I think its time Ana gets a movement ability

This is gonna be a very long winded explanation of why Ana needs a movement ability. Totally personal bias, but i just think its ridiculous at this point that she doesnt compared the rest of the hero roster. As a healer SNIPER i think she would get alot more utility being able to get to higher places without the help of other heroes.

Considering that Ana was the first hero released passed the original release of OW 1 why is it every hero after her has gotten a movement ability of some sort? Look at the facts:
Sombra: Translocator
Doomfist: Seismic slam, and punch
Sigma: Ultimate allows for free range movement in air
Baptiste: Jump Boots when he crouches
Lifeweaver: Healing Dash and Petal Platform
Rammatra: Nemesis Form allows quicker movement
Junkerqueen: Battle Cry allows quicker movement
Echo: Free Flight much like Mercy
Moira: Fade jumping
Venture: Drill Dash and Burrow
Ashe: Shotgun for Vertical Height
Kiriko: Teleport and Wall Climbing
Sojourn: Powerslide and jump
Mauga: Unstoppable Charge

See what i mean? Every new hero had some way to increase movement or gain vertical height and Ana does not, depsite being the first.

Now compare her to our other snipers
Widomaker: Grappling Hook
Hanzo: Wall Climbing
Ashe: Shotgun jumping
The snipers allow for upward mobility for better range of area… except for Ana

Now the supports
Lucio: Wall Riding and Speed boost
Mercy: Fly to anyone anywhere
Kiriko: Teleport to anyone and Wall Climb
Moira: Fade jump
Brigitte: Shield bash
Lifeweaver: Petal Platform and Healing Dash
Illari: Spin move and Captive sun allows free movment in air.
Baptiste: Jump Boots

You can argue that some of the supports need others make use of the abilitys but these abilities make it easier for them to get back to the capture point, Ana is walking the whole way unless a Symmetra teleport or Lifeweaver Life Grip speeds it up.

I love Ana’s kit of Biotic Grenade and Sleep dart and she is very fun to play, but i feel it is such a drag to get her back into the fight when she happens to die because she has no movement abilities or anything. Considering how fast pace OW 2 is lately i feel she needs something, i personally would prefer vertical height to get her to good sniping positions, but that is just me the fact remains is that she needs something new.


Not while she has nade and the single longest disable on a core ability in the game.


Nope, she’s already strong.


If you give her mobility, she loses sleep or nade. Which is it?


Pharah gives her a rocket pack that lets her boost around for 3 secs like dva booster


why cant people just accept a sniper like ana shouldnt have movement abilties
she has to make alot of sacrifices to position herself in a way, if she could escape dive consistently ana would be a must pick and S tier support yet again

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Ana doesn’t have mobility… because she has infinite range…

and a 5 second long stun ability…

and a self heal that also does 48 other things I don’t feel like typing…

If you want mobility, get rid of 2 of those.


I feel you bud,

But as an ana main, (and an arabic person), ana is one of my favorite heros, I have to respecfully disagree.

Maybe its pride, but I love being able to outplay the entire roster with the kit alone, and zero mobility. Especially in a game where mobility is king.

Lorewise, itd probably be difficult to implement a proper mobile boost.

Whats she gonna do, ride a camel? Whip out a magic carpet? Skee n slide on an oil slick?

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it would be an interesting concept though, having higher mobility at the cost of her abilities, i do hope she gets something else as compensation

I don’t like the idea of mobility creep in this game. Actually, I don’t understand the fascination with mobility in games at all. People will act like mobility is the most important thing, and you have whole characters dedicated to it like Tracer, Ball and what not.

Back on topic though, is it really smart to just add more and more mobility after we removed stuns? The game already feels cumbersome to play when Tracer’s buzzing around and people say “lol, just shoot the rapidly moving object that was designed to dodge your bullets. Just shoot her!”.

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I am by no means saying i am a good Ana player (especially since i am terrible with close combat sleep dart) and i agree with everything you said, im just saying with all the new heroes, supports, and snipers have movement abilities in some capacity i just dont get why we cant do same thing for ana. Heck i would take just slightly faster running like Tracer and Genji have just so she gets backs into fights quicker

It’s because mobility = higher skill floor and higher skill ceiling, in most cases. Makes the heroes feel more rewarding to play and improves the feel of the game knowing it’s actual good players, finding value out of harder things.

Powercreep is way too rampant. We need nerfs for like literally everything in the game, not buffs.

More nerfs, less buffs

A ledge grab is the most she could possibly deserve.
Her myriad of other strengths really don’t justify anything more.


i actually like this idea allow her to climb up small ledges and snipe from them give her some height as a sniper, but not too high to accomdate her extensive kit

If they take the Mirrorwatch nade and leap to live together it would be a good combo. Your nerfing the anti-nade to a heal reduction, and giving her a slight bit of mobility in response to the nerf. And with Anti-nade finally nerfed they can start looking at the issues with self sustain tanks.

I think the mobility = skill stuff is overrated talk. Just like the aim = skill talk. I agree that mastering high mobility characters is A sign of skill, but I’m sure people will hate Overwatch more if its contorted to be some reject version of Lawbreakers.

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Well yea ofc if it’s ONLY mobility in the game it’ll be bad. But mobility = skill… definitely seems to hold up when you look at the hardest heroes in the game to play.

This mini event probably has ana players going “Man, my hero is so much better when they have absolutely NO downsides!”


To much mobility just leads to the hitbox changes we just got, so if they do give her something keep it small. A grandma speed wall-climb so she can reposition between fights or get to high ground easier before one. Or the bunny hop in the current mirrorwatch so you have something to use after you wiff your sleep dart when getting dove.