Gold and ended in Masters, and I must say I just less turrets and more primary in masters. However, mostly because I always asked for Mercy and a good pocket Mercy could turn your beam into a death blossom.

Ah. I climbed to GM and played with a solo mindset as everyone hated me and I recieved minimal heals, lmaoo. But ye, with a pocket Mercy primary was really good.

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I got a lot of hate too (and I get even more after her rework) but when they hated me I always used my orbs to get a shield Gen and then I kept and eye on it and always said “If you cant win with shied Gen, you’re bad and not me”. I really miss that.

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Everyone hates autolock and they throw a fit so I don’t think it’s coming back, but she does need her gun buffed slightly. Her total damage output per game is extremely low compared to other DPS types for a ‘spammy’ hero (which she still remains.)

Buff up the orb travel speed by a few meters and increase her max beam damage by a few points, which will help compensate for her bellow average damage output.

If he is so easy to play and so OP why you don’t play him? You could be on masters with ease!

Also you only have 17 minutes on him, you don’t even play him at all, but still you think you know more than stats and people who actually plays Genji

Cannot wait to see your proof!

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