Ok. Let me start off by saying this post is more of a proposal, rather than a rant or attack aimed at the Overwatch Team, as I respect them highly, and this is their game after all.
So, where to begin. First, I want to explain my experience as a Mercy player, and as I try to get better at playing her, I get tired of dying over and over because some other players target me. Now, I am not saying that is a bad strategy, but there is really nothing I can do to protect myself except to pull out my dinky pistol and dish out a few hits, before dying, and severing the healing for my teammates. If Mercy had a shield, she could be a bit more out there. As in, she can’t really enter the “Main Battlefield” as Mercy is classified as a “Squishy”. She doesn’t really move very fast either, so she can’t run away from danger if she is alone. If she had a temporary shield that would only protect her, she could maybe survive instead of being overwhelmed by one hero.
20 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018