I think SYM and SOMBRA should be reworked into supports

Something that would help even out the roster a bit, is if Symmetra moved back to the support roster and brought Sombra with her. I mean look at them now. Blizzard very obviously doesn’t want them to be viable as DPS. They both had their light in the meta… not even that but just viable, and they immediately got hanged when they were a decent pick.

So why not give them shots as SUPPORTS with different kits? I thought Symmetra could be a shield-based support, just like Brig is an armor based support. She could have that Sym 1.0 ability to where she gives personal shield packs to allies. They could give her a shield generator as an ultimate again.

And Sombra could be a cleanse type of support hero. Maybe not a main healer but she can buff and cleanse her allies with her hack utility. They could put emphasis back on health pack andy again. Hacking health packs could double the amount they heal, as well as their respawn rate.

Now imagine if an ally gets anti-naded, and hacking an ally gets ride of the anti-nade. Maybe an ally is on fire and hacking them puts it out, same with freeze or sleep and so on. Imagine if she could sort of buff and cleanse her allies each time she hacks them.

And in turn, we would have 9 supports and 15 DPS, which is more closer than 7 supports to 17 DPS. Now imagine if we rework Bastion, Mei, and Doom into tanks in some way. Then we’d have 11 tanks, 12 DPS, and 9 supports which would be pretty well balanced.


I think Mercy should be reworked into a DPS.


Let’s be honest, most people play her like that anyway.


Sym would work better as a tank give her back the barrier but let her stop its flight that one change would of been HUGE for 2.0 and increased her use over night.


Tbh, I think Sym could be Tank.


Symm, maybe, sombra definitly not.


I asked for role swaps before it was cool.


Sym Tank exists in X-Men:



They’ll have to rework her entire character model, create completely new skins and even maybe her lore. While semi reworks cost money, this symm rework is time consumming and a money black hole.


Sombra would be dull and boring.
Not being able to play in the enemy backline is literally killing the hero.
Can we just ask for fixing the support roster before butchering, dismembering heroes and then reassembling as a grotesque nightmare of a support?

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The whole problem with supports in this game is that they have to be able to heal, otherwise they’ll never compete with the existing supports (just look at original Sym). Now the other problem is that a supports who are heavily based around another mechanic (like shielding, cleansing, etc…) who also have healing, are very precarious to balance and can be easily OP (just look at original Brig and to a certain degree even original Lucio with his speed boost aura spanning half of the map).

Support design is just awfully constrained in Overwatch (at least if you want them to be remotely balanced).


I feel like they would be good supports…if healing wasn’t a requirement in this game in order to be one.

They would become pretty boring if they were anything more than shielding/utility supports. idk.

They’re my mains and it would be nice to have shorter queues and I thought about Sombra’s Hack acting like a Discord orb(but for Sombra’s use only),but even if they were like Zen,I know people would start complaining about them cause Lúcio/Zen are the only off-supports that are allowed to be viable for some reason.

Edit: And having one of their ability slots be healing would feel like a waste.


Don’t forget: Certain abilities are more niche, like cleanse, but at the same time very powerful. These hero could be balanced but rarely picked


You would have to give Sombra and Symmetra direct healing abilities if they were to become support. I think Symmetra would’ve worked great as a support, and she could’ve had both the teleporter or shield generator as ultimates to choose from. If I’m not mistaken in an old post one of the devs said they tried to make Symmetra a healer by allowing her turrets heal and it wasn’t working out as intended so they made her a DPS.

Sombra could’ve been a support, she already hacks med packs and they could’ve given her an ability to throw out med packs for healing as well. But instead she was also made into a DPS.


Absolutely not, leave Sombra alone. They already butchered her with infinite invisible and translocator, making her a support would RUIN her kit.


She can hack healthpacks and drop a healthpack
And then? Is this really all she does?
Hack allies to reduce cds.

Just awful healing and bad flow for the hero. No engaging playstyle with tons of downtime


Let’s be real,if Hack was to lose its current functionality in place of something else,then heroes like Doom and Hammond would either need to be reworked or hard-nerfed.


anyone else remember when this was what symm used to be before people complained and had her moved to dps

i know this is about sombra but this is like the main reason why they moved symm from support to dps

i always thought itd be cool if sombra could hack allies to, lets say, take an ability off cooldown. itd be incredibly op probably but i think they could just change the cooldown of hack and itd be fine



And I don’t think they could have both.

Like hack is already hard to balance with just 2 functions it performs.

But giving it a third would make is completely impossible.

And it doesn’t fit her character either tbh Sombra is a Hacker not your Local Tec-Support.
(Tho that needs to be a skin)

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Sombra is fine where she is. They just decreased the spread by 10% for her gun, my aim percentage has jumped up around 6% to 40% and I can consistently get Silver to Gold Damage. Dueling Tanks alone, finishing Supports in the backline, etc. She was niche to play before but now feels better in the DPS role.

This one buff has made her more lethal and thus opens up more play styles that were previously too risky because she didn’t do enough damage to get those pics or be a big enough distraction.

Right now Sombra is the only hero who doesn’t receive an ultimate charge for healing herself or her teammates, if anything the Devs had made it clear that they want her damage and stealth to be priority, not her support factors.

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