I think mercy mains are right

To OP:

Imo, mass rez was the very worst power ever granted to any character in OW ever.

It incentivized a healer to withhold healing from her team

I am glad it is gone and hope it never returns


And since it’s my own personal experience I can say that FACTUALLY I never had this happen with a Mercy. Ever. They used GA and bodyblocking to the fullest.

When it did get rough-like a lot of us getting picked off-they HID BEHIND THE TANK, not run off and just stood in a corner, boosted/healed the tank and Rezzed.


Exactly :wink:


The counter to poor ult economy should not be having one ultimate. The counter to poor ult economy should be having better ult economy.

Ult eco is not something hard coded into the game like… pharahs flight. It is a community made concept to help understand an aspect of the game (ults)

Also, this whole post is a contradiction anyway. Poor ult economy is bad because it disadvantages your team. Poor ult economy isnt a good thing. If a team is burning all 6 ults and you didnt… congrats. You should win the next fight. Last point? Thats not poor ult economy. Thats called stratagy.

Poor ult economy really counters the team with it. If you get smoked by a team thats blowing every ult even when they dont need to… you are the worse team. Adding an ult that suddenly turns that around would be giving an out to the team worse in every other way except ult economy.

Its called POOR ult economy for a reason. It hurts you. GOOD ult eco is an advantage. If you have GOOD ult eco and they have POOR ult eco, congrats, youve already bet them on that front and should easily beat them in most fights. If they have POOR ult eco and you have POOR ult eco, then the match should be decided by the other facts such as general synergy, not which team has a mercy to get the leg up. Nothing in this game makes up for poor teamwork. No hero literally pulls everyone together, no hero suddenly gives everyone the motivation to talk and makes it all easy to communicate. Ult economy is just like that; it is an aspect that is above the heroes, and for the players to deal with.


I accept that you never saw this, tho it varies near as widely as can be from my own experience

I saw this incentive play out in most ever game I observed or played in that time; and the devs saw enough of it to fully describe the behavior in some detail when mass rez was removed from the game

And I did not, it seemed that it was only an issue in Comp, so therefore I can make the conclusion of Comp was the issue.

(Anecdotal vs Anecdotal will never work, but you have said many many MANY times how the only factual evidence there is, would be personal experience.)

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You can’t though. Zen and Lucio’s ult don’t work well together when used in tandem.

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I saw it in almost all games involving Mercy, regardless of mode/type

Tho I dont recall if the devs said they saw this behavior only in Competitive or not, clearly by the action they took (ie removing mass rez) they had seen more than enough of it to mandate said action

And again I didn’t in any-the only mode I didn’t play was Comp.

We can play this game again of “My anecdotal vs yours” and it’s going to achieve nothing.

I think the rework was dumb for many reasons;

  1. Mercy wasn’t in a bad spot. (Outside of the pro scene)
  2. Other heroes needed the attention more (and still do)
  3. Moira was in the works, and was released shortly after the rework
  4. It was done in the middle of a season.

Yay. Mercy + Baptiste = Heroes Never Die!

I dont think the devs observations, which they described in some detail, would be reasonably considered anecdotal


I think they just looked at Pro numbers and reworked her from there instead of actually looking to heroes that should have been looked at.

You can praise the devs all you want but they’re observations aren’t all that great to go on. How many months did they keep Mercy in the OP mode despite everyone saying she’s too strong? Or how about “Wait for the new Comp Season then you’ll see Brig isn’t that OP.” Or “Just don’t shoot when Genji’s deflecting.”
All observations made by the devs and all really REALLY poorly done.

The timing on the rework was just dumb all around-and the reasons behind it were ill-presented.

“It’s not fun to play against” Name one Ult that is fun to play against?

“It encouraged her to hide.” Yet it can slide for DPS cause they’re “positioning”. And again, never seen a Mercy hide in any of the modes I’ve played-because there was nothing to gain from getting a high-man rez in those other modes (while in Comp you got higher SR, therefore incentive to hide).


I dont always agree with the devs, but - they observed behavior which they went on to describe in some detail, they decided they did not want to have this behavior continue, and they took action (removal of mass rez) to ensure it wouldnt occur again.

As owners of the intellectual property that is Overwatch, it is their right to make and execute such decision

Its fine if you (or anyone) disagrees with this decision and/or how it was implemented, but after all of the time that has elapsed since then, one might think it is time to move on, as I have for example from Torb after the horrendous rework he received


And this is going no where fast.

“They can make bad decisions and don’t have to listen to feedback about this decisions cause it’s their game”.

So you’re openly saying their poor decision making with Mercy, with Brig, with any other poorly executed change that should be addressed right away is excusable because they own the game. That’s it’s totally fine they keep broken mechanics in something they want to be an ESport for MONTHS on end, because it’s their game.

Ok, whatever. So can expect to never see a feedback thread/post from you ever with this mentality.


I never said their decision was poor - to clarify, I think it was one of the best decisions made in the history of Overwatch development, along with the implementation of private profiles

You missed everything this I said. I think this back and forth is done.

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The statement I replied to was “So you’re openly saying their poor decision making with Mercy”. This is an exact quote, copied and pasted from the post I replied to

I clarified that I never said the decision was poor, and added that I felt (and still feel) it was/is a wonderful decision

As such, this was not missed

This is what I really said.

Nice cutting context.

We’re done.

*Also nice edit, what realized you DID take me out of context?

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Factually, no context was lost from the statement I replied to

Not after you edited your response.

You tried to make it seem I was only addressing Mercy when I was in fact listing several things that shows that they make bad decisions.

Therefore, yes you DID cut context.