I think Symmetra needs her autolock back

Added this for more balance

  1. Console has aim assist, and should not be held up as an example of how to do FPS gaming.

  2. We should not design a hero to be used by the disabled, as you can then put that hero in the hands of a pro, and its busted.

Thats simply not how it works.

Q3A Lightning Gun folks, thats the answer.


Changed it now.

honestly? You need ages to charge this stupid beam.
I play on 3100 and sym count here as F tier throw pick.
Every second is matter here.

For example Hanzo can 1 shoot from any range just by accident but sym is close range hero who need to charge her main atack just to deal decent damage??? Who balance this crap??? Its a joke.
Her alt fire is garbage to. :expressionless:


it didnā€™t really make a difference if it was a disabled person or a pro, she didnā€™t require aim.


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Thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to make her better

what, by nerfing her damage?

And also adding autolock back. The nerf damage is a balance.

how is nerfing her damage gonna make her better?

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Correct, and her kit/dps were limited EXACTLY for this reason.

To put her into a meaningful role, they had to remove autolock.


Because Iā€™m saying to nerf the damage and give her autolock back. To balance the need for no aiming.

Yesss I agree. I have made recent posts on this also. She is too weak at securing kills with it. Iā€™d even like shield gen back tbh


she would be worse than she was in 2.0
enough said.

Because she was too strong in 2.0

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Not really tho. Old symm had a secondary obj which was great

not really.
she was countered by sooooooo many things and still is.

if you let a 7m long beam come close to you and kill you idk what to say.

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Exactllyyyy. Genji can dash away anyways


She is dps now and doesnā€™t have a damaging ult. Itā€™s time for lock on

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Symmetra can catch you also if you beamed them the enemy became much slower.