I think people got upset about Soldier's announcement because it seems forced

You don’t even know what an SJW is. It’s just a buzzword people like you keep tossing around when something don’t fit your narrative. Also, Tracer was a lesbian after her Victory pose was put out.

Also it wasn’t ‘sjws’ a few parents were mad about that crap.


can we stop with the soldier stuff because no one hardly plays him anymore anyways.

Personally, I don’t like the reveal because the entire story existed exclusively for that one scene. Nothing else important went on in the whole story. That was all covered elsewhere. Even the Reaper vs Soldier battle was covered in the comic. If we take that bit out of soldier being gay, we are left with basically nothing other than Ana finding a mask that will only be relevant after 2 days because people want the event to come back.

The only way this is in conflict with his sexuality is if you still have archaic associations between personality and sexuality. That’s all there is to it.

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Read: There wasn’t an ounce of truth to it

Actually a machine learning program can pick out gay men with 90% accuracy if it had 5 pictures of their face. OP’s argument is about his clothing and accessories, but there seems to be a there there.

I mean, it’s not like this news is still gonna make this game fun again. The only people who are actually hype about this don’t even play the game, and stay on social media to poke fun at the ‘raging, straight, baited people.’ Wish people would just treat this news like how Blizzard portrayed Jack’s reveal; normally. Being gay doesn’t make someone better or worse than a group.

  1. That is not what happened, nobody even knew she was a lesbian back then. That’s a dumb internet rumor because people always have to have conspiracy theories about art assest changes.
    One person mentioned to Blizzard that he didn’t think Tracer would do the exact same victory pose as Widowmaker, and that it seemed to be the kind of bad fanservice because it was out of character versus the good kind with Widow because that’s her personality. Blizzard posted that they had been already having that same conversation internally and had developed a new pose. In the end, she was still given a sexy 1940s pinup girl pose but one that was more playful since that’s her personality.

  2. There is no gay personality. It’s a bio trait like blue eyes. Gay people have every personality type and most every occupations. People think it feels forced because media has forced people to believe otherwise, which is actually why Soldier being the representative is important. Because a lot of people have been forced to realize that they do have some biases. Some are lashing out, others are accepting the educational opportunity for what it is. The ones lashing out are wrong.

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Uh, historically, cowboys and soldier are and were OFTEN gay? We just didn’t use the same terms that we do now to identify sexuality. But men who prefer men would often gravitate to occupations and locations where men were more common than women.

h ttps://truewestmagazine.com/old-west-homosexuality-h omos-on-the-range/

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Those people shouldn’t have played this game in particular. The overarching theme of the game is the power of inclusion, and they said that multiple heroes were gay in the marketing prior to release back in 2015.

I wouldn’t watch Schindler’s List to escape the horrors of war and particularly ww2. I wouldn’t watch a Spike Lee movie to escape conversations about race. And I wouldn’t engage with Overwatch’s lore to avoid hearing about inclusion.

If you do, I don’t think your complaints about a piece of media sticking to its own theme instead of pandering to you are valid.

And that’s what his relationship with Vincent confirms. He isn’t in a relationship not because he’s literally asexual/aromantic but because he puts duty above all else. He can never make a relationship work no matter how much love he has for the other person, because the mission is more important than anything else.

So when he faked his death, he was just embracing his true self. The faceless soldier whose personal life doesn’t matter because he is a man on a mission.

Gotta be real I’m getting awful tired too of having gay people existing in media being a “social agenda”. The people on these forums are fatiguing sometimes

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That’s not what happened; it was an oversexualized pose that didn’t need to be that bad in the first place, and in addition to that, it seemed out of character for Tracer’s personality.

You can’t say a character can’t ‘seem’ gay because anyone can be gay, no matter how they behave/dress/act.

You can say that a peppy lesbian that isn’t a hyper sexual character a’la Widowmaker would not pose like that and that is a logical argument. It has zero to do with restricting who can and can’t be gay and everything to do with how a character behaves, not their sexual orientation.

TLDR: your sexual orientation =/= how you behave as a person.

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Yeah how dare those gays want to exist and participate and all that crap. Next thing you know they’ll want basic respect when we’re dealing with them! Where does it end?!!?!111

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Yeah, I empathize. I am not gay myself, but I do remember my Grandma fighting back against harmful stereotypes in the 60s against black people. She had to literally throw herself on the ground and let herself be repeatedly stepped on just to take a typing class. And then when she wanted to be a receptionist for an energy company, they pointed out that people would assume that the company had an agenda because black secretaries were unheard of. She ultimately got the job because the guy in charge of the whole branch was a bamf, said “good” and not only undid the hr decision to not hire her but put her front and center. She never left that company until she retired and none of us are allowed to complain about that company to her, lol.

She said that television characters like Lieutenant Uhura made her life better, and that media poison was responsible for a lot of the ugly racism becuase a lot of people’s only idea of black people came from tv, radio and the news.

This whole Soldier thing really hammers home her points to me back when I was a youth. Because a lot of people seem to be under the impression that gay is a personality choice, with an agenda, rather than just a type of human characteristic like eye color or race.

She fought so hard for my civil rights and my media representation, I feel I would be dishonoring her to ignore these issues when they popup even when they do not personally affect me. And honestly, typing a few words on a forum is truly the least I can do. If even one person decides to self examine about the real reason they don’t like that it’s Soldier, that’s a victory. And I have already seen a couple such people in the comments. :slight_smile:


Your grandma sounds sick as hell. It’s only because of inhumane reasons she had to go through all that but I have such respect for those who were fighting for civil rights during that time period. People would love to think that was so long ago, but my dad, not my grandfather, my dad was in school when they were desegregated.

And yeah, media plays such a vital role in how we view groups, especially minority groups. Media is largely responsible for the normalization and humanization, and can do just the opposite as well

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Such a simple concept but it’s baffling how many people can’t figure it out :roll_eyes:

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Actually, yes, I did. I like to wonder why people make their characters any sexuality, as it adds depth to the character if you know the reasoning behind the creator’s decision.

But sure, we’ll go with this because being anti gay is the only option when it comes to questioning anyone’s sexuality.

I really want to see receipts on this one.

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I’ll just pop into my mind and print them off with my magic printer.

But in all seriousness, the lead up to any reveal is just as important, if not more so, than the actual reveal. So just randomly throwing something out without any reason besides “just cuz” is bad lore and storytelling.